Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters


Based on historical data, more than 5 millennia ago, the gazebos served as a favorite holiday destination Egyptian nobility and decorated their gardens. To this day, they remain indispensable summer attributes, which are not just lungs with a vestion of a building for recreation, protecting a person from the sun, wind and rain, and each of them is a miniature architectural masterpiece.

Moreover, the options for gazebo for giving are so diverse that the owner of the site, even with the most sophisticated taste, easily selects the optimal modification, especially, now there is a huge selection of materials for their manufacture.

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Construction with rustic patterns.

Such structures differ not only by material and form material, and still manufactured in all sorts of style solutions, have various design features, so if the model is chosen correctly, then such a structure will become the main decoration of the country site, giving it a warm and cozy atmosphere. So, what are the options for garden gazebs used in the country exist today?

Types of gazebo on manufacturing material and constructive features

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Open tent construction.

First of all, the arbors are divided into open and closed structures. Accordingly, the options for building a gazeboo and directly the device itself of a particular model differ.

For example, the first are kept on the supports and or not at all have walls, or they are made in the form of lattices, railings, so open gazebos are considered easier structures. As a rule, they are used in the warm season, since their inner part is protected from atmospheric phenomena only canopy.

The latter, on the contrary, can be used in windy and rainy weather, since their inner space is protected as inlets and deaf walls (often from glass) located on all sides and capital roofs. Often, in closed arbors, a fireflow is installed, which warms the room, thereby allowing it to be in it even in winter strule.


The price of a closed gazebo will cost an order of magnitude higher, since it will take more material and physical costs, and time.

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo half-closed design.

In addition, there are types of arbors, in which the walls can be made removable, which will allow you to enjoy the fresh air in the summer, and in the winter it is not to freeze.

There are also semi-closed structures in which some sides are closed with deaf walls, and others are not. We dealt with these nuances, and now let's look at what the most common options for country gazebo do and what else are they.

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"Live" arbor

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo "Live" Arbor.

If in the country area it is necessary to make an inexpensive version of the arbor, which is as close as possible by nature to nature, then the so-called "living" structure will be the best solution. It can be made using a landing around the perimeter of the structure and further laying on the metal frame of such curly plants like hops, grapes, honeysuckle, ivy, Clematis.

In other words, there will be no particularly expensive material. In addition, any adult man can create such versions of the gazebo. However, it should be noted that such structures can only be used in the warm season, and at least no special resources for them need to create a lot of time.


From what material was not performed a gazebo, it can be given any form: polygonal, square, round, rectangular, cone-shaped, and so on.

Articles on the topic:

  • How to make a gazebo do it yourself - budget option
  • Closed arbors
  • Worn gazebo

Designs of wood

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Construction of rounded wood.

These options for garden gazebos are perhaps the most popular and traditional buildings around the world, as a tree as nothing else combines with any landscape, it is most environmentally friendly and looks very attractive. In addition, this material is easy to process, so creating a structure from it with your own hands, even with minimal construction skills, will not be much difficulty.

Moreover, if you choose such types of lumber such as a profiled timber or a rounded log, then the gazebo can be collected by the design of the designer. Yes, and serve such buildings with proper care for more than 30 years. Of course, if the material is purchased in the untreated form, an antiseptic solution is necessarily applied to all components of such a design.

These structures can be built both in a closed variation and open. In addition, we can make a frame arbor from the tree and to strip it with any modern material, for example siding, thereby achieving the style of modern.

But mainly from the tree will stop gazes in the rustic style, as it best creates the atmosphere of home comfort. In short, wood is such a material with which you can fantasize endless, as it is harmoniously combined with almost all existing construction resources.

Forged structures

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Wrought design.

Forged gazebos will attract the gaze of beauty, delight and uniqueness. Each such product is made with an exclusive pattern of a metal bar, so the owner of the site can be sure that he will not meet any analogues anywhere else. Of course, a wrought arbor with your own hands, in the absence of a certain skill, it will not be possible, and will have to create a master to create it.

