Lighting in the bathroom: selection of lamps and lamps? (+ 70 photos of ideas)


The choice of lighting devices is determined not only by the room, but also the personal tastes of the owners. Some prefer the standard forms, located in the center, and someone prefers point lamps. Consider how to organize lighting in the bathroom so that it helps to create the right atmosphere.

Basic lighting rules

It seems that the selection of lighting devices is not such a difficult thing. But the bathroom differs from the rest at least the natural light inside is almost completely absent. One light bulb is not enough to ensure proper comfort. It is necessary to make intense light, common or local.

Bathroom lighting

The modern market offers many solutions in this direction. You need to choose what is perfect for a particular room. For example, small and spacious areas require compliance with different proportions both intensity and the placement of light sources.

Security questions

This requirement can be attributed, perhaps, the most important thing. Choosing lighting devices, you need to carefully study the index with marking. The decryption will be as follows:

  • The first digit is to refer to how the device is protected from dust. If there is no protection, it is worth 0. Full protection is indicated as 6, this is an important indicator.
  • The second digit is for the level of moisture protection. If it costs 8 - the moisture resistance is complete. This means that the device will endure, even if it is devastated for a long time directly into the water. But the devices with a number 0 for bathrooms are not suitable at all.
  • The third digit is the value of impact resistance. This indicator can be from 0 to 10. If the value is maximum, then the formation of dents, chips and cracks after the mechanical effects of up to 20 J is permissible after the mechanical effects of up to 20 J. Some manufacturers refuse to indicate impact resistance, then the index will only have two digits.

IP 442 is the optimal level providing protection against negative factors. The location zone and operating conditions should always be taken into account. Marking should be at least IP 674 in the case of lamps inside the shower, next to the washbasins. IP 452 - marking suitable for ceiling zones in the same rooms.

Bathroom lamp
IP LED Light 442

Types of lamps and selection criteria

The quality of lighting depends not only on the competent location of the lamps, but also from the power of the lamps. Typically choose one suitable main device, which is complemented by several auxiliary. Such a model is suitable for suspended ceiling coatings.

The top lighting in the bathroom does not exclude the ability to apply combinations. For example, a conventional ceiling ceiling, an addition to which dot lamps serve.

Bathroom lighting

Depending on certain factors, several varieties of lamps are distinguished:

  • For use. Here we are talking about additional decorative lighting, or by the general, working, main thing. In each case, the placement of the instruments is selected separately.
  • By type lamps. It is possible to distinguish metal halogen, LED, luminescent, incandescent lamps, halogen.
  • At the location. The presence of protrusions above the surface allows you to talk about working with types of closed or open devices.
  • With support on working areas. Luminaires are above the bathroom or in lockers, near the mirrors or doors.

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Bathroom lamps
Different types of bathroom lamps

Load from the power grid in the bathroom is desirable to count on the planning stage. It is recommended to install a separate machine for the branch due to the presence of high humidity. Then the network will receive additional protection against short circuits, there are fewer problems when it occurs.

Incandescent lamp

Simple operation together with affordable prices made such products very popular. When turning on the bulb immediately ignites, which makes it particularly functional. The performance of the product is practically independent of the ambient temperature.

incandescent lamps

But there are a number of shortcomings. For example, a low level of light stream along with a small service life equal to only 100 hours. Light bulbs are very hot, in connection with some circumstances, their use becomes impossible.

It is not allowed to install the incandescent lamp into a lamp with a lamp of a small size, with a variety of plastic plastic varieties or textile-based products.

Sconce on the wall
In such a lamp, put the incandescent lamp undesirable

Halogenic varieties

Such lamps are more often used in so-called sobs. The main advantages are a long service life, high indicator of light output. It is assumed to use an aluminum diffuser for which thermal radiation will not be a problem, due to which it is possible to use in point lights, regardless of which they are attached to what surface.

The power of such lamps is within 12-50 W. In the first case, an additional installation of a low-voltage transformer will be required.

Halogen lamp

What are the good luminescent types?

