Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos


Does the child love to play by presenting himself in the world of pirates? Or are you just planning to make a pirate party? Then you can not do without treasure, and for them you need a real mysterious chest, full of secrets and dangers. And it is not necessary to buy an old and expensive option at all, because you can create a pirate chest with your own hands.

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

There is a legend that the chest was created by pirates on the ship, since they needed for some reason to quickly hide the treasures, hurried to bury these wealth somewhere on an unknown and uninhabited island. To once, when the time comes, dig it and pick them up. But before refunding a cherished treasure chest, it should be created.

Create casket

Note that it can be used not only as a decor at a party, but also for life, it is possible to hide the treasures in the form of jewelry, children's toys, sweets or many other business items.

Previously, the chests were made of wood, metal and stone, it was a very expensive and laborious process. Now you create such a casket on my own very simple, and the materials for its creation will be available in any apartment. So, to create such a festive props, we will need:

  • Box or cardboard;
  • paper;
  • Color pencils, markers and paints;
  • ribbons, braid, tissue trimming;
  • Furniture fittings if desired;
  • instruments.

Let's consider each material more. From the cardboard box we will make the basis of our chest, the parameters and the image of our future Larz depend on the size and type. You can use a box from under kitchen appliances or shoes. If you want to create a big, truly pirate, chest, then take a box from under household appliances. Simple cardboard, dense, thin and decorative.

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If there was no box of the desired size, then you can make a chest of cardboard, it is better to take more. In this case, we collect the chest of planned size according to one of the schemes listed below.

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Thin and decorative cardboard will be needed to create jewelry: corners, loops, locks and so on. If there is a desire and the possibility, then you can use these parts from furniture accessories, then the chest will get the most plausible. White, and colored paper is useful. You can use a piece of old light wallpaper for the inner part.

Also for decoration will necessarily need paints, colored pencils and markers. Ribbons, braid, and trimming fabrics can also be used when decorating a larger. From tools for making a chest, we will need: scissors, stationery knife, glue, greasy tape, wire and brushes.

If there is no time or desire to make a cardboard chest, you can purchase a box or a casket from a tree. Decorating it, you can apply a decoupage or just paint acrylic; You can glue different decorative elements: keys, coins, shells. As a result, it will turn out a beautiful and reliable chest.

Cardboard chest

First you need to decide which the cover will be our chest. Creating a chest out of the box, you can leave the lid in the original version - flat. In this case, immediately proceed to decorating the box.

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

However, with a semicircular lid, the chest looks much more beautiful and more interesting.

To make such a chest, take the box, draw two lines, encircling the box, and on the side of the semicircles. The stationery knife is cut off the unnecessary part along the upper line, and from the ends along the curved line. At the bottom line cut from 3 sides, as shown in the pictures below:

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

The roof of our chest will be made from a sheet of fine cardboard suitable size. You can attach on loops by stationery locks or plastic screws and nuts from the children's designer. So that the chest was durable, it is better to smoke the seams with painting scotch from all sides.

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Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

It remains only to cubs the chest, and then paint or punctuate decorative paper.

Basics of decoration

This stage in creating our pirate details is the most interesting, because there is a whole flight of fantasy, which cannot be limited. What will the mysterious chest be created?

Decorating the casket, we use any colors you like. If for the inside to use dark paper, then the chest will acquire mysteriousness, and if on the outside, there will be a gloomy effect. You can also use printed pictures with pirate attributes: crossed bones under the skull, flag, ships, anchors and chains. The same can be drawn with acrylic paints. It will be great to look in the decoration scraps of ancient cards to form a map, you need to take a printed picture, tear it and give an old eye using coffee.

The chest can be decorated with coins, shells, stones, ropes, sparkles, rhinestones, pieces of wood, networks and everything that will come to mind. If you want to make a wood imitation on the surface of the chest, then glue small pieces of cardboard, a marked newspaper sheet. You can use beads, as shown in the picture.

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Below are photos of how to decorate pirate chests.

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Pirate chest with hand from cardboard with photos and videos

Thus, you can create a lightweight and spectacular pirate chest in a few hours, which will definitely become a bright detail at the holiday or in the interior of the children's bedroom.

Video on the topic

Below are the ideas of how you can decorate pirate chests and a few videos in their creation.

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