Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires


Translated from Sanskrit, the word "mandala" is translated as "circle" or "circle". This form carries a deep symbolism and sacred value. On the one hand, the circle can mean full self-reliance and loss of oneself in the material world, on the other - the desire for the ideal and connection with the cleansing forces of the Earth. Spherical images are found in all cultures, religions and philosophical exercises. It is believed that the Mandala for painting helps a person tune in to contemplation of his inner world, as well as solve problems in the field of health, well-being and even love. Commissioning for the creation of mandala - namely, its coloring is regarded - a person is immersed in the study of his own "I" and around the world.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

What are the mandalas

The geometric matrix, which is a mandala, depending on the drawing contains different information in itself. In a sense, it can be compared with prayer or meditation. The mandala pattern is designed in such a way that all parts of the ornament are symmetrical to each other and closed on themselves. Buddhist and Hindu monks equate images of the mandala to objects of worship, so painting is a separate ritual.

Accumulating positive human energy, various patterns of mandala helps those who create them and paint on a thin level to know and solve their problems - both spiritual and material. To attract a financial condition, there is a monetary mandala.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

It is assumed that such a drawing, let and filled with endless sacred meaning, will make money appear straight out of the air - meaningless. As a thin tool, the mandala for attracting wealth works somewhat differently. It opens up the so-called "money channel", namely, relieves the creative energy of a person who can create ideas responsible for enthusiasm, positive thinking and focus on success. In addition, the monetary mandala reveals the talent present in humans. Thus, even for children, painting this mandala will be a useful occupation.

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Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

For each sphere of life there is its own mandala, and mandalas for love and happiness are very often claimed. Such a circle harmonizes Yin and Yang energy, and it is used not only for searching for his destiny, but also to improve existing relationships. A feature of the pattern of such "frozen prayer" is a combination of smooth lines, circles and sharp corners, zigzags and triangles. Accordingly, the circles mean the feminine, sharp corners and triangles are male. Images of colors may also be present in the love mandala, which symbolically expresses unity and tenderness.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Using the mandalas for energy flow control, the meditator can correct their own health.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

The healing properties of such mandala were checked for many hundreds of years. Naturally, the coloring of the medical pattern will not replace the help of a qualified physician, but the doctor turns to the body, and the mandala - to the spiritual energy of man.

About the diversity of health mandala indicates that there are special mandalas for each patient organ, as well as from insomnia and apathy.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

The ritual of "frozen prayer"

The real mandalas depicted by monks are a very crowded process: all patterns are created using colored sand on a flat surface. In other cases, the mandala can be painted with pencils, handles, wovers or paints. No means and tools are important to create a sacred pattern, but the laid meaning. This helps the color designation of the pattern elements. The most popular colors selected for the mandala - red, green, blue and yellow. But in fact, the color palette is not limited.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandalas are made to draw and paint after short meditation and in complete silence. Someone is limited to four colors, but most often there are no such restrictions. The choice of color is not regulated, each person chooses shades, the most pleasant and close to him. The red color is usually chosen for cash and love mandalas, in Blue paint those who seek to join the flow of life. Yellow color symbolizes joy, fulfillment of desires and well-being. Mystical and ambiguous colors are black and blue. Salad, lilac and purple colors talk about an unstable, weak energy field of the meditating.

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Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Fill the drawing better from the center to the periphery - so less likely to spoil it or stain in the process. Strict Rules for Coloring Mandala does not exist, but to get the desired effect, it is necessary to concentrate its thoughts while working on the pattern. Such a journey deep into myself will help to find answers to the questions you are interested in and finding harmony with you and the world.

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Mandala for coloring: the product for execution of desires

Video on the topic

This article presents video devoted to coloring mandala.

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