Children's pajamas for a boy: pattern with description


No more convenient and more pleasant to the body of sleep clothing than pajamas. And if the pajamas are sewn with loved her mother's hands, she will definitely give sweet and magical dreams.

Children's pajamas for a boy: pattern with description

Pajamas for a boy, the pattern of which is presented below, direct, free cut, because almost not felt on the body. She will not have anywhere to harm or rub the movement. The brush part begins on the waist, and not on the hips, it is also tightly held with the help of elastic dore, which allows the product to slide and not to subscribe both during sleep and while driving. The pattern of pajamas for the boy makes it possible to supplement the thing with butchers and pockets, as well as other elements of the decor.

The author of Pajamas, Nina Rumyantseva, in addition to the set, came up with and made patterns of amazing and comfortable children's night shirts.

Children's pajamas for a boy: pattern with description

For sewing pajamas, you will need a fabric 250x70 cm. It is better to take a hygroscopic and natural material.

The pattern of children's pajamas for boys, like a porch pattern, is presented for size 134-68. If you wish, you can increase or decrease it, leaving unchanged the main lines.

Children's pajamas for a boy: pattern with description

Children's pajamas for a boy: pattern with description

When the patterns are transferred to the fabric, they unfold in such a way that the direction of the filament of dollars coincides with the direction of the main filament.

To make it more convenient for you to navigate in the schemes, follow the notation.

For the top of the pajamas:

a - back;

B - Detail of the Boc Shelves;

B - Detail of the shelves;

G - Schever.

Points and bending for blouse in cm:

• Under the sections of the boilers and the weld - 0.7.

• By cutting of the armor, the sample places of the sides and the transfer of the shelves - 1.

• By sections of shoulders and Boca - 1.5.

• By cutting down the bottom - 5.

• By cutting the elbow and transition - 1.

• By cutting the bottom of the sleeve - 0.7.

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For the nearest:

A - rear part;

B - front part.

Punches and beat:

• By cutting cut - 3.

• Under the lower cut - 0.7.

• For the remaining - 1.

For night shirts:

a - back;


B - Oracle;

G - Schever.

Punching and bending:

• By slice of the boilers - 0.7.

• Prum and bottoms of shirts - 1.

• By cut of the elbow and sides - 1.5.

• Bottom sleeves - 0.7.

• OKAT - 1.

• On the ruffle - 1.5.

Thanks to the schemes, you are easily like your favorite pajamas for your baby.

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