Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)


Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns cause us an image of antiquity and some classics in an ancient architecture. Interesting is the fact that many centuries have passed since that time, and the columns have not lost their popularity in the home interior. The only difference is that once they were used as a support, now mainly as a scenery that closes part of communication, or other flaws in the apartment.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

A bit of history

The column is an antique architecture symbol, and is a pillar, mainly cylindrical shape, which serves as a support in the supporting structures. It consists of the basics and the upper decorative part, which is decorated with bas-reliefs.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

In the temples, several columns were used immediately, which created an image of reliability and some vitania in the clouds (decorative part). Also they were used in rich houses, people who could afford such a luxury. The material from which the columns were made are a valuable stone or marble.

Classic columns in the interior

Their characteristic feature is a clear dedicated structure: the basis (base), the trunk, the final part (the capitals), which in its task provides the support of the horizontal part of the structure (it is called - antablemer).

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

There are several styles of classic columns, namely:

  • Doric.
  • Ioncial.
  • Corinthian.

Now a little more about each of them.

Doric style

It is considered the earliest representative of this direction. According to data, it has formed around the 7th century BC. Such columns are characterized by the absence of a base, and the columns of the columns are quite powerful and squat. If you look at them, you can see that they narrow to the top in diameter. The capper itself consists of two plates: one round (echin), and one square (abaci).

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Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Ioncial style

There was a little later than Doric, about the beginning of the 6th century before our era. These columns are already thinner and above their previous representatives, and have a brightly represented square base with several round elements. The cap is represented by a more interesting and complex form - Ekhin decorated with ornament, and is trusted with decorative curls (volitions).

Corinthian style

It was conditionally last, and appeared at about 5-6 century to our era. Compared with its predecessors, the columns have already become higher and graceful. The most important difference was the Capitel Capitel, which imitated vegetation. And the volutes in turn were depicted by the waters of the vine.

Not classic columns

In each culture, various types of column were observed, so you can consider the most memorable and popular options.

Egyptian columns

They are distinguished by their painting, which was applied to a smooth surface. The first such household and interior items were made from a papyrus, which was tied in a bundle, and poured with liquid sludge.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Ethnic style columns in the interior

This is typical of various elements of different peoples. The decor of such columns is very diverse, because the peoples are very many, and the motives, respectively, too.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Rococo or Baroque style for columns

He today enjoys great demand and popularity. Columns in this version are often used in luxury apartments or villas. A certain fragment from the classic columns is present in this variation, but mostly lines and forms curves, which are characteristic of garlands, wreaths, marine shells, so on. It is clearly felt by a restless rhythm and an increased dynamism of items.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Modern column

This style wears asymmetry, curved and smooth lines, plant ornaments and motifs. This direction made it possible to designers to realize the most interesting and creative thoughts and ideas in the interior of the house with the help of a column.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the modern interior

In the modern interior with the help of a column, not only decoration of the room, but and many other more important functional things are made. One of these is the zoning of the room and the emphasis of the perception of a particular element in the house (fireplace, Erker, the outlet in the wall, etc.).

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Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

In addition, the columns can visually expand the room, hide disadvantages and visualization of bearing walls or engineering communications.

Mostly columns in modern interiors have a rectangular shape, but can additionally be decorated with decorations from different styles.

Materials from which columns are made in apartments and houses

There are several popular materials from which columns usually produce. And the column can be made by their one material entirely, or additionally decorated with another material. Now we will look at ordinary columns without decor.

The most popular material is concrete . It is plastic, from it you can make anything. In the price it is relatively inexpensive, and can additionally be decorated with other elements of the decor.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

A natural stone It is more expensive material, but at the same time the column will look quite exquisite and rich. Stones that are used is marble, granite, limestone, malachite, basalt. To make a similar column, you will need to spend quite a lot of strength and money, so that everyone can allow himself.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Polyurethane (or polyurethane foam) - sufficiently common material in modern technologies and construction. The advantage will undoubtedly be its low weight, it is easy to manufacture, it is easy to install, while it can be easily replaced in case of mechanical damage without much effort.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Plasterboard Most often used to create a rectangular shape of the column. It will definitely need to decorate in line with the idea of ​​the design in the room.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Wooden columns Often used in the ethnic style of the interior of the rooms, is also used in the direction of Provence. With such columns will harmoniously look decorations with carvings.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Metal columns Basically use in the style of High-tech, kitsch, minimalism and glamor.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

How can I decorate columns in the interior?

Just put a column - this is not an output. It must be harmonized with a common room design. How to decorate it will depend on the general idea, as well as from the main material, from which the column is made.

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Painting and plaster - one of the popular exits from the situation. This option is perfect for columns from concrete, as well as from drywall. In principle, they are mainly used in modern finishes, because they can afford them, given the price and quality.

Polyurethane foam decor is also used on concrete or plasterboard base. Considering the characteristics of the material, you can create the illusion of columns from natural stone.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Decor made of wood can be inserted with carvings. There is an option to try to bonded the concrete basis and frame from the BRUSE tree of some kind of breed.

Gypsum stucco helps you create a decor of any shape and style, the main thing here is to know what you want.

Artificial stone can become a natural substitute, and imitate the breed of any of them.

Unusual colons and their design

In addition to previous options, there are those that will be more unconventional and extraordinary compared to others. Such a variety of non-traditional columns are options from organic glass or from transparent plastic. There is a highlight of creating an artificial illusion of moving bubbles or water in it. There are any forms of such a column.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

By the way, to make columns more functional, they additionally make shelves for books, a bar for a bar and drinks, as well as storing various trifles and accessories.

Premises in which columns will be appropriate

One of the most interesting tasks is to come up with where to arrange a column so that it combines with a common interior and benefited. If you turn to statistics, the most popular location will be a staircase, then an arched passage, and at the end of the fireplace, a veranda, a balcony.

Columns in the interior: antique and modern style (39 photos)

When designing the living room, it is best to use a pair, or a few columaries (depending on the area of ​​the room).

For the zoning of the room into several separate parts, various columns can be used, with separate scenery in accordance with each of the zones. The main thing is not to forget that everything should be combined with a one-piece picture, and not to rush into individual parts.

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