Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video


The choice of gift often depends on the preferences being beloved. Hobbies and professions of people are different, so the amount of souvenir products every year is only increasing. If there was a need to present a surprise within the framework of the maritime subject, then there is nothing better than surprising a person, making the ship's helfer with her own hands for him.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

Such a naval attribute looks most effectively if the material unexpected for it is performed. In order to please a loved one and improve his mood with his gift, you can use as the main material for the manufacture of screwdrived chocolate of different types.

How to make such a souvenir, demonstrates a master class with step-by-step photos.

Steering wheel for swelling

The execution of the helm of the spum does not require special skills and the use of complex materials.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

In the paper it will take:

  1. Cardboard;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Glue;
  4. Stapler;
  5. Corrugated paper;
  6. Double sided tape;
  7. Candy.

Two circles are planned on the cardboard, one of which should be 5-6 times more than the other. The size of the greater circle depends on how the diameter the steering wheel is preferable in the end.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

In a large circle, a circle is postponed by a radius by 5-7 cm less. Circles are cut out of cardboard, in a double instance each. In a large circle, a hole is cut down along the lines of the previous circumference. As a result, two rings and two small circles should be turned out.

Separately cut four cardboard strips, the length of which should exceed the ring diameter.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

All items are placed by color corrugated paper.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

Four bands are put on the cross method on each other and in the center are fixed by the stapler. The finished "fan" is invested among the two large rings. Details are fastened with each other.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

In the center from two sides, small circles are fixed with a stapler. A pieces of bilateral tape are glued on the cooked candy on the back side.

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Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

If candy candies assume the presence of "tails", the latter are bend back and hide under tape.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

With the help of the second adhesive side, the tape candy is fixed on the diameter of the ring and in the center of the steering wheel. Delicious gift is ready!

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

It is not necessary to use only small round candy in the work.

If you increase the diameter of the steering wheel, then long oblong candy and massive chocolate bars can be decorated, and massive chocolate bars, which can be placed along cross lines - handles of the helm.

Master who can create culinary masterpieces in the form of a different kind of cakes can go further and fulfill a miniature sweet ship.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

At the same time, the vessel itself will be directly biscuit with the desired stuffing, and all the small details of the ship are quite realistic to form from a mastic of different colors. The only thing that needs to be taken into account in the preparation of a sweet souvenir is its short storage. Therefore, it is desirable to make the creation of a masterpiece a day before the celebration.

Crafts in the interior

The steering wheel is applicable as a decorative element in the interior of the apartment.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

If you want to add the room, in the style of which the marine themes are visible, cute little things, then a small steering wheel from coffee beans will harmoniously fit into space. Topiary is convenient to arrange in a flower pot, where the steering wheel itself is performed using cardboard and glue, and then fasten it on a suitable wooden stick.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

In addition, the presence of a small candle in the coffee composition will turn the decorative exhibit into an aromatic lamp that fills the house with aroma of coffee. A wooden steering wheel can serve as a stylish mirror framing, be a wall clock, a massive chandelier, either be a game element in the children's room.

In the latter case, the product is most convenient to cut out of plywood so that it is not too cumbersome. Work includes all the same details as when drawing up the helm of chocolates.

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It follows only at the final stage to color it with bright colors, and after drying to cover with a transparent varnish.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

In order, the steering wheel could rotate, as a real, it is desirable to fix it in a sustainable pedestal. The decorative product in the marine style will be able to decorate not only a residential premises, but also a household plot or a playground.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

True, its use in the open space involves the use of the material more resistant to the external environment. For example, the steering wheel made of wood, covered with varnish, will delight the eye for a long time.

Such a wheel can be arranged a wooden well or use it in the compilation of complex flower compositions.

Circuit helfer with your own hands from coffee beans: master class with video

Regardless of which material is made of decorative steering wheel for the ship, it can be found many applications. It all depends only on the fantasy and skillful hands of masters.

Video on the topic

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