Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae


The replacement of locks in a metal door in order to enhance security or when they are out of fail. Repair of locks in the door will require a thorough compliance with the instructions.

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Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

Often there are situations when you need to change the castle. This may be associated with many cases that are not even associated with the physical breakdown of the mechanism. But what if you need to replace locks in a metal door? Contact specialists or still you can do work with your own hands, at the most convenient time?

Urgently change the castle in the metal door, it is necessary for the following reasons:

  • shift door leaf;
  • physical failure;
  • the need to strengthen security measures; The easiest way to do it is to change the castle in the metal door;
  • They disappeared, most of the keys sets are stolen or physically destroyed, and it is impossible to make duplicates;
  • I had to resort to hacking iron door for one reason or another;
  • The mechanism was damaged as a result of the actions of attackers or rescue services;

    Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

    Installing a locking device

  • change of constipation due to the sale of the apartment and the lack of keys for the new owner;
  • The mechanics of the iron entrance group is old and worn, works with failures;
  • Fitting as a result of improper operation or inappropriate temperature conditions.

The list may be continued, however, it becomes clear that it urgently replaced the lock in the metal door - a fairly frequent need. Consider several typical situations with which you can encounter. Briefly give recommendations, how to make the iron door work with your own hands.

Design solution

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae


The castle in the iron doors is installed in a workshop, and change it hard. For him, a special pocket is made or a separate landing site. Mounting the door mechanism is produced by "hugging", that is, the places for screws, retaliatory fasteners for screwing and other mounting points are developed for a specific model.

Most often the situation occurs when changing the type of door lock is difficult or changing the model is impossible. In this case, the output is one - to repair the mechanism or use exactly the same model. Repair, depending on the type, can be produced independently. For example, cylinder mechanisms allow dismantling. Change of part of the mechanism or repair of the larvae is available. Some "hybrid" systems with the keys of the Suwald type are equipped with a kind of "corridor of access" - a system based on the preliminary work of the larvae. Usually this part is also dismantled and can be repaired or change it entirely.

Let's start with the most complex type - repair of the door leaf equipped with a suvalden block. The change of the mechanism of this type provides a mandatory disassembly. It will be necessary to get to the block of constipation to change it entirely. However, responsible manufacturers are suitable for creating door models with mind, and some products provide for repair without removing one of the surfaces of the canvas. You can change the lock by simply pulling it through the mounting opening.

  1. Repair begins with full opening and nomination of riglels.
  2. The key is removed from the well.
  3. Next, you need to remove all overhead items. Consistently removed:

    Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

  • a pen;
  • overlay-armoflastic;
  • bolt;
  • If there are other linings - they are also deleted.
  1. Usually the inlet door lock is attached to several screws. The mechanism unit is fastened with 4 points and two more bolts are twisted from the end. To change the block, unscrew them all and remove the lock.

Here is immediately visible the first barrier in the form of the location of the attachment points. The best way to overcome such an obstacle will be a trip to the store with an old castle and choosing a model that allows the installation to the same place, with a similar location of fixing connections. If such a step is impossible, the change of the lock becomes complicated - it will be necessary to drill new holes yourself.

Another requirement for the Suwald type door lock is a similar number of the previous model. The number and location of the riglels. Otherwise, the repair will be delayed for a long time, you will have to expand the seats or do new ones.

Repair of the cylinder door lock in most cases comes down to replacing the larvae. This is a detail that most often fails and does not allow the normal use of the input iron construction. To extract the larva, you need to do the following:

  • We get access to the end of the mechanism.
  • Open the input lock with the key, leave the key in the larvae drum.
  • We unscrew the lock bar located on the end of the front door.
  • After that, close the mechanism to remove the locks of the castle and access the larvae lock.
  • We unscrew the screw, which keeps the item requiring repair. It is usually located in the end of the castle or in the center of the language.

    Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae


  • After that, you can start removing the larvae. To do this, it is necessary to choose the position of the key, usually it is within 40 degrees of turn on the arc. The item is simply pulling out.

The reverse procedure for installing a new larvae is similar. All actions are made in reverse sequence.

We reviewed typical cases of castle replacement on the entrance door. It should be remembered that if you decide to change the lock in a metal door, you need to work at no hurry and thoroughly analyzing every step. For example, during the replacement of the castle larva, which is already working poorly, you can finally damage the mechanism. You will have to drill a drum, remove a damaged part by knocking out or breaking with a chisel, and then - open the lock with a special launder. Or cut a piece of steel sheet. Therefore, make any repairs carefully and slowly.

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae

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Replacing locks in a metal door: urgent change of larvae


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