How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult


How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

With such a problem as pediculosis, the absolute majority of our compatriots faced. As a rule, this disease is particularly often happening in children, although adults cannot protect against lice and GDID. The elimination of these bloodsowing insects is an important issue that has not lost its relevance so far.

It is possible to get rid of lice and the GDID, both with the help of pharmaceutical agents and using more familiar folk remedies. All of them can perfectly cope with the disease, but each substance has certain properties that need more attention to. How to withdraw the lice and GDID at home should be told in this article.

How to bring lice and gnid at home?

Nowadays, there are many parasites that a person fights throughout its existence, but it is completely unable to overcome them. Such malicious insects can be attributed to the lice.

Speaking about how to withdraw the lice and GDID at home, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the fact that it is possible to make this operation with the help of medical drugs and folk remedies. Both means can help, however, provided that all rules of use and precautions were observed.

Often there is an opinion that the people's methods in combating pediculose are not always effective, but in fact it is not at all. Our grandmothers and grandparents were taken by lice with the help of kerosene, garlic and other means, and they did it successfully. Today, each of us can take advantage of proven protection. If for some reason a person does not have the opportunity to acquire a high-quality medical drug against lice and GNID, then it is worth using the advice of our ancestors who have learned to deal with this to attack without the use of concentrated chemicals.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and gnid at home by folk remedies

Picking up the pediculosis is very simple. It is enough to come into contact with an infected person, as instantly parasites begin to spread at the speed of sound. And get rid of them is very difficult.

Over the years, our ancestors have been actively fought with Vshami, and this struggle was quite successful. Thanks to the resourcefulness and ingenuity, a lot of folk remedies appeared on the world, which is ideal for fighting parasites.

Of course, now in pharmacies sell a huge number of medical preparations, which are designed to destroy the lice and GNID. However, they often are pretty expensive, and not everyone for pocket. Therefore, many people who suffer from pediculose are struggling with parasites, resorting to the means of traditional medicine that are tested by time. Among the main components that stop the domes of lice can be called:

  • acetic acid;
  • Degtyar soap;
  • herbal infusions;
  • garlic;
  • lemon;
  • kerosene;
  • hair coloring.

Next details disassembled how to bring lice and income at home in adults.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and incoming at home vinegar

Vinegar is considered one of the most faithful means when dealing with pediculosis. Even in the modern world, where Pharmacology has reached considerable heights, based on vinegar, prepare a lot of medical drugs. However, it is worth remembering that this substance has a mass of properties, and not all of them will have a beneficial effect on the hair condition.

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In order to bring lice with the help of vinegar, it is necessary to dilute it with ordinary running water in proportion 1: 2. For the preparation of therapeutic masks, any types of acetic acid (wine, apple, alcohol, etc.) are suitable. Only this should ensure that the acid content in the substance does not exceed 9%. The use of a more concentrated tool may harm hair and will lead to the emergence of the mass of additional problems.

Acetic acid seems very eager, and with improper use, it can lead to burns. Therefore, it is necessary to pay particularly close attention to the concentration of the substance that you plan to apply on the hair.

In order to effectively get rid of the lice, you will need at least two applying vinegar on the hair. From vapor vocities, Vershi will be desoired, but nothing will come. Therefore, after applying vinegar, it will be necessary to comb hair with a special brush with small teeth to remove the remnants of the GDID.

The media of the use of vinegar use to destroy the lice can be allocated:

  • An unpleasant sharp smell that can persist within a few days;
  • lack of ovicidal action on the nis
  • Excess the concentration of acetic acid can lead to hair loss and cutting the scalp.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and incoming at home kerosene

Despite the many shortcomings, Kerosene continues to be one of the most popular funds in the fight against lies. And even though, in our time, this method of combating parasites is considered obsolete, the effectiveness of its use is still at a fairly high level.

Important! For lice and their larvae kerosene is a deadly substance that poisoned parasites.

Experts assure that Kerosene affects parasites with a complex method:

  • The smell scares insects;
  • Kerosin weakens the attachment of the emergency to the hair;
  • Kerosin poisoning adult lice and their larvae.

Kerosene is considered an aggressive substance that, with incorrect concentration, can lead to problems, in particular to serious burns and chemical poisoning in pairs. Therefore, it is impossible to use pure kerosene in any case. For this procedure, it is better to use technical or lighting kerosene. These varieties are less aggressive and there are a variety of supplements that level the risk of matter.

Kerosin must be applied to the hair as carefully in order not to use the scalp. Apply the substance is necessary on dry hair, after which it is necessary to wait with a head-covered head. In order to minimize the negative points of the application of kerosene, it is mixed with other substances before applying it, in particular:

  • with shampoo;
  • with olive oil;
  • With honey and hot water.

Important! The number of kerosene must be small, otherwise a person risks at all without hair.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and incoming at home tar soap

Degtyar soap seems one of the most economical ways to combat insects. In addition, it is also one of the safest methods. However, it will have to apply it for a fairly long period.

Soap efficiency is due to a combination of several components:

  • Birch tar;
  • Alkaline environment;
  • Phenolic substances.

In addition, the soap often includes antiseptic components that help consolidate the positive effect of the use of the means.

Features of the procedure for dealing with parasites using the Degtyar Soap:

  • It must be applied to the hair with a thick composition and wait for about 30 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure is necessary every day within 10-14 days;
  • After washing the soap with water, you need to wash your head once again with a simple shampoo. It is necessary in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor;
  • After each procedure, it is necessary to comb hair with a special comb with small cloth to remove insects and their larvae;
  • After treating the hair, it is advisable to apply healing ointments that will help minimize the uncomfortable sensations from itching.

