"Bulls" for a wedding with your own hands step by step: master class with photo


The young people of the 21st century goes to different tricks and tricks, find all new ideas for a wedding. Styles, decorations, decor and so on - all these people try to do in their own way, excellent from others. And often many decor items young people prefer to do their own hands. However, in the pursuit of the originality of the newlyweds often forget about the pretty tradition - wedding "bulls". Moreover, the "bulls" to the wedding with their own hands to make it incredibly easy.

So, what are these "bulls"? These are bottles of beloved alcohol of the bride and groom, beautiful and festively decorated with the help of various materials. "Bulls" are usually on the table of newlyweds, symbolizing a strong union. At the very celebration, such bottles do not open, their purpose is to celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding, as well as the birth of the first child.

Bottles - bulls can be both made by newlyweds on their own, and are given to them by guests.

The origins of tradition

The word "bulls" for beautiful bottles on the table, of course, is not chosen the most beautiful. But it takes his roots from the Don Cossacks. In their villages, it was customary to give a cow and bull on the wedding associated with the horns of beautiful ribbons. They were given parents to ensure that the young family could feed themselves in the first year, and in a year to send relatives with fresh milk. This was considered a sign of a strong family, sign that young cope with family life.

Of course, now it would be a strange residents of the city to receive a home cattle as a gift. But the tradition, although the modified, remained firmly in the heads. Yes, and the current "bulls" looks much more beautiful. As alcohol, champagne or wine is usually served as alcohol, but you can take different alcohol: one bottle is a beloved beverage of the bride, the other is the groom.

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Also, the wedding traditions along with the "bulls" include wedding loaf, "bumps" - small buns that are distributed to guests to "not stuff cones on family everyday", bonbonnieres - gifts, or compliments to guests (as a rule, these are small candy or chocolates With scrapbook with words of gratitude), woven glasses and so on.

Getting to the lesson

It is not difficult to make "bulls". The main thing is not to forget about the style of the wedding. After all, elegant bottles will take the entire evening to occupy an honorable central place on the table of newlyweds, they will be paid to a lot of attention from the guests.

Bottles - bulls will stand for a whole year at the young houses, also occupying a prominent place. So at the stage of thinking items it is worth considering.

You can decorate bottles in different ways. It can be tapes, fabric, and jute, and stained in paints, and decoupage. There are a lot of options, on the Internet you can find many step-by-step master classes, thanks to which you can easily make something interesting and original. We suggest you try to make the "bulls" of the bride and groom with the help of tapes with us.

We need:

  • Satin ribbons (remind you should select colors depending on the colors of the wedding);
  • scissors;
  • glue pistol;
  • guipure;
  • decorative elements (insurance, beads, etc.);
  • Two bottles.


  1. Let's start step by step work with the execution of a bottle-groom.

First of all, with one of the necessary length of white ribbon and put it in half. One edge must be lower than the other.

Iron up the strip and collar shirt, glue to the bottle.

Now we glue a white tape, closing her lower part of the collar.

Next, go to the dark atlas. Let's make a tie.

Time to make a jacket from dark ribbons. Measure the length and glue the ribbon.

Thus, we stick the plot to a flat part of the bottle with ribbies, we make a "side" so that it is possible to further stick the ribbons do not spit, but horizontally.

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Next, tighten the tape around the bottle, not forgetting to be pre-lubricated with glue.

Now we glue the remaining ribbon, and on it - white beads.

  1. We proceed to the bride.

White narrow tape is glued to a bottle under a 45-degree corner and eating a white ribbon corset.

The remaining empty lower part in a circle is glued with a white wide ribbon, and we glue the guipure on top of it.

From it, you can cut flowers, leaves or other decorative elements.

Add rhinestones and beads to the dress of the bride.

  1. We will make a bow connecting the newlyweds.

First we will make two bow, one of which will be more than the other, as presented in the photo. Solify them with each other and re-establish a dark ribbon and rhinestones.

Now let's make a rim holder. To do this, we glue a thin white tape, which in length will be longer than 5-10 cm on each side. We will cover the nodule and it is glued to the bow for him.

And finally, the final stage of our work - we put on a bow on both bottles, tying newlyweds with family bonds.

A gift or decoration for a wedding with your own hands!

Video on the topic

Look at the video lessons as you can still arrange the "bulls" for the wedding.

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