The light stream and service life is even more than that of previous models. It is assumed to use various types of phosphors that are responsible for creating various shades. For example, with such products, light can be cold natural, warm white, daily, and so on.

fluorescent lamps

Models in the form of tubes can be used as independent light sources. This design has a drawback only in the sense that it actively reacts with a decrease in temperature and pressure, after which the product ceases to heal. Light bulbs should not be called silent. Characteristic is the presence of restrictive power up to 150 W.

Fluorescent Lamp

LED light backlight

Manufacturers suggest that LEDs are capable of listening in general to 100 thousand hours, while they are a small amount of energy whose consumption is actively. Most often, the lamps of this species complement the point lights located on the square from 1 square meter and are used when creating special lighting tapes. Even the thin glass will not suffer from them.

LED Strip Light

Calculation of the optimal power indicator

The level of illumination largely determines how comfortable will be in one or another room. After all, this indicator may even affect not only our nervous system, but also for vision. Therefore, appropriate norms were created, where it is indicated how many lumens need to be used per square meter. This will allow you to understand which models as lighting the premises.

Light level in the room

But when buying, many pay more attention to the energy consumed, which is measured in watts. The brightness of light under concrete circumstances is determined by lumens. It depends on how the interior of the bathroom will look.

200 lumens for one square will be enough for most bathrooms:

  • With LEDs 40-80 W need 6 thousand lumens.
  • 40 W fluorescent lamps require 2000 lm, 200 W - only 1500.
  • Halogen lamps at 230 volts and 42 W assume use of 625 lm. If the power is 70 W, then it will be necessary to apply 1500 lm. During the repair, it must be remembered.
  • In the case of conventional incandescent lamps, 200 lm is enough. At 100 watts you already need 1350 lm.

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The ratio of light flux to the power consumed of the lamps

Right places to install lamps

Light threads are always lacking. Therefore, the ideal is recognized as the entire system has three levels:

  • Upper level - ceiling lighting in the bathroom. Usually, in view of the chandelier, which is mounted in the middle of the ceiling. But, if the room is small, it is recommended to give preference to point variants. For example, in the form of several small plafones, evenly located on the ceiling, or by a total perimeter.

Point lamps in the bathroom on the ceiling

  • Lighting in the bathroom for working areas. Ensures the provision of highlighting for areas of paramount importance. It is usually applied to the sconium together with the lamps, they are often located near mirrors, sinks and shower. For lighting the working parts of the space, the brightness of light is important.

Bathroom lighting

  • Lower lighting in the bathroom. There are more decorative elements than functional. Designs are needed to decorate any parts of the room. The backlight is used by various species, but more often LED.

LED floor illumination in the bathroom

Types of lamps and methods for fastening

The market presents the widest range of lighting equipment, which allows everyone to choose the ideal option that is suitable in one way or another. Designer plan, technical parameters and installation method - this is what should be relying when choosing.

The mounting method allows you to distinguish three varieties of the design:

  • Embedded. These are the so-called "SPOTS", point lamps. In a small bathroom, they easily perform the functions of the main or additional lighting. Installation involves the use of special ears, is carried out in the base of suspended ceilings. The main thing is that the interpochor sinus does not exceed 12 centimeters in the event of incandescent lamps, and 7 centimeters for halogen lamps.

Embedded spot lamp

  • Suspended. It is assumed that directly on the metal hook in the ceiling are suspended by extreme chandeliers or single-band lamps. It is necessary to properly select only the power of the main lamps so that the light streams are not irritated.

hanging lamp

  • Overhead. These are many ceiling lamps. They are suitable for any surface that serves as a base in one or another room. They can be made the main or additional source of light. Designs are supplied with tips of metal or plastic. Installation is carried out using hardware. The devices are most often produced while maintaining the right shapes, which is easy to see in the photo.

Cutting lamp

On video: Tips for choosing lamps for the bathroom.

Types of lighting

Lighting is divided into basic, working, lower or additional, which has already been written above. Any lighting devices can be used: chandelier, wall scaves, point and suspended lamps, overhead models. The most popular option is the point type of structures. Especially when additional comfort must be ensured in the bathing area.

