Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo


In this article, we will look at the film stained glass windows with their own hands, what are its features, advantages and disadvantages. Stained glass craft is developing for a long time and as soon as the technique of patterned colored glasses will be enhanced. There are already a lot of technology and each of them has its application.

First, the construction industry continues to be used a method for gluing pieces of various colored glasses with a spicy metal. This technology is unchanged in the design decoration of the premises. But not always it was.

Stained-glass windows did not use the living space in the decor and were used only in the cathedrals and temples, so the artists did not immediately raise her hand on the "holy". And only closer to the end of the 19th century crafts with a creative bias began to develop high turns, as the chemical industry gave new paints, materials and technologies. Many artisans, in particular the artist and later the famous glass designer Louis Comfort Tiffany, showed great interest in experiments in creating artistic paintings by various materials on all sorts of not possible surfaces. He created the stained glass method, which enjoyed today, called in his honor - Stainland Tiffany.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

There are specialized workshops who make the production of stained glass to order, although the technique of creating a stained glass window from glass pieces is available at home for the presence of the desired materials.

Work requires professional tools - soldering lamp, grinding equipment and diamond glass cutting. Also as a consumable material, it is necessary to stock with colored glasses, a copper ribbon, tin wire and an acid for soldering.

According to the sketch of the picture on the glass, the pattern markups with a marker and cut into pieces, the pieces are then grinding and envelop all the details of copper, then collect both mosaic on a flat surface and solder. This work is very difficult for beginners, beautiful work may not get immediately.

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Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

There are also special paints for the filler stained glass, which mimic the color mosaic on the glass. The advantage is the ease of beginner. It is enough to remove the glass and start drawing. The paint can be created by artistic painting is not worse than on paper - play paint flowers, mix several colors, draw dots and thin curls. But such paints are used in small works, so it is difficult to distribute them enough, they will quickly dry and leave a divorce. Therefore, for extensive parts of the picture, a very neat look of stained glass with a colored self-adhesive film is used.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

This type of stained glass requires the purchase of a special translucent film for stained glass and aluminum or lead strips.

Simple lesson

Film stained glass window is also not a lesson and is expensive. But as to the fact that this creative art is applied in the decor, and for the term of ministry will please your gaze long enough, it is worth each other to make yourself beauty, for example, on the window. The master class will help quickly and just make such beauty.

We will need glass, a stationery durable knife to work, so that it can cut a lead wire and a film, the roller is preferably rubber, scissors, lead ribbon, drawing sketch, set of color film.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

First, you will prepare the drawing, you can draw it yourself, remember that you still cut the items on it, so it is better not to get involved in small details. The easiest to print ready-made traditional stained glass patterns. At the end of the article, some examples will be provided.

Now we take the glass, clean it from contaminants by microfiber and a means for washing the glasses on both sides. If a pile or stains remain under the film, they can spoil the whole look.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

We stick a lead ribbon in the contour of the pattern, then turn over. Cut from color tape, with the help of our stencil, pieces of film and stick from the reverse side. On top of it, we rely on the ribbon again, it turns out a kind of double-sided stained glass window, as shown in the photo.

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Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Ideas for creativity

Cut the film on the mosaic details in several ways. If it is transparent, put the drawing under it and put in a pencil or a thin handle. Also for stained glass can be used some additives of opaque film, then these parts are cut from the figure as through stencils, or translated through copy paper. Film stained glass window is also convenient to draw backlit from below. At home, glass needs to be placed on the frame stand on the hill, and under the bottom to substitute the lamp.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Stained glass in geometric shapes is always relevant and easier to do it. He will fit into many types of interior. Add paints to monophonic bright apartments. They can be decorated with smooth flat glasses of plafones, make a picture with backlight, to decorate the furniture facade, which before it was transparent and thus hide the contents of the cabinets.

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

Film stained glass window with hands on the window: master class with photo

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