Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)


Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Fabric Fabric Appliques

Patchwork applications are small pieces of fabric that are glued or sewn to the overall background. Such applications can be decorated with clothing, shoes interior and life items. Especially good patchwork applications transform children's things. With the help of a tissue applique, you can make children's toys. When sewing the application is used, as a rule, several types of stitches. It may be looped, tambourine or smooth seam. Loskutka is glued to the base only if the application is not subjected to washing.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

To create a patchwork applique, it is best to use natural fabrics of various textures, but if you need to make decorative elements, you can take pieces of synthetic tissue.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Materials for Appliques from Loskutkov

Before you begin to design the appliqué from the patchwork, you need to prepare a good fabric, wash them and stroke them. Such fabrics like satin and sitheria are needed to starch, but synthetic fabrics, silk, lace and batter, should be thickened to sprinkle with a solution with gelatin. It is better not to use old, dilapidated tissues. The base for appliqués should be sufficiently dense.

In order to perform high-quality, colorful appliqués will need pins, pins, needles, small and large scissors, threads, glue, cardboard and copied.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Technique performing patchwork applications

Make a patchwork applique just enough. And first of all it is necessary to come up with an interesting composition. Then make a sketch of future patchwork appliqué from cardboard. When the sketch is ready, it must be attached to the pins to the fabric. After drawing on different fabrics necessary for the applixation of the part. It remains only to lay out the application and consolidate all its parts with the help of threads or glue. The final stage in the creation of appliqué will decorate. Such a fake can be decorated with beads, braid, rhinestones, buttons and lacing. The main thing is that the decor harmonized with the entire applique. Something creating a patchwork applique resembles the equipment of the mosaic panel.

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Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork applique on tank

In order to perform the patchwork applique on the tank, first of all it is necessary on a turnover, not glossy, side of the tracing to draw the necessary parts. Then it is necessary to put the tracker with a shiny side on the wrong side of the prepared fabric and thoroughly try. According to the resulting fabric circuits, it is necessary to cut all the details. It remains only to attach the resulting appliqués with a secret or direct seam.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Surround appliqué

In addition to the usual patchwork appliqué, there is a volumetric application. The technique of performing these applications is very similar. The only difference is that when creating a volumetric applique, the flap superimposed on the base lay a little cotton wool or synthesis. Such an applique looks very impressive. Especially if you add embroidery, beadwork, some knitted elements, or any other material finishing technique.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Another example: volumetric pillow-owl: 2 master class.

Appliques-patchwork on clothes

Applique is a great way to give the second life torn and spoiled things. As a rule, the patchwork applications are made on children's clothes in order to hide various mechanical damage, footprints. Patchwork applique on clothing can be made manually and with a sewing machine.

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

Patchwork - Patchwork Appliques from Fabric: Schemes, Pictures, Ideas (32 photos)

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