Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos


Maslenitsa is one of the large-scale festivities that were celebrated in Russia. It lasts this celebration according to traditions for a whole week, accompanied by hikes to close and relatives for the feast of pancakes, and at the end of this week, for forgiveness Sunday, it was accepted on the square to burn scarecrow as a farewell symbol with winter. In our times, these traditions are also preserved, the truth is not at such a scale. If still interested in maintaining this tradition fully, we offer you several options for the stuffed carnival, the crafts look very impressive.

Before proceeding with work, determine what your craft will be. Do you plan to decorate your interior for a week to decorate your interior and then throw it out, or burn on all traditions, and maybe you want to make a doll that will be a talisman for the whole year? If you choose the first option, then when choosing a material, you can not bother hard and dwell on what is not sorry. If you dream about the talisman, which stored your home, then there would be to try. Consider both options.

Choose the most relevant

The in demand is considered to be a straw doll, since it was precisely such a time in distant times, but, unfortunately, the residents of the metropolis are very difficult to find this material, so you can resort to such a material as rocked or ordinary broom.

So, we will need:

  • straw (urine or broom) 20 cm long;
  • Thick woolen threads (white and red);
  • A little cloth for making clothes (this is not necessary).

If you make a broom, then first of all it is worth disassembling a broom on twigs. Tolstar twists will not be needed, choose thin and soft.

We take a bundle of straw and bend in half, form your head with a thread. For hands, we take some more straw, on the edges we are tied up with threads, imitating the brushes of the hands, and tie to the torso with the help of threads. If you want to add a little fantasy, then you can weave your hands with a pigtail. In principle, at this stage you can already stop, and you should have such a doll:

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Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

If you want to make it more realistic, then you can sew a dress and handkerchings from the flasks of the fabric, and on a square white flask paint paints, paint and cover our head stuffed.

Properly selected outfit - and it is such a doll that can become a real mascot for you for the whole year.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

You can make a scarecrow on the carnival and paper or napkins, options are set forth in the photo.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Such crafts will be appropriate to school or kindergartens, besides, a child can be attracted to its manufacture. It will be a great way to spend time with a child fun and with benefit.

The charming grandmothers will serve as an excellent decoration of the table on Carnival:

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

If you want to spend this holiday in compliance with all traditions and for a farewell Sunday burn the scarecrow, then we suggest you see the master class for the manufacture of this stuffed.

All by tradition

We need:

  • broom;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Kapron tights;
  • Old pillow or sintepon;
  • paints;
  • satin ribbon.

To begin with, we wake a wooden stick through a broom handle, so we make hands to our chound. I cut off a little bit from the broom of the rods, we bind to our stick, so imitating the hand of hands.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

We disassemble the old pillow, we will need her filler. We form from it the ball and we are tightening by kapron tights, fix the nodes from both sides so that there are enough long free ends.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

From one edge, the kapron ends cut into several parts, it will be bangs at our head.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Next we make our beauty braid. We sew two pairs of a pantyhot, fill them with the remnants of a synthet board and gossip among themselves into the braid, not forgetting to add a satin ribbon. The finished spit is sewn to the head.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

With the help of acrylic paints, we draw eyes, lips, blush.

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Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

From pillowcase or any cut sliced ​​fabric with clothes.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

Now it remains to collect our doll. The head is inhabited to the free edge of the broom, we wear handkerchiefs and ready.

Scarecrow Carnival: crafts from straw and paper with photos and videos

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