Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video


On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to decorate its dwelling by various festive decorations. This decoration can be a snowman, with your own hands to make toys are always more interesting. In this article we will analyze, from what other funds you can create a snowman yourself.

Paper snowman

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Before starting work, it is worth navigating how your snowman from paper will look like. Various snowfall drawings can be found on the network, but an option with independent drawing of contours on paper is also possible. The resulting pattern is cut with scissors.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Make cuts on the place of the eyes, butchers, cervical, hands and headdress.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

From the colored paper, make the back of the snowman - we glue the template to the leaf of any other color. When the exercise dry, cut down the contour.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

With the help of markers (markers) or pencils, paint the carrot spout, draw a smile and folds on the headdress.

Instead of markers, it is possible to use paints. For a brighter effect, it is not forbidden to apply sequins.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

From threads and suction cups with a suspension for a snowman, it can be attached using a tape.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Next to the neck to attach a scarf from Mishura.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Cute snowman ready!

You can add your image as you like at your discretion. Also such a snowman is possible to do from cardboard, it will be a little stronger than paper.

Little man from plasticine

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

To create a snowman from plasticine, we will need stacks and plasticine of different colors.

White color is useful for creating a snowman's head, but it is also possible to mix with the blue to get a gentle blue color - so the handicap will look original. Orange will remain for carrots, scarf with headdress, mobs, shoes and butchers.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Sleep two balls - blue and light blue.

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Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

The ball is bigger in the future turn into a snowman body. Twist a long sausage of orange.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

On the torso, turn the orange element in the form of a scarf, a stack to do small recesses to create a fringe (as in the photo below).

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Put three butchers to the body, as well as the legs of our little man.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

To orange mittens to attach the pale blue handles of the future snowman.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

The resulting elements are glued to the body.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Decorate the head of the little man - add eyes, carrot nose and stack you can cut into a smile.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

At the head to attach an orange hat with a pompon.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

For a more dense connection, parts should be embedded in the body of a snowman, and to put on the head on the sticking end.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Snowman made of plasticine ready!

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Simple version of execution

Some of the easy ways to create snowmen are crafts from socks.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

For such creation, we will need:

  • sock;
  • Needle and threads;
  • multicolored fabric;
  • butchers;
  • filler.


Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Take a sock, optionally you can cut off the heel, the end of the resulting detail sew bottom. From the synthetone or cereals, you can make the inside of the snowman - fill the entire sock with them, and tie the top with a rope or thread. You can also take the sock slightly above the middle of the threads to form the body and head. From the fabric to sew a hat, wind the neck in the form of a scarf. Sew the buttons - they are perfect for creating a nose and eye. From the socks of other colors you can make clothes for a white little man.

Snowman ready!

Video for learning:

Plastic gentleman

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

This master class is devoted to creating a snowman from plastic cups.

What will be required for work:

  • Plastic cups (you can take not only white, but also in other colors, so the snowman will look more fun);
  • stapler;
  • Old scarf, mittens, headdress;
  • Any decorations.

From the glasses to form a ball: to bore them with each other stapler, given that the initial row is the diameter of the body of a snowman. Next, in a circle, add from the bottom and on top of the remaining glasses, it is important to remember that they should be smaller in diameter. Then we create a second ball that will be the head of a snowman. It remains to decorate - tie the scarf, wear a hat.

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Snowman ready!

Salted Snowman

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Materials for work:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • starch;
  • dye;
  • water;
  • paints;
  • toothpick;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • Press for garlic.

Prepare dough. You can do it with your own hands, but you can use a mixer. Take 2 pieces of flour, add starch, then enter salt. Next, add water to small portions. The dough should be elastic, remind of soft plasticine. To strengthen the test, you can intervene PVA glue (two tables. Supplements, add before adding water).

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

How to knead salt dough - video:

From the resulting dough roll the ball and cover it with a food film. Remove in the refrigerator for half an hour. Getting Started with a salt dough figure.

Prepare color dough. It is performed in the same way, but only with the addition of any dye.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

It is worth remembering that before gluing small elements, the dough is lubricated with water with a brush.

Take white dough and form two balls from it. One must be larger in size. Next, flatten both balls and arrange them together less than the big one. The small is the future head, and the big is the body of a snowman. With the help of toothpicks cut a smile, outline the location of the eyes (putting on the right point of the point), create small wrinkles around future eyes.

Next, we make eyes from tiny dough balls. From the blue test, they make pupils and put on white eyes. Blind eyes with pupils. To form eyebrows and the nose of blue and attach to the face.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

At the body to attach the handles and legs. From white dough we get hands - with the help of sliding sausages. From blue - legs (form in the form of droplets).

If the elements are not attached using water, they can also be glued to PVA glue.

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Decorations. Create a hat and scarf. Your imagination is going to move. Toothpicks can be made of fringe and patterns. Buttons can be a beautiful addition - just roll the balls and attach them to the body.

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Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Broom: For the base, the toothpick is taken, the blue dough is sold through the press for garlic. As a result, sausages are obtained that become brooms of brooms. Correct them with toothpick and "bandage" a sausage white color.

Dry dough. Here you should be careful because the dough can crack. It is worth it to do it step by step: dry in the oven, cool, dry in the oven, etc. To secure after drying, you can pour the product with varnish. Snowman ready!

Crafts from edible things - not uncommon in the modern world. They get attractive and look. Even pasta can go into business.

Photo of snowmen from Macaron:

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Snowman with his own hands from girlfriend with photos and video

Here are such ways you can make it possible to make it possible to make new year crafts from the girlfriend. This will require only the presence of fantasy.

Video on the topic

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