Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video


This master class on the doll is welcome with their own hands will be very entertaining and interesting. The manufacture of such dolls always immerses the history of our ancestors, helps to be closer to nature and feel like the owner of something magical and mysterious.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

A bit of history

The welcome is a folk rag doll, the so-called amulet for the performance of the most intimate desires. That is why it has always been hidden from prying eyes, paying for her a secluded place in a chest or bag. With the doll treated very carefully, made her gifts in the form of new beads or dresses. Old things were not filmed and not thrown out, the new outfit was dressed on top.

During these actions, it was necessary to clearly and brightly submit their desire, what you want to ask for dolls. And she will definitely help to accomplish everything conceived. Previously, she was considered a special, magic charm, who should be present in every home.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

Production of doll

How to make a doll for the execution of conceived:

For the base, it takes a white, dense cloth 16 × 12 cm. Bottom is cooled by 2 cm and turns into the tube. The base is tied with a thread of red.

Very important! It is necessary to make the winding of the threads, and she must go around the cross on the cross.

Our ancestors believed that this was a thread of fate and her mother goddess.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

To form your head, it is necessary to wind up a piece of cotton the top of the basics. It was believed that this is a symbol of communication of generations. At this point, you need to ask for health to all your relatives.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

A slice of light tissue is diagonally in half, it is very slightly reinforced in the corners and is tied with a red thread. Rag hands for dolls are ready.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

This flap gently dresses on top of the head of the doll, the fabric worst and the head is formed, tapping a thread under the neck.

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Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

With a small piece of cotton, you need to form your chest, putting under its shirt.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

Then the shirt is reduced and tied the thread.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

The next step will be the manufacture of a skirt for the welcome. If an decoration was assumed by any braid, then this should be done at this stage.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

Then the skirt is folded in half and stitched on the edge with small stitches with a needle forward so that the folds are neat.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

With a feeding method, the skirt is dressed in a doll. The threads of the seam are tightened in such a way that the folds turn out to be smooth, then tied with a thread.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

The apron is tied in the same way. To do this, you can weigh the lace of the desired length or use the satin ribbon. You need to pay attention to the length of the apron: the more it will, the better. In the old days believed that the apron is a symbol of fertility. It was taken into account by those girls who really wanted to give birth to a child.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

The finished doll should stand, relying on the skirt and the basis.

You can decorate a doll-welcome beads by making them from beads. You can use other attributes that will symbolize desires.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

The next step in the instructions for creating is the manufacture of hair folk doll. The basis (for this the book can be approached) thin woolen threads of light color are wound. Then, on the one hand, this bundle is cut, removed from the base and in the center is tied up with the same thread, but not very tight.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

This bundle is superimposed on the head of the welcome and are distributed throughout the head. Mount the hair to the neck of the doll with a red thread.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

Next, the doll rushes a pigtail and tied a beautiful ribbon. If the hair at the ends are not smooth, then they are worth cut. You can also wear a ribbon to decorate.

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

Moving step by step, making folk doll-guard of the welcome completed!

Another important point is that the face of the dolls is never drawn, and the special patterns are wound by choosing the right thread color.

By tradition, the cross is depicted on the face. The three most important events (birth, wedding and death) and spiritual development is denoted by the vertical line. And horizontal home affairs and troubles.

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The photo shows how about it should look like:

Master class on doll with welcome with her hands with photos and video

If the doll is done as a real overama, then certain rules should be followed when it is created:

  • Overlated only a woman alone. Thus, a close energy relationship is formed;
  • The best month for creation is August;
  • In the manufacture of dolls, you should always talk to it. After all, this is not just a toy, but a powerful charm, the connection with which is necessary;
  • For the doll, you need to make a house. A special basket is well suited, pre-watched with salted water with the addition of essential oils;
  • Show the welcome can not be anyone;
  • The personal thing must be every doll. It is necessary to put the mirror in the house belonging to only her;
  • To make a desire to come true, it is necessary to make it in the growing moon. And it will definitely be fulfilled before the next full moon.

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