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How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to withdraw lice and GDID at home garlic or lemon

Another effective way to destroy parasites is garlic and lemon. When using garlic as a mechanism to combat lush, it is necessary to remember that it must be diluted with other components. Most often garlic pressure and mixed with olive oil in proportion with a small amount of red bow juice.

The resulting substance must be applied to the hair and do not wash off within 2 hours. After the deadline, it will be necessary to wash off the hair with warm water and shampoo, make itching lice and nnid with special comb. It is worth noting that this mask will dry not only the hair, but also the skin of the head, so at the end of the procedure it will be necessary to take advantage of moisturizing means or ordinary olive oil.

As for Lemon, it contains more acid that the lice is not tolerated. For skin cover, the abundance of acid is also not a positive point, so clean lemon juice is better not to use. Lemon juice is diluted with ordinary water, heated and only then apply for hair for 1-2 hours.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and income at home with hair coloring

The process of hair coloring is the most radical way to get rid of lice and their larvae. Most often women enjoy this method, since the appearance of lice on long hair can seriously complicate the fight against parasites.

Any paint for hair necessarily includes hydrogen peroxide, which in concentrated form is contained in the coloring substance. In addition to it, there are softening components in the paint that protect the scalp from possible damage.

It is worth noting that after the paint has been applied, it takes some time to look like a package on the head. After that, the paint should be washed off with warm water using shampoo, dry hair and remove the remnants of lice and their larvae with a special brush with small teeth.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to withdraw lice and gnid at home herbs

Speaking about how to bring lice and income at home by folk remedies, it is impossible to bypass the use of medicinal plants. There are many plants on our planet, thanks to which you can effectively deal with parasites. Next, some are considered the most popular of them.

  1. Tansy. This unpretentious plant can be seen almost on each lawn. The main advantage of using this plant is its medicinal properties. In addition to the destruction of the lice, the decoction of dried flowers of the Pijmas will help cure the wounds on the skin, will strengthen the roots of the hair and give them shine. In parallel, a person will get rid of problems with the wrong functioning of the sebaceous glands and will forget about such a problem as dandruff.
  2. Parsley. This spicy plant will also help get rid of bloodsowing parasites. Parsley can be used in any form, both seeds and leaves. If you take the seeds of parsley, then you need to make a decoction of them, which should be applied daily to getting rid of the problem. If you use the leaves and trunks of this plant, then they need to grind them and then mix with a fat base (butter, margarine or vaseline) and apply the resulting substance to the hair.
  3. Larkspur. A decoction based on this plant will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of pediculosis. Unlike other plants, the bellyness acts more quickly, especially in combination with lemon juice or orange. It is worth noting that before applying a scaper on the hair, it must be insteaded for 6 hours in a cool and dark place.
  4. Angelica. This plant has painful and antibacterial properties. That is why the use of brazier from the man will help not only get rid of parasites, but effectively and quickly will cure damaged skin.
  5. Mint and pomegranate juice. This tool is perfect for children. It does not cause allergies, and perfectly copes with the lies and their larvae, in parallel cooling the skin of the head and contributing to a faster healing of the wound.

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This is a little of the most effective means of combating parasites, which are based on natural vegetable essential oils.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and income at home in a child

Pediculosis is a rather large problem that can arise from any person during his life. Of course, most often, children suffer from this incomprehensible disease who pick up lice in kindergartens, sports sections, pools, etc. And if adults are not worth withdrawing anything, then in the case of children it is necessary to be extremely attentive.

Immediately it is worth noting that in order to bring lice and GDID at home in a child, it is necessary to abandon poisonous plants and chemicals, as well as substances with an increased acid content. Therefore, the use of vinegar, lemon and kerosene is undesirable.

Of course, no one forbids them to use them, however, in the case of children, the concentration of the substance needs to be significantly reduced, and these funds have to be diluted with plenty of water, which may affect the effectiveness of the means.

Therefore, vegetable components are best for the treatment of pediculosis in children. This is a decoction of mint and pomegranate juice, a terrious soap, St. John's wort and Pijm. They will not bring any unpleasant consequences for the child, and therefore their use is considered the most optimal.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

How to bring lice and income at home by pharmaceutical agents

Pharmacology does not stand still, and every day the number of effective drugs against pediculosis increases. However, not all of them have a desirable action quickly, and therefore will have to alternate them with folk remedies.

Currently, pharmaceutical agents against pediculosis are the following types.

  1. Chemer water. This tool is considered effective for the destruction of adults, but it is absolutely powerless against the GDID. Therefore, for complete recovery, it will have to combine this tool with cream from lice or folk remedies.
  2. Shampoos. Now there are several varieties of lice shampoos, but Pedeline, parasidosis and parenchics have proven itself most effectively. To combat pediculosis, it is necessary to apply these substances on the hair and wait for about 30 minutes, after which the substance should be washed with warm water.
  3. Cream of lice. Nix and Nittiofi are considered the most popular creams from parasites. It is necessary to apply these funds to clean dry hair, after which it is necessary to wait during 20-30 minutes so that the cream is absorbed into the hair cover and began to act. Only after that it can be washed. Not excess in combination with cream will also be the use of acetic solution and combs.
  4. Spray and aerosols. These are the most popular pharmaceutical agents against pediculosis. Often, they consist of natural essential oils and vegetable components, therefore absolutely harmless to humans. However, it is worth noting that it is necessary to use them several times a day, and their effectiveness is significantly lower than that of creams and shampoos. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the use of spray with folk remedies or other pharmacy products. So get rid of the lice and their larvae will succeed at times faster.

How to bring lice and gnid at home in a child and adult

Video how to bring lice and incoming at home in adults

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