Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video


On the Internet there are a lot of ways to make caskets. They can be created from wood, cardboard, beads, plywood. But it is too launched, so in this article we will try to make a casket from a little unusual material for an ordinary person - from the bobbin from Scotch. This method is very simple and interesting. Therefore, let's get more likely to consider the process of creating a bobbin box from Scotch.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Simple and understandable

The manufacture of this type of box is very fast and simple, which you make sure after getting acquainted with this master class.

It will take empty bobbin 5 cm high from the tape, corrugated cardboard, two sheets of paper for scrapbooking 30 * 30 m, curly hole punch, PVA, double-sided tape. You can also use felt and lace for the future decoration of the box.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

First of all, we draw a couple of circles on a thick cardboard. Then you need to cut four circles from scrapbook.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

One pair of circles will serve the bottom, and the second is the lid.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Cut out on the scrapbook a couple of long rectangles, the length of which is equal to the size of the outer and inner circle of the bobbin from the tape. It is also worth making a small supply for height. You can make small cuts on the entire length of the strip.

To glue scrapbook on the bobbin from the tape is needed on the inner side, then on the front. It is best to make a box on a bobbin from bilateral scotch.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Take one mug of white scrapbooks and get it on one part that was intended for the bottom. Then it is necessary to glue the bottom to the bobbin from the tape. Consists that remained like a height allowance, it is worth sticking to the bottom from the outside. Top is to put the circle of beautiful colorful paper.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Now it is worth making the lid for our box. In this article we will provide you with two ideas.

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Interesting ideas

Take a circle of corrugated cardboard, glue to it on both sides of the paper circle. One of them must be carved with a small margin. Make it as shown in the photo. Next, you need to cut the length of the circumference of the cover, the height of which is equal to the pair, see any of the edges you need to handle holes or cut on your own. Put the circle on the box and stick to it a paper strip. Thanks to this method, the lid will firmly fit to the main billet box.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

For this method, the first step needs to cut off the strip from the bobbin, the height of which is 0.5 cm. It is this strip to serve as the basis for the cover. To the top and on the side parts you need to glue a beautiful decorative cardboard. Lace can be glued on the side parts.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Decorating the product

In this article, we offer you examples of materials that can be reapged by the obtained casket.

For example, paper. From this material you can make flowers or appliqué.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Buses and beads can serve as the second decoration material.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

You can also use any kind of fabric for the decor of the Bobbin Caskets from Scotch.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

Another material for the decor can serve as satin or other types of tapes.

Basket made of bobbin from Scotch: Master class with photos and video

You can also reorganize the casket with twine, bulk figures of various animals, colors, figurines made of polymer clay, or metal suspensions.

Video on the topic

Look at the selection of video on creating a box of bobbin from a tape with your own hands.

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