Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear


Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

In the spring, many people face with the unexpectedly arising problem when checking the furnace - a smoke of the room, and after a thorough inspection it becomes clear that the penetration of smoke occurs through the cracked winter. And if there are cracks, then you need to get rid of them. And it is logical that for this purpose you will need a solution for putting the furnace. And no one fell, but the one that will allow the furnace to serve normally not one season.

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

The reasons for which smoke the furnace can be several: cracks, plotting the pipe and even a long simple.

What else can smoke the oven

The reason for smoke can not only crack. Even if so-like and detected, it is not a fact that it is through. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the actual reason for smoke, eliminate it, and already after determined with the mask of the surface crack.

Other possible reasons for smoke:

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

The crack in the stove is the main cause of smoke.

  • It is possible that the soot of the smoke channel was clogged, in which case it should be simply thoroughly clean the smoke of the outlet;
  • There is an opportunity that the crack appeared not in the oven itself, but in the chimney - at the same time the air supply through thoughtfully decreases and the temperature of the outgoing gases decreases, all this leads to a deterioration in the combustion process and as a result, a smoke occurs;
  • The smoke occurs at the wrong inner masonry and when clogging the riser. This is corrected only by cleaning the chimney or its overhaul, that is, it will take full recovery of the chimney;
  • And even the long-term easy furnace can be the cause of smoke. In this case, the overojulsion of the furnace riser occurs, and it is corrected by the usual warm-up with the help of burned paper laid in the cleft door.

Trimming: Tools and Materials

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

The solution for lubricating the furnace gap is prepared from clay, sand, cement and water.

Cracks may occur in any heating equipment, and this deficiency can be eliminated by almost any person. The question is which solution to choose and how much it will last. To eliminate cracks in the metal, there are also special putty, but what quality they would, it would be better to eliminate the crack in the metal only brewing. The smelting in this case will serve a very short time.

The following materials and tools are needed to eliminate cracks:

  • sand;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • chamoite powder (if necessary);
  • whole brick or tie (if necessary);
  • chisel;
  • metal brush;
  • brush;
  • sieve;
  • Master OK;
  • water sprayer;
  • Wooder grater.

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Very often, small cracks appear on the furnace surface, similar to the web, while sweeping plaster, if it takes place. This is usually not through cracks, but in any case they will spoil the appearance, or may be aggravated by time, turning into through.

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

If the crack was formed in the brick itself, then the brick should be shifted.

Such cracks are formed in both poor-quality bricks and due to improper plastering solution. To eliminate this defect, first of all, the place of formation of cracks is carefully conceived, if necessary, it is knocked out by a chisel to such a depth, where there are no cracks. And if you do not do this, then the cracks will appear again and will continue their destructive work.

Next, the solid surface must be cleaned with a brush for metal and mix the primer. For this, cement is mixed with water to a liquid state. And applied to the purified place to any brush. Due to the actions described, planes are obtained that require shockting. While the primer dries out, you need to prepare a suitable solution for plaster.

Determination of the right relationship

Watching the furnace is usually made by clay solution. So, to smell the place where there were cracks, I will have to them. In order to get the right proportion to sand and make a high-quality solution, it is necessary to determine the fatty clay. Therefore, there will have to make several samples of the solution, that is, mix clay with sand in different proportions.

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

Plastering ovens usually clay. So, it is necessary to smear the cracks. In order to make a high-quality solution, you need a few samples of the mixture, that is, it is necessary to mix the clay with sand in different proportions.

For this mixture, under the future solution, sifting with a sieve with a cell of 1.5 mm. We add water so much to bring the mixture to the state of the plasticine, and make balls with a diameter of 5 mm. They drop them on a solid surface from a height of 1 m. A one that will not break, and will have the desired ratio of clay and sand.

After determining the correct ratio, it is necessary to make a solution in sufficient quantities. As mentioned earlier, the place where the furnace will have to shove, must be pre-handed with primer, but if it is too dry, it must be sprinkled with water from the sprayer.

The solution on the wall of the furnace is applied using splashing method, that is, a solution with small parts rush to the wall in the right place and it sticks to it. After its sufficient application, the place is spilled with a large wooden grater, while there is a small pressing of the tool to the wall of the furnace. Next, we give time for easy drying of the applied mixture and again all spoil the circular movements with a moistened wooden grater.

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Other types of cracks

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

In the tiled oven, the cracked tie is changed. Before gluing a new tie, the crack under it is smeared with chalk with alabaster.