Point lamps in the bathroom

Convenient lighting option in the bathroom - Lamps with flexible brackets. They are better protected from mechanical damage.

bathroom lamp

Lighting options

Lighting elements in the bathroom must have the right location. The classic ceiling chandelier is easily complemented by halogen dotted lights, it is permissible to use the decorative backlight around the bath, along the perimeter of the room.

Bathroom lighting options

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Little bath

The technique of modern design of a small bathroom is built on the fact that it is worth choosing the color of the walls, equipment and decorative elements. The main thing is that the shadows indoors are practically disappeared. The light should be bright, but not blinding.

Single lamps are used, but they do not allow evenly distributing energy throughout the room. It is better to correctly use several designs located on the ceiling or walls. There are different options for lighting the bathroom, the photo will help you choose the right one.

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Lighting in a small bathroom

LED backlight is the optimal option for water procedures in the morning or in the evening. Different types of LED tape allow you to realize any designer ideas. The bathroom space will visually increase if there are many mirrors around the working area.

LED tape in the bathroom

It is recommended to choose special regulators (dimmers), allowing to monitor the intensity of light. This contributes to the creation of the right light in the bathroom.

Regulator of Light Dimmer

Decorative backlight

Sometimes it can be done so that one light will create a unique atmosphere. There are many variants of decorative backlight, which will be not only beautiful, but also practical.

Ceiling lighting

Light shades of finishing materials are not the only option. You can use a glossy ceiling of other colors, but that its surface is mirror. Then the right solution is the lighting equipment that seems to be somewhat over the surface of the ceiling.

Point illumination of the stretch ceiling in the bathroom

As a supplement, it is possible to make a ceiling as a kind of "starry sky", the plurality of LED point items.

LED backlight in the stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Lighting on the floor

The floor illumination allows you to create an atmosphere that is more contributing to relaxation. Pedestals together with Bath Sideboards are more often drawn up with the help of LED tapes and point luminaires. The latter are often embedded in decorative screens, niches, under the bathroom, as well as in the plinth housing.

Floor illumination in the bathroom

Mirror lighting

The issue of lighting mirrors in the bathroom is one of the more relevant. An excellent option is to set the lighting elements around the subject or using the built-in models mounted around the perimeter. LED equipment, daylight lamps - the optimal choice in such circumstances. The main thing to trace the lack of a blinding effect at the mirror and additional glare, they will only interfere.

The right light from the mirror must fall on the face, but exactly. Over the sides, as well as over the mirror surfaces, scioles under the lampshade or lamps with matte glazers are mounted.

Illuminated mirror in the bathroom

Bath backlight

The bath itself can also be highlighted. For this, the two lamps are most often installed, one of which is directly above the bathroom. The LED tape around the perimeter of the bath will be the best solution if there is a lack of light during water procedures. Color LED backlight will allow the use of additional healing effects.

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Zoning light

Using zoning, certain areas can be distinguished. In the case of the bathroom, this approach implies the backlight of the working sites, for example, near the mirror, sinks, lockers, etc. LED types of lighting in bathrooms in the hooks and shelves are distinguished by an attractive appearance. Such a backlight is enough for the normal functioning and use of space.

Backlight in the bathroom

Multi-level lighting

The bathroom is just one of the premises where you can often observe some multi-tier. The same happens in the toilet. The top level consider any lighting element located at a distance from the floor in 180 centimeters and more. Here, light sources can be somewhat, and one can also be used. On the implementation of fantasies and ideas do not need to choose one, there are no restrictions.

Multi-level lighting in the bathroom

The average level is approximately there, where and the eyes of a person. It is important to highlight the zone where the mirrors are located. It all depends on which manipulations are most often conducted.

Multi-level lighting in the bathroom

Lower level - no more than 10 centimeters from the floor level. In this case, we are more often about various types of decorative illumination. Optimal options - LED tapes or point lamps.

Multi-level lighting in the bathroom

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Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

How to organize lighting in the apartment: schemes and rules (electrical wiring)

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

How to organize lighting in the apartment: schemes and rules (electrical wiring)

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

Choosing optimal lighting for the bathroom [Designer ideas]

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