High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose


Cast marble soul pallet

Deciding to buy a soul tray, many buyers think about what material it is best to order it. So, if you want to acquire an interesting model with excellent performance properties, consider purchasing a cast marble variation. Combining the perfect geometry and diversity of color solutions, it is able to integrate in almost any design project of the bathroom. How to choose how to choose a model for the bathroom, and what criteria should be relying - learn more from our article that we have prepared specifically for you! Choose pallets from cast marble on the site https://www.kupatika.ru/.

Table of contents:

  1. What is cast marble
  2. The size
  3. The form
  4. Conclusion

What is cast marble

Cast marble is an environmentally friendly material created on the basis of marble crumbs or quartz sand with special binding compositions and various dyes. It is distinguished by a magnificent appearance, the presence of an additional protective layer of gelcoat, as well as an average coefficient of fragility. The material is subject to the formation of chips and cracks, which may occur if there is a strong exposure from the outside. Like any other type of raw materials, injection marble has its advantages and disadvantages that we noted below!

[+] Hygienicity. Models have an ideal-smooth surface on which bacteria do not accumulate.

[+] Mechanical stability. The surface has sufficiently good stability.

[+] A wide range of shapes and sizes. Each manufacturer provides a variety of forms and sizes, from which there is always something to choose.

[+] Low thermal conductivity. Variations have specifications identical to the models from acrylic.

[+] Excellent noise reduction. Perfectly suppress noise, which is characteristic of cast iron variations.

[+] Resistance to aggressive chemical compositions. Marble has resistance to most chemical stations, which allows to preserve the respectable appearance of the structure even when using aggressive tools.

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[+] Simplicity and availability of repair or restoration. Pallets are fairly easy to restore, although the work is expensive.

[-] Large weight. Prevents easy transportation and installation.

[-] High cost. Minus, which can be noted when buying a model from stone.

High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose

The size

Size range is another aspect that we recommend considering when buying a pallet. In production, as in the plumbing store, 3 variations are distinguished, which can be divided into the following sections: small, standard and large-sized.
  • from 70 to 80 cm. - It has compactness, as well as the ability to install in small rooms;
  • from 80 to 100 cm. - Mediterranean variations presented in a large assortment;
  • From 100 to 120 cm. - large-sized models integrating large rooms as a supplement to the font or main plumbing element.

The form

An equally interesting and important criterion can also be called the form of the model, because the general type of construction depends on it. If you are looking for something specific, able to fit into a specific design project, highlight the following variations for yourself:

  • rectangular, triangular, square, pentagonal, etc. - have a strict species capable of complementing any geometry, as well as organically fit into almost any interior (from classic to retro);
  • Oval and round - variations with streamlined forms, perfectly fit into modern, classic and Hi-Tech design.


Purchase of sanitary equipment for the bathroom or shower can take place as easy as possible if you have basic ideas about how to choose the model. In the case of marble variation, it is sufficient to operate the size, shape and characteristics of the material. Given only these criteria, you will definitely make the right choice that will please our appearance and ease of use for more than one year. We hope that the article was useful for familiarization, and helped figure out all the nuances. Excellent and productive shopping!

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  • High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose
  • High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose
  • High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose
  • High-quality soul pallet from cast marble - how to choose

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