If the furnace cladding is made of tiles, then the cracks formed on it should be smeared with a solution of chalk and alabaster. At the same time, the elements cracked as a result of heating are replaced by integers. The place of attachment of the flourished tiles is carefully determined, a solution of chalk and alabaster is applied. Next after drying it with the help of a clay solution, a new tape is attached.

When the formation of cracks in the masonry of the initial channels of the chimney or in the fuel cell, the brick is flimsy. And in this case it will take a brick to shift:

  • First of all, you need to pick up high-quality bricks, since in these places the temperature is highest;
  • Brick should have a smooth surface for easier friction of gases on the surface of the chimney;
  • After the cracked brick is removed, a thorough cleaning of the surface from the old solution is made;
  • The clay solution is laid out on the purified and slightly moistened surface;
  • The prepared brick is stacked at the location of the fastener, while the solution should be so much so that it filled all the cavities around;
  • When cutting a brick, styling it is produced by a smooth surface to the output of gases from combustion, it is impossible to rub these surfaces - the candied clay will climb the channel.

Proper furnace furnace

Cracks may occur as a result of the improper furnace furnace. To avoid such trouble, you need to fulfill the following rules:
  • Before you pull the furnace, you need to clean the ashbel, then dry sins are stacked on the grate and the confusion is set on fire;
  • Firewood is placed in the player, and confusedly open: so warm air will trigger the stagnant air in the pipe and adjust the chimney to the right job;
  • The next bookmark of firewood passes after the first batch to the state of large coal;
  • It is impossible to carry into a peat or coal in the furnace, which is made without adding a chamotte powder. The usual masonry will crack from the temperature to which it is not calculated;
  • The furnace coal is not allowed on metal sparks and in metal furnaces. Metal will quickly proceed from high temperature.

When repairing a furnace in a masonry, in which chamotte powder was applied, you can not forget to add it to the crack sealing solution.

Unconventional mixture with clay

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

There are unconventional mixtures for lubricating cracks in the furnaces. Other components are added to clay with sand, for example, chopped straw or horse manure.

There are unconventional mixtures that are used to lubage cracks in the furnaces, in which other components of plant or animal origin are added along with sand and clay, such as the floor (crushed straw) or horse manure.

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In this case, 4 clay buckets are taken, 1 bucket of fine sand, 1 bucket of water, the mixture of this mixture is mixed with legs with a gradual addition of 50 kg of horse manure. Imaginary herbs in manure will be a reinforcement material for cracks. The mixture should be without lumps, completely homogeneous, and its readiness is checked as follows: the leg pulled out of this porridge should be clean.

The finished solution under the film is left overnight, and in the morning, mixing it again well, you can start facing the oven. Brick before this is necessarily wetted by water. Two layers of such a mixture should be applied, the first layer must dry a little before that.

After that, the furnace should dry two or three weeks, then it should be plastering with a mixture of sand and starch. A month later, you can put a whitewash in several layers. Of course, this method is time-consuming and long, but worth it, if you consider that with such a coating with the stove there will be no problems at least ten years.

Pickup recipes with good heating resistance

We give a few more recipes for madhouses, unusual in composition, but having good heating resistance:

Cracks in the furnace: solutions for smear

There are ready-made smears of factory production.

  • 100 pieces of sulfur, 2 parts of the sludge and 2 parts of the resin are melted together before producing a brown syrupy mass. Next, so many glass sizzy powder is added to it, so that the mixture is like not very thick dough. It is used for the smelting of seams and cracks between the tips. Before this, the furnace should warm up a bit;
  • 2 parts of clay (dry powder) are mixed with 2 parts of the smallest and clean iron sawdust, 1 part of manganese, 0.5 parts of salt, 0.5 parts of the borax and add water to the tough mass. Such a mixture is not stored, and it must be applied immediately after manufacture. At the same time, the furnace gradually warm up to the complete drying of the mixture;
  • Wood ash is sieved, and a cook salt is added to it, a little clay and water to the tough condition of the mixture. It is used to lubage cracks in tile and iron furnaces;
  • 4 The weights of the alabastra and 1 piece of the small powder of the Arabian gums are stirred in the liquid storm before the formation of a large casher, which is an excellent cracker for cracks and seams in tile furnaces, as well as gluing glass and stones. When drying, this mixture acquires hardness and marble color.

Even before bookmarking the furnace, you need to choose high-quality material and further follow all the rules of construction so that in the future with the oven there is no extra problems.

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