Soft wall panel with your own hands: Testing, filler, technology


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  • Choosing material for upholstery
  • What filler to choose?
  • Panel manufacturing technology

For decoration of walls in the apartment, a wide variety of materials can be used. Choose the one that suits you, if you need to determine the effect you want to achieve as a result of the repair. Exquisite and sophisticated interior can be created, if you drape the wall with a cloth or place soft wall panels on them. Most of all, such a finish will fit the bedroom, although it can be used for other premises. Before starting work, you must choose suitable materials.

Soft wall panel with your own hands: Testing, filler, technology

The upholstery of the wall panels is performed by three basic materials: tissue, leather, leatherette.

Choosing material for upholstery

Perform the upholstery of wall panels can be three main materials:

  • cloth;
  • skin;
  • leatherette.

With independent manufacture of wall panels, the fabric can be the most acceptable material. You need to choose fabric thoroughly. It must be strong enough to withstand more than one year of operation and at the same time save an attractive look. The fabric should not easily scatter or break through the loads. For example, from pets of domestic animals. For these purposes, a furniture upholstery fabric is suitable, which is presented in a variety of colors, which allows you to choose an option for almost any interior.

Soft wall panel with your own hands: Testing, filler, technology

Schemes of the lines of inner wall panels. 1 - Boyful universal traverse; 2 - inner wall panel; 3 - Merzers universal self-balance.

The use of genuine leather in the manufacture of wall panels is undesirable, since this material is very demanding in operation. If you do not have skin skills, it is recommended to charge work with wall panels to experienced masters. The cost of such a wall decoration is highest.

The leatherette for decoration of the walls should be selected responsibly. The material should be durable and reliable. The cost of the wall panels from the leatherette is lower than leather, but significantly higher than tissue. Panels must be small, since the leatherette is a rather heavy material, the same rule concerns and genuine leather.

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What filler to choose?

For the manufacture of wall panels, a filler is required. You can use foam rubber or synthepship as a filler. In the first case, you will have the opportunity to make panels with a thicker layer of filler, as a result, the surface of the walls will be softer. The layer of the filler can even be more than 6 cm, though it is not always appropriate to use too much foam rubber.

The use of synthesis is more suitable for inexperienced masters, as its installation is somewhat simpler.

Thanks to Singrytepon, you can achieve the formation of a more flat surface. It is attached to the panel it is a stapler or nails, but stacked with stripes. Saying the syntheps will not be, since its weight is even less than the weight of the foam rubber.

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Panel manufacturing technology

Soft wall panel with your own hands: Testing, filler, technology

Installation scheme wall panels.

Soft wall panels can be made in two different ways. Popular and known for several centuries, the way of the soft decoration of the walls for several centuries is a caplight style. It is also referred to as a carriage tight. In this way, used for several centuries to achieve exquisite finishing of various premises.

The entire finishing design will be formed on the basis of plywood or sheets of chipboard. In this base, it is necessary to make holes in those places where you will press the casing material with decorative buttons or curly nails. The scheme of their location can be any, but the traditional option is a chess order.

Upholstery fabric should be fixed on the back of plywood with a construction staple with one or two adjacent sides. After that, on the surface of the sheet, the filler is unfolded by a uniform layer. Then the fabric is fixed on the remaining sides. After that, you can install pressure buttons, which will fasten the foam or syntheps. Fix filler additionally no need.

To retain decorative buttons, it is advisable to use a kapron thread that has increased strength. In addition to the strength, such a thread has other advantages, for example, incompetence of rotting and stretching, so that it is able to serve for long years.

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The thread is fixed on a button, stretch through the trim and foam and pass through the hole in the plywood or a sheet of chipboard. On the reverse side of the base, the thread is attached to a construction stapler. This mount is recommended using several clips, while placing a thread in different directions. This will give fastening greater strength and reliability.

Wall panels are mounted to the base with liquid nails or dowels. If you stop in the second version, you will need to leave the pipes loosely flown on the plywood at every corner at the fastening site. When the base of the panel is fixed to the wall, the cloth can be started and consolidated.

Place the wall panels are preferably tight pressed to each other or at least 10 cm. This will facilitate further care for the soft wall. If you leave a small gap between the panels, dust and dirt will be cut into it, it will not be easy to clean.

The soft wall panel can be located in accordance with your original idea, it will contribute to the creation of an exclusive interior. With it, you can make paintness in the interior in pastel colors or, on the contrary, make soft and gentle accents in the motley atmosphere.

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