Stained glass windows "Flowers" paints on glass and on paper: sketches with photos


Nowadays, there are new methods for stained glass windows, flowers and diverse patterns are now created by specialized colors, unlike old traditions. The collected mosaic from individual colored stones and glasses bonded by lead was created in the ancient Gothic cathedrals an unshakable atmosphere of spirituality. Since the fascinating colored patterns from glass on the windows still passed the sunlight, the images depicted on the windows were poured throughout the room.


From glass mosaic

Modern designers use Tiffany's stained glass technology to create complex sophisticated work. Nevertheless, real stained glass windows of special colored glass, soldered by copper foil and tin broach, looks more neat. True, this concerns only the production work to order by experienced masters, as it is not the lungs and sometimes it is attempting. Initially, a certain sketch is prepared with predominantly even and smooth lines. Then these lines are carried alternately with the help of a screen pattern on a piece of glass, cut out with glass cutter.



In the next step, glass trimming is sharpened with diamond abrasive circles to obtain smooth lines.



Then the copper tape is gradually attached to the edges of the glasses, clamping some solid object. For example, a pencil.



Details are connected by the sketch and the tassel is caused by soldering acid. Now with the help of tin wire, parts are soldered. As you can see, work is not for beginners.




Preparation for painting

Going to the artistic store, you may encounter the fact that there are paints on glass, and there are paints for stained painting - these are different things.

Stained glass is such a type of paints that have a very liquid structure specifically that they create a transparent film on the glass through which the sun's rays will be held. Paints caustic in smell, well, in its composition, so it is necessary to work in the unclosed room or above the hood.

For applying paints, synthetic brushes use, wipe watered in a solvent, as natural spoils from them.

Another feature of colors for stained glass - due to liquid consistency, the glass surface is kept in a horizontal form.

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Special contour paints are also involved in the work, which are limited to sectors for liquid paint along the outline of the picture. The use of metal colors, silver and gold in the circuit, very appropriately creates an effect of ancient stained glass.



In stained painting, you can use as in addition and other types of paints on glass, matting, painting.


The contours are important to apply inextricably, creating separate islands, the stained glass paint is very liquid and the contours are held it within these islets. In the horizontal position, sectors can be filling in different colors of paints for the effect of a smooth transition of color.

Work at home

To understand the principle of work of a stained painting, consider a small example, painting on a vase with detailed photos. This example discussed two vases with flat walls and rounded. For one job, the sketch of the pattern prepared on paper is geometric patterns, and free painting will be used for another.

Step 1. Preparation of material and tools. Stained glass paints, contours, synthetic brushes, sketch. Before starting work, the glass surface is degreased. If required, a stencil with a pattern is attached to the surface of the painted part.


Step 2. The contour tubes we apply fine outlines of the pattern, follow the lines to connect with each other. We give time to dry.


Step 3. Applying stained-glass paints, or rather their bay in the sector. Recommended and usually according to the technology is carried out in a horizontal position, since the paints flock over the surface. If the surface is flat, we simply fill and wait until everything dries, with a rounded surface you will have to take the minimum amount of paints on the brush and quickly apply one smear, so the paints dry quickly.


Application of technology

Stained glass service continues to develop as a hobby and the kind of artistic creativity. Many masters, designers, as well as amateurs apply a stained-in painting in the windows.

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Interior doors with glasses can be decorated with simple geometric patterns. For this, the truth will have the doors to shoot and work in a ventilated room, think in advance how you will do it. Figure templates can be printed on several sheets and glue together, or draw on a piece of wallpaper.



Facards of furniture can also be updated with stained painting. Depending on the drawing, you can create a specific style design style. Flowers, butterflies, birds and other natural elements will create an elegant and feminine atmosphere.




The stained glass painting of VAZ, glasses, aquariums and glass plates was a common hobby for many craftsmen with the appearance of such uncomplicated paints.



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