Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo


Sometimes the choice of a gift turns into a real lottery, especially if this is a present for an unfamiliar person or a person who has everything. After all, coming with empty hands for the holiday is a bad tone and disrespect. Recently, gift baskets have gained great popularity with their own hands, the filling of which depends on the personal preferences of the recipient. For example, men will crazy from bottles of beer with goodies, girls will like candy and other sweets, and for newborns you can prepare a basket with different necessary accessories. This master class will definitely like those who love to delight their close new masterpieces.

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Beer basket

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Collect a basket for men is even easier than it seems, because what else is needed to maintain good mood? Flash drive with popular militants, roasted wings, packaging of crackers and chips and a couple of bottles of beloved beer. Before packing a gift, you need to find out all the preferences of a man in advance that you love to drink and eat.

You can equip a gift beer basket like this:

  • several beer bottles;
  • pack of pretzels or crackers;
  • nuts;
  • crisps;
  • Souvenir beer opener.

If the recipient is a football lover and a bright fan, you can check the scarf of your favorite team or other souvenirs. And the fan of cinema, in particular detectives, you can give a smoking tube, like Sherlock Holmes.

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Now you can think about the basket itself. To make the basis, you need to take a tube of glue and dense cardboard. For the bottom, it is necessary to prepare a square 10 × 10 cm, for the walls - 15 bands with a length of 30 cm and four strips of 40 cm long. Then take thirty centimeter strip, retreat from each side of 10 centimeters and put the edge to the edge.

Next, you need to apply the second billet on top of the first on the next side of the base, retreat 10 centimeters from each edge. After on the parallel side, place the third workpiece, cover the end down from the horizontal strip.

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The remaining four stripes continue to lay out in parallel, alternating the position behind the horizontal strip. After take another 5 blanks, fill the remaining space at the bottom, binding them in a checker order. After lubricate the cardboard base with glue, combine with a basket. Next, turn the product so that the cardboard bottom turned out to be downstairs, at the end, bend the strips up. After the walls should be left in checker, using 40-centimeter strips prepared in advance. From the remaining strips to make a handle, fix the ends on the walls of the basket with glue. Wait until glue dries and fill it with goodies. Ready!

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Easter Present

Such a small basket of corrugated cardboard can be made both for a gift and for the decoration of the festive table for Easter. This option basket is suitable if you need to quickly make a gift, and there are no many things in stock.

Necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • line;
  • glue pistol;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • Things for filling baskets.

Work begins with the fact that we need to prepare strips of the required size: for the rim basket - one line of sizes 2 per 43 centimeters, for a basket - 4 strips of 3 sizes 3 to 28 cm, for the handle of the basket - one strip 2 for 26 cm. Finished basket looks Very easy and original.

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

Gift basket do it yourself for a man: master class with photo

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