Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods


You can make old doors with your own hands using the options offered. Cooking with metal or wood, to fulfill the brash or focus on cracks - all this is easy.

How to get vintage and beautiful doors for your home

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Basis for vintage canvases

Antique things with ancient times are becoming increasingly demanded in the process of design of modern interiors. Optional to buy a massive theater chandelier or carved furniture. To make the design of the room original, you can simply pose to insert the ancient doors: interroom or entrance. You can get such a product in several ways:

  • Acquisition in the cabin of ancient furniture;
  • Restoration of the old product;
  • Building a new door canvase.

Let's go on each of the items in more detail. So, you decided to buy wooden doors under the old days. Please note that the old product should always consist of vertically laid boards or cloths, which are bonded with one or more horizontal. If you offer some other option, most likely, this is imitation for old.

Too small price, practically not different from ordinary door arrays, should also alert. If we are not talking about sale or discounts, vintage door items can not be cheap. It is almost antiques. You may be offered an ordinary old canvas as an antique product. It is not the same.

What to take into account when buying

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Input vintage blocks

If you need entrance doors, wooden arrays are perfect for this purpose, which may consist of one or more canvases. Open this door thanks to the thickness will be extremely difficult. Therefore, thieves, most likely, will bypass your home side. See how it looks like this door in the photo. The door leaf from the array can have any thickness, so it is possible to install it not only at the entrance, but also between the rooms.

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Here all attention is paid not to volume and monolithic, but small details. If the solid canvas seems to be boring you, you can choose or order an option with one wooden flap and glass inserts. Mirror and glass splasions can be monophonic, shaded or have a drawing: from an abstract pattern to a particular photo transferred to the surface.

The main thing is to consider that old doors must be laconic, so placing an image of your favorite dog's image inappropriate. You can also enjoy the canvas with your own hands with wooden or metal overhead elements.

The price of the door from the array depends primarily on the amount of tree spent on its production. If you want to save and become the owner of such ancient, order yourself with a smaller thickness. It can be half the ready-made product.

Restoration of wooden sash

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Restoration of vintage canvases

Restoration is one of the ways to save your door leaf. If your inlet or interior door canvases have been damaged for any reason, they began to open badly, glanced or simply lost the appearance, do not rush to attach old doors to the landfill and run to the store for new ones.

Wooden canvas is very practical and malleable material for alteration. Any restoration involves one of the following procedures:

  • repair or replacement of loops, lock and handles;
  • changing glass or mirror;
  • work with small and large cuts, chips and pollution;

    Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods


  • painting or surface watering;
  • Restoration of frame and boxes.

Instead of trying from the old product to get a new one, you can get the compiled doors from the existing wooden array, which will look at any interior. Any flaw on the handle, lock, glass or frame can be turned into dignity, without trying to hide it, but on the contrary, to sheathe and treat it with your own hands, making focus on rubbing or shcherbin. Photos of finished products clearly demonstrate that the result of the alteration sometimes exceeds the originality of modern models sold in expensive salons. It is important to remember two things:

  • You can redo any aesthetic defect, but this does not concern the failed mechanism;
  • If you are afraid to spoil the cloth, please contact professionals - most furniture companies and factories have such a service.

How to make sash

There are many ways to get aged doors at home. Using the table located below, you can independently make wooden doors under ancient, not disposable in particular patination, brash and other complex techniques.

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

We do a view of an old coating

Algorithm for the composition of the door canvase and at home

  1. Preliminary preparation (cleaning, degreasing, grinding).
  2. Primer.
  3. Creation of silver or gold protruding parts.
  4. Decoupage.
  5. Covering crochelle varnish.
  6. Pulling the shadow to achieve the Effect of Krakle, that is, the accent on cracks.
  7. Coating with a yacht varnish.
  8. Build a finished product.

If you still decided to make a question strictly according to science, keep in mind that there are several ways and methods of artificial wear of furniture. To get the compiled doors with your own hands, you can apply one of the following ways:

  • Chemical provides for processing with special solutions;
  • If you plan to sew a door leaf with glass, metal or use others

    Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

    Screw agents, it will be a mechanical method;

  • The thermal method provides for the use of soldering iron in the alteration.

Moped doors can be obtained with their own hands, not only if you sew a door array. Of the most common methods, patination and brash are allocated. The essence of the first is reduced to creating the effect of paint, and the brushing is a manifestation of a natural wooden pattern by removing the upper layer of paint using an ordinary brush.

Become the owner of the old door of the wooden array and make sure the personal example is that the luxurious wooden canvas effectively looks not only in the photo, but also in life.

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods

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Vintage doors: photo review and manufacturing methods


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