Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes


The desire of the beginner needlewoman to please their closest warm, soft things is quite feasible. To do this, she needs to learn to knit homemade slippers with crochet, video and master classes will help you quickly master this process.

Not everyone loves home shoes in the classic version, but few will refuse cozy knitted slippers. From a variety of models, each chooses a pair of the most comfortable and suitable for lifestyle.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

So reserve the necessary materials: yarn, hooks and proceed with video lessons to knit all your favorite shoes.

Smooth, fluffy or decorative - choose according to your preferences. But you need to remember that too thin delicate yarn is not suitable for active operation. Crochet slippers are obtained more dense and perfectly hold the form.

7 lessons skill

Lesson number 1

The easiest way to quickly provide yourself and your home comfortable slippers is to collect them from knitted motifs. For example, the Motive "Babushkin Square". Even a beginner knitter will learn to knit it in a matter of minutes.

Note! The more colors will be used when knitting this motive, the brighter the finished product will turn out.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

The size of each square depends on the size of the leg to which the slippers knit.

Video lessons for knitting "Grandma Square":

Tied the required number of motifs, we look at the video lesson and proceed to their assembly:

Slippers-boots "Babushkin Square":

These slippers are simple and easy to do. Will be a great gift for a good mood.

Lesson number 2.

Complete the task and knit slippers on the felt sole. If there is cold floors in the house or in the offseason, until heating is included, such shoes simply not replace. Especially for children who are difficult to make worrying the factory option.

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Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

The only lack of knitted slippers - the sole is rapidly wear out. Using felt or conventional felt insole This flaw easily eliminates. Slippers remain like lungs and soft, but also durable and warmer.

A detailed video lesson for knitting home shoes on the felt sole:

Crochet slippers do not imply knitting from above and knit or sock, or the method of tossing the sole.

Lesson number 3.

Most often begin knitting with soles, performing children's slippers or booties. When knitting children's models fantasy needlewoman does not know borders: a variety of animals, children's cartoon characters, tank slippers, children's slippers - typewriters.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Here they are invited to tie them in the next video lesson:

The kid will be delighted if the mother connects to him Tapka Tanks:

Lesson number 4.

This lesson for knitters with experience, as it uses a more complex knitting technique - relief columns.

Let's try to associate the amazing homemade moccasins "Owl". The video lesson consists of three parts. Each part presents a knitting diagram and a very detailed master class.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Beginner needlewomen who are not afraid of difficulties in an attempt to learn something new, can also try their strength in knitting these moccasins.

Lesson number 5.

When the word "booties" is pronounced, tiny socks for breast kids are immediately represented. What if you associate such booties for adults? It turns out excellent warm homemade shoes slippers.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Let's try to associate well-known booties "crocodiles" in an enlarged amount:

Perhaps this option of home shoes will be more difficult for beginners, but there is nothing impossible. Patience and labor will help achieve the desired result.

Beautiful and practical combined slippers related to crochet and knitting needles. Typically, the crochet knit the sole, and it raises the loops for knitting with knitting. It turns out the thick and durable bottom and many vertex options slipper or booze.

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Lesson number 6.

Home shoes associated from motives is considered easier performed than intrinsicated. Slippers from squares will contact even a schoolgirl, trying his hand in crochet. Therefore, complicate the task of knitting motive, and we will connect homemade boots from hexagons.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Video guide to knitting slippers from hexagons:

Someone can be useful to such an option of slippers from hexagonal motifs "Sunflowers" on the felt sole:

We will connect the hexagons "Sunflowers" by video lesson:

Lesson number 7.

Original slippers are obtained from knitted yarn. The volumetric thread gives this variant of home shoe texture and style.

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Crochet slippers: video lessons for beginners with schemes

Video lesson with a detailed description:

What clothes or shoes are so firmly associated with homemade comfort, a soft chairs and a warm plaid? Only slippers related to their own hands, with love and care. Having learned to knit them in different versions, you can not doubt that yarn and hook will stay with you for a long time. And after seeing the result of his work, it will not want to stop there.

Do not be afraid to try your hand in new appliances needlework, because most people learn about their talents and abilities only in the process of creativity.

And whatever their homework, crochet or knitting needles, they will definitely bring joy and knitting itself, and to those for whom they are intended.

Video on the topic

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