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At the same time, it is not necessary to hope that the price of a quality forged product will not be inexpensive, as any specialist all the details and patterns do manually. In other words, the manufacture of such structures relates more to art than to architectural architecture.

However, the high cost is fully compensated by a long service life of such a design, as well as its beauty. An important advantage of such arbors is that they are combined with any area design.


Forged products are intended for use only in the warm season, since if they are shepherd by any material, then all their beauty and the meaning of the creation as a whole will be lost.

Designs with a hearth

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo of a stone structure with a hearth (the fences are made of metal).

Such gazebos resemble garden houses either with a barbecue, or with a barbecue, or with a whole complex for cooking devices. Depending on the design and design data of the arbor, the hearth can be placed both inside the design and next to it.

The construction of this type itself can be made directly from any material. The main thing is that the work area will be protected by refractory brick, stone or other similar materials that are not afraid of fire. Better when a gazebo of this type is made of brick or stone.

Arbors with a hearth can be both closed and open. In the first types, it will be necessary to make the right extract and additional ventilation holes.

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo of barbecue installed inside a wooden design.

The main distinguishing feature of such structures is that they are covered by capital, due to which rest in them becomes much more comfortable. This is an excellent option for those who like to spend time in the fresh air in a friendly company for a tasty tail.

Gazebo in the form of a fungus made of girlfriend

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo of a gazebo mushroom.

Perhaps this is the most budget version of the arbor from all existing, since this construction can be made with your own hands from almost any old tree. It is also possible to use all sorts of foolish material, such as the same branches from wood, board or reed.

Under the shadow of such a mini-gazebo, you can build a table and bench from chumbans and transverse cutting wood. The main advantage of this design is simplicity, rapid production and, of course, the absence of any costs.

Arbors made of metal profile and polycarbonate

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photos of dacha facilities made of metal profile and polycarbonate.

Such arbors are frame structures where the metal profile serves as a material for creating a base, and polycarbonate coating. It is easy and fast erected structures that can have both the traditional shape and the most unusual. The latter version includes dome-shaped round buildings.

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In polycarbonate arbors, light, cozy and comfortable. In addition, they serve for a long time and can be installed on any foundation. In short, this option is perfect for lovers of modernity and originality.

Types of gazebo

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Eastern gazebo.

Of course, all existing styles of arbors are impossible to list, but if you know the main and when creating a project, it is focused on them, it will greatly facilitate the task of the owner of the country area.

These include the following design solutions:

  1. East style. Buildings in such a variation are captivated by their dome roofs, which, as a rule, have the most bizarre forms. These oriental structures are decorated with intricate eastern patterns and ornaments, various decor elements in the same style. If you look at such a gazebo, then fabulous images from the eastern fairy tales as Aladdin, Jean and the carpet of the plane will unwittingly pop up. Also, the buildings of this style include minimalist gazebos, which resemble Japanese houses or Chinese pagodas.
  2. Classic style. Arbors in this decision have a restrained strict and elegant design. The brightness of paints and various decorative excesses in this image are not acceptable. Classic structures have, as a rule, either rectangular or polygonal shape. They are created with simple roof and with clear proportional outlines.

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Photo of a closed facility in a classic style from a profiled timber.

  1. Forest style. Designs in this image are the most close to nature, since they are made from all kinds of vegetation. As a rule, such structures that are manufactured only with their own hands can resemble either natural natural objects, or fabulous forest houses. For example, it can be a structure in the form of a socket, a hut or a shala.

Options Arbor: Classification by various parameters

Forest construction.

  1. Country style. Such an image of the arbor is able to give the site a home and warm atmosphere. As a rule, these structures are performed only from wood in the form of log cabins or village houses, which are often decorated with carved folk patterns.


When choosing an image of the arbor, you should navigate, first of all, on the landscape of the site, as well as on the main country structure.


Finally, it should be noted that directly the roofing material is also capable of giving your individual image, so if it is elected, it is necessary to imagine whether it will be harmonized from the structures itself. Check out the video in this article, and you will clearly see how you commemorated some beautiful gazebos.

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