Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono


Do you want to become the owner of a fashionable and practical coat? Then you should use this master class, which will show you how to do it in the first stage, that is, how to make a pattern of a coat with your own hands. It's not a secret to anyone that the main part of when sewing any thing is its pattern, which can be found ready on the Internet, and you can perform yourself.

Note that from the main pattern you can make patterns for different types of coat, whether it is a pattern of a flock of a bat or a pattern of a coat with a hood, and maybe even the pattern of a coat with a smell.

So, proceed to the manufacture of a kimono coat, the pattern for which can be used for other types and models of the coat.

Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono

It should be noted that in this embodiment, the coat is used by double winding seam, which makes the connection stronger. Such seam is common, as a rule, in denim products. In order to perform such a seam, it was easy, each fold should be carefully stroke.

In advance, fabric should be prepared from which the coat (3 m with a width of 135 cm), as well as the braid (2 m with a width of 1.5 cm).

To the already attached pattern, add an additional 9 cm to the bottom edge so that it is possible to perform a kaym. Do not forget this supplement to perform on all relevant items. In addition, mandatory allowances for seams, for which 1.25 cm is enough, and for double seam - 2 cm.

Pattern "Bat Mouse" coat with hood

Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono

Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono

  1. Let's start with the pocket plank, which is placed on the pocket itself from the wrong side. Be sure to align at the top and fix with the help of the pin. After that, you can put the line at the top. I smoothed the seam obtained, while the allowance should be directed towards the valve. On the long side of the bar, you should bend the battery on the suture and try it well.
  2. Send the bar to the place intended for it.
  3. From the front side we make a decorative line on your pocket from the top edge.
  4. We fell and stroke the tolerances on the seams on your pockets and sew them in your place in the front parts of the coat.
  5. In places of shoulder seams, it is necessary to connect the rear and front parts of the product facial side inside.
  6. We strengthen the shoulder seams with a braid, after which we impose two lines.

  7. We connect the front side of the sleeves and the main parts of the coat in the locations of the arm. Gently align the edges and apply a braid, after which we lay two lines in a circle.
  8. The withdrawal side in the inside should be folded the sleeves, fix the edges of the pins and sew a double oxide seam.
  9. For loops, through which the belt will pass, you should cut the part into three parts.
  10. Two sangs should be sewn into their place, which is located below the sideways at a distance of 12.5 cm.
  11. The third loop will ensure that the product can be hung on the hook, sew it in its place.
  12. Details for the hood fold to each other face outside, fix the pins and sew a double weeping seam.
  13. The resulting part of the hood is applied to the neck on the main detail of the coat. Align the edges, fix using the pin and stitch. Then you should cut extra material.
  14. At the bottom of the product, 7.5 cm should be adjusted, then perform seam from the front side.
  15. For cuffs, you should take the appropriate parts and fold out from the offar one. Stitching at short edges.
  16. We put the cuffs on the sleeves in this way: the cuffs are turned out the front side, and the sides of the face in addition. Fix the pins and stitch in a circle. The tolerance of the seam should be bent toward the cuff and well smooth everything.
  17. Conduct the edge on the cuffs and spend the facial seam.
  18. We connect the front plank coat and the hood so that the compound is in the wrong sides. Seam should be disclosed well.
  19. Penitate the bar and its ends by 1.25 cm and expanded. Then the edge should be searched from the front side.
  20. From the short edge of the belt should be bent and stroke 1.25 cm. Fold the belt along the long side in half and spend from the wrong side. Turning the belt on the front side, stroke it. On the front side, the decorative line should be laid.

Below is a scheme for the sewing seam.

Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono

Fucking coat with hood: pattern with a description of a coat of kimono

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