Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos


The technique of creating a careless and crazy cloth, similar to a web, will help to develop a chaotic fantasy of any craftswie. The use of Crazy-Vul technique, the ideas of the incarnation of which the day of day in geometric progressive grow, give any product a decorative highlight.

Acquaintance with technician

In order for the fabric in the technique of Crazy Vul, it is necessary to prepare several materials:

  • Threads: yarn, lurex, thin shoelaces, threads of flushed fabric, fragments of lace, etc.;
  • Film or Fliseline Special Forces;
  • Hair varnish or spray for temporary fixation;
  • Sewing machine, sewing threads;
  • pelvis with warm water (at the end of work);
  • Towel or terry sheets (at the end of work).

In the technique of Crazy-Vul for beginners, you can do the simple ideas of laying out threads in chaotic order, without certain patterns. First you need to cut two identical fragment of the film, the size is selected independently, depending on the use of the canvas in the future. On one of the fragments of the film, we apply hair polish - spraying is carried out quite generously. Unlock threads, sliced ​​laces and everything else, which was prepared to fill the space of the canvas.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

When the cloth is tightly filled enough, it is necessary to spray it again with its hair with a lacquer, then cover the second fragment of the film. It should be acting quickly, because the lacquer should not have time to dry until the film is superimposed on the canvas in order to clean the layers well. The resulting detail need to be searched, special attention should be paid to the edges, but also all over the canvas should be made in the form of a square or diamond-shaped mesh. The resulting canvas need to be immersed in warm water, where the film should soften. To do this, you can neatly mive and rub with a canvas with your hands, helping the film to dissolve. When this happens, water should be changed and, rolling the canvas, squeeze and lay it on a drying towel. After drying, the canvas is ready.

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Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

In case you fail to purchase a film or fliesline, you can use a dense film and construction glue for wallpaper. It does not need to cut fragments of the film, it should be more than the future product. After spraying its surface with varnish and laying the threads, dissolve glue and sponge, mischieving, we apply it all over the canvase. When the canvas is impregnated with glue, he needs to give time to dry. At the end of the work, we remove the canvas from the film, we grasp the typewriter, my and dry.

Woolen cloth

To create a warm woolen scarf without hooks, spokes and high time, you can resort to felting. This method requires the following materials:

  • Merino wool, another sheep breed (70 g);
  • Viscose fibers (30 g);
  • Sprayer with warm soap solution;
  • rolling
  • dense substrate;
  • vibratingrene machine (VSM);
  • trash packets;
  • marker;
  • towel, terry sheet;
  • Rag for cleaning an excess soap solution.

The first step of the master class will be marker marker on the substrate of the size of the future product. Next, it is necessary to stretch the wool, and it should not be pulled in one edge, but you need to gently straighten the fiber of the wool with the palm so that the canvas is uniform in density.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

Unwanted cutters in the canvase can be filled with neatly withdrawn from another part of the canvas of wool fibers. After that, you need to put viscose thin layer.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

Next, you need to clean the canvas with a soap solution to full blotch - the water must come to the point of the canvas with a finger. It should be left dry ends 10 cm long.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

The canvas is covered with cut-down garbage packages, it is well pressed with hands, after which it is necessary to walk the VSHM first along the package, and then along the wet canvase itself.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

The ends of the canvas must be divided into strands that twist in the fringe.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

After that, the canvas, with the avoidance of folds, wounds on the rolling pin. Water in the process of winding should be removed with a rag.

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Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

The resulting roll rides with a large pressure from one and on the other hand 150 times.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

After unfolding the canvas perpendicular to his edges, it is necessary to lose (ride) palm.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

After that, the canvas need to reincut the rolling pin again, first in the unfolded form, and then in the folded twice. At the end of the work, the resulting product is used in warm water in a balsam or air conditioner for hair, then in cold water. It is necessary to squeeze a room, without twisting the canvas. The product is covered in a towel to remove excess moisture.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

After drying the canvas brazing and ready the scarf, as in the photo:

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

This technique of Crazy-Voula is very good and so that there is no need to mess with a sewing machine and you can do without glue.

Separate aspects

To create a whole product according to the technique, you need to stock up the patterns of the necessary clothing. For example, if it is a coat, then the film is cut into the pattern of two fragments, the threads are very tightly applied, while each layer of threads should be fixed with varnish. In addition, such a canvas should be "sued" on the lining fabric.

In order for the product from the canvas for the technique of Creiji Vul, when we sewing, it is necessary to pay attention to the good firmware of the edges and the entire canvas. The smaller the distance between the stitch, the better the quality of the installed canvas.

In clothing under the technique of Crazy-Vul, decorative elements made of knitted flowers, bows. In addition, when tilt and mating clothes made from fabric as decorative elements, cruise-vul-ribbons and fragments of cloths are used.

Crazy-Vul: ideas for novice on felting with photos

Video on the topic

A selection of video for the manufacture of fabrics and things on the technique of Crazy-Vul:

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