Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo


Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

Not every summer house has its own house located near any reservoir, where you can relax after physical work and enjoy on a hot day with a cool watch. Most often have to go by car to the nearest river, and some prefer to build their own pool on their own dacha. His construction has many advantages.

Warm Sanding water is used to water the garden and flower beds Also, such a reservoir is excellent entertainment not only for children, but also for the whole family. There are different types of country pools, which will be presented in the article. So how to build a pool with your own hands?

  • 2 Pool options from the finished bowl
    • 2.1 Fiberglass pool
    • 2.2 Polypropylene pool
  • 3 Pool options with a bowl made with your own hands
    • 3.1 Pool of polystyrene foam blocks
    • 3.2 Steel Sheet Pool
  • Choosing a place

    The construction of the pools with their own hands depicted in the photo begins with the fact that The perfect place is selected for their placement. . Be sure to take into account the following points:

    • Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

      Wonderful if the selected place will consist of clay soil, which in the event of a waterproofing breakage can suspend water leakage.

    • The place must have a natural scope of the soil. In this case, it will be easier to carry out work on the digging of the pit and you can immediately determine where it is better to put the drain system.
    • Near the future pool should not grow high trees, the root system of which can feel the vicinity of moisture and starts reaching the walls of the structure. As a result, it can be easily damaged by waterproofing. Trees such as Topol, Iva, Chestnut are the greatest danger. Therefore, if trees grow in the selected place, they should be eliminated in advance so that it is subsequently not to restore the damaged design.
    • It is undesirable that in the chosen area they grew up and low trees, the leaves of which will constantly fall into the bowl, and during flowering the pollen, the pollen will make it yellow.
    • You should pay attention to the way the wind blows in the country area. The pool should be placed in such a way that the air movement is along the bowl. In this case, the garbage and dirt will begin to be nailed to one side, at the edges of which and the drain system should be installed.
    • The construction of the pool on the plot with your own hands should be carried out closer to the water supply to facilitate its filling.

    Pool options with finished bowl

    Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

    To date Very easy to get a reservoir for giving . You can buy an inflatable tank and install it on your site. It will be the easiest and most cheap option, but it will only bring joy to children. Adults require something more.

    If there is no desire to bother construction, You can just get a frame pool . Such a plastic design with metal tubes is quite suitable for adults, but the service life is not too long - only a few years. For the winter it must be collected and stored in a certain place, which delivers additional inconvenience.

    If a desire arose have a full stationary pool on your dacha In this case, there will be only two options: the purchase of a finished bowl or its own independent manufacture.

    Buying a finished bowl can significantly save time and strength. The construction market is represented by three types of such products.

    Fiberglass pool

    The main advantages of such a design are:

    • Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

      quick installation;

    • Resistance to the negative effects of sunlight;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • There is no need for the winter period to merge water;
    • the possibility of installing such additional equipment as a searchlight, counterchange, hydromassage;
    • Due to the lack of porosity of such material on the walls, bacteria and algae cannot form.

    Polypropylene pool

    Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

    The advantages of the polypropylene bowl are the same as in fiberglass. It is necessary to draw attention to Installing such a design involves the implementation of some concrete works..

    The construction of the pool usually begins with the fact that they begin to mark the markup of the area under the pit. To make it easier to work, the sizes are made a little more than the size of the bowl. After that, it is embarked on earthworks. The depth of the pit should be greater than the depth of the bowl of 50 cm. The extracted soil is useful for the backfill, so it is not necessary to take it.

    After the recovery will be dug, it is aligned, fall asleep with a layer of large rubble and tamper. Then Install a concrete screed . To strengthen it, the armature grid is associated with a cell. In order for the reinforcement to be located in the central part of the future screed, it is fixed at an altitude of 5 - 7 cm. After that, it is embarked on the pouring of concrete. It also needs to be focused on the size of the pool. For a small reservoir, the solution can be prepared using a concrete mixer, and for the construction of a large size it is best to order delivery ready. The bottom is poured, roll up and give a little dry.

    Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

    As soon as The concrete slab hardens, the layer of dense geotextiles is placed on it. and then - sheets of extruded polystyrene foam. Connect them between themselves with the help of construction screws or paper clips, but in such a way that the substrate is not damaged. After that, they make the installation of the pool bowl and summarize all the required communications to it.

    The walls in the rigidity edges should be insulated with high density foam, after which the holes are drilled in them and the reinforcement or steel rods are inserted there. This is done so that the bowl with the concrete screed is very firmly. Then begin to pour a concrete tie around the walls of the reservoir. It is done in stages, the thickness of one layer of concrete should not be more than 30 cm. Install formwork, reinforced and poured it with concrete. Important information! When pouring concrete, it is necessary to pour water into the pool so that the polypropylene does not argue under the weight of concrete inside.

    Work It should be continued only in a day . The formwork is raised by 30 cm, reinforced and poured concrete. At the same time, water is added to the pool. Fly back soil can be gradually, as the formwork is erected, and you can do it after the end of the fill. It remains only to reflect the surrounding area and gain water to the pool.

    Pool do-it-yourself photo.

    Pool options with a bowl made with your own hands

    You can build such a design at your dacha without a purchase bowl. In this case, it will be necessary to sneak concrete walls with your own hands, which gives the will of fantasy and you can come up with an interesting design.

    Pool of polystyrene foam blocks

    Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

    Such The material has recently become quite popular And often applied in the construction of household buildings and houses. Such popularity is explained by the fact that the blocks are easily mounted and have a small mass, and this greatly facilitates work.

    Construction begins with the fact that they start digging the pit and pour the bottom of the pool. This is done in the same way as when installing a bowl of polypropylene. After the concrete slab is ready, begin to build the walls, and if the Roman staircase is planned, it is planned to provide a special niche for it. To make it easier to work, the contours of the future reservoir are applied to the concrete.

    Then out Polystyrene foam blocks In accordance with the contours of the contours, begin to collect the pool bowl. It is done quite simply due to the small weight of the blocks and the presence of special grooves. To connect the equipment of the pool, carry out pipes. To eliminate all the enlightenments of the place of pipes, through the wall is poured by quick-drying mounting foam.

    As soon as the frame will be ready, metal rods are installed inside the blocks, which are necessary for reinforcement, and bind them to each other. Install the staircase and the basket for the skimmer. If emptiness appeared in the walls, they must be poured with concrete. After that, they carry out the backstage and finish of the homemade reservoir.

    Pool do-it-yourself photo.

    Steel Pool

    Construction of the pool in the country area with their own hands, photo

    Can Purchase ready-made sets which are used to mount such a basin. With the help of them you can quickly collect the design of any size and shape. Usually the kit consists of the following details:

    • steel sheet, whose width should be equal to the height of the structures of the structure;
    • Armature for fasteners;
    • Facing film.

    It remains only All this install After that, in the country, they begin to dig up the pit and lay the concrete "pillow". After that, fasten the bottom profile on the bottom of the design, which will be required for mounting the sheet of steel. The top profile is then installed, and the canvas fasten the vertical profile. It remains only to spread and consolidate the film, thanks to which a very beautiful finish is obtained.

    To the pool not clogged with grass, leaves and dust, many set the sliding roof or cover it with a canopy. The indoor pool on the country area is a wonderful solution, because such a canopy allows you to clean the homemade reservoir only once a year.

    In this way, Construction of the pool with your own hands - it's not too troublesome . It doesn't matter what method will be chosen for the installation of the structure, the main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and boldly begin the construction of such a reservoir on its summer cottage. And various types of pools are demonstrated in the photo.

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