Specifications of types of blinds


Most people appreciated not only worthy characteristics of blinds, but also their diversity. They look wonderfully on the windows in any interior of the room. Due to the fact that there are a large selection of various types of curtain in the markets, each client can make the right choice that he will like him. Modern types of curtain are designed to protect the room from plenty of light and penetration of cold air from the window. They may have a mechanism of different action that works both in the vertical and horizontal direction. Assembly, the design has a plate, sliding mechanism and a discovery control thread.


Specifications of types of blinds

Vertical blinds are more practical

In our time, two types of design for office premises and at home are most often used. Basically apply vertical blinds, as they are more practical. They may have the basis of a variety of materials, for example, such as:

  • Various cloth with different shades of color and drawings;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • wood.

Specifications of types of blinds

Textile blinds with antibacterial and dust-repellent means

The most used option is the vertical blinds, which consist of tissues. At the time of manufacture, the material is processed by antibacterial and dust-repellent means. Additionally, the plates are coated with a liquid, which gives the rigidity of the product.

If you wish, you can purchase or handled multicolored blinds at home. Fabric structures are most often used in the arrangement of residential premises. For offices, plastic blinds are more practical. They absolutely do not miss the sunlight, which allows you to completely exhaust from foreign lighting.

It is important when choosing the blinds to pay attention to the attachment method. If the installation is planned for a window frame, then the set must have special clips or tape. This is necessary in order to at the time of installation do not spoil the frame of the plastic window. You can also choose a design that is fixed on the wall or ceiling.

Tissue style design

Specifications of types of blinds

For the arrangement of residential premises or the balcony, it is best to use tissue vertical blinds, as they have a mass of positive characteristics. A large range allows you to choose the type of curtain that will fit well into any interior of the room. Curtaining the window, the room will be light, but strangers from the street will not be able to see what is happening inside. Due to the fact that the technical characteristics of the design have many advantages, it is widely used throughout the world.

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The bullet is made of aluminum profile. Due to the stiffness, the design has sufficient strength. A certain number of bands (lamellas) is attached to the profile, the width of which can be 89 or 127 mm. Dimensions depend on the country of the manufacturer (America or Europe).

Horizontal shutters

Specifications of types of blinds

The plates are placed in a horizontal position, fixed with each other with the help of a caprony thread, which extends from the mechanism designed to control. It is located on the karnis itself. For the manufacture of plates, a material that has a positive impact on the environment is used. Simply put, elements used in the manufacture of blinds are not toxic. Horizontal design device:

  • mechanism for managing the discovery and closure of blinds;
  • set lamella;
  • cornice;
  • A set of screws and screws.

Watch the video how to choose good blinds:

The design is sold unchanged, in order to properly collect it, you can use the description and detailed instructions that goes with a curtain kit.

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