Properties and technologies for applying putty Coroede


Hearing for the first time about the putty of a coroede, a not very pleasant impression is created. However, it is not necessary to be premature. The punching of the shpalkes is that the drawing after its application is incredibly similar to the pattern that leaves the cored beetle on wood. In fact, it is widely used in outdoor and internal work. The fact that this material represents and how to apply it to the walls, I will tell further in the article.

Where applies

The shovel of the coroede is a mixture of composite plaster and the granules of mineral crumbs or marble. Granules are different sizes, but their boundaries range from 0.1 to 3, 5 mm. There are two types of shovels of a croroede. Acrylic - for sale in the finished form and immediately ready to apply. Gypsum - a mixture of dry components that needs cooking.

Properties and technologies for applying putty Coroede

Spatlewing has a weight gain:

  • It consists of material from natural components, therefore it is distinguished by strength and environmental friendliness.
  • The mixture is lightning. This advantage provides mineral filler, which means that there will be no extra load on the building.
  • Weather stability: The mixture perfectly transfers weather drops. You will not be terrible hot days, long shower and laid frosts.
  • Under the influence of sunlight does not lose brightness.
  • Material refractory.

Properties and technologies for applying putty Coroede

  • Care does not cause difficulties: it can be safely washed with water with a detergent (small amount);
  • It does not appear fungus and mold;
  • Coroede has many color variations. So choose the color you need will not be at all difficult;
  • The material is extremely difficult to damage;
  • Runkelovka Coroed is an example of an affordable and inexpensive material.

But, like all the material, the shtalavka has its drawback: it is almost impossible to restore the former appearance with strong mechanical damage.

Where can I apply the shplotovka koroed? As already noted, the spectrum of application is wide: the facades and the inside of the house. But it is important that the shplanke is applied to those materials with which she has a good grip. It may be brick, plasterboard, stone or concrete. But the glass or iron is not suitable - it simply will not hold on. You can apply it in the house both on the walls and the ceiling, creating a decorative pattern itself.

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Properties and technologies for applying putty Coroede


To begin, I want to say that the technology of applying the shplanki koroed is not complicated, so, after reading my article, you can easily implement all intentional work.

So, before you start work, you need to select the desired mixture. When buying, pay attention to the type of putty and its grain. Dry mix will go to work immediately, but it is, respectively, more expensive. But the mixture requiring cooking is a little cheaper. However, it should be remembered that the properly prepared gypsum shlatovka will never give way to acrylic. Cooking recipe can be found on the package. Grainy is another important characteristic. The depth and width of the grooves, which will set the desired drawing depends on it. Here pay attention to the consumption of the material, it depends on the magnitude of the granules. It turns out that the consumption of the mixture with granules 2.5 will be less than from 3.5.

Tools required in work:

  • the mixture itself;
  • bucket;
  • drill;
  • set of spatulas;
  • Plastic chock.

First prepare the working surface. We clean it from dirt and dust, from oils and mold. Next, align it: fill all the cracks and holes with putty. The next stage is the applying paint-soil. It will provide good clutch. It is important that she was the same color as the twin chosen. And when working with outer surfaces, it is not necessary to primitive.

I prepare the mixture. If the usual dry mixture is used, then the general rules for its preparation:

  • The water temperature should be 150-200;
  • Add putty to the water, not vice versa!
  • With the help of the nozzle - mixer on a drill mix the mixture;
  • Wait a few minutes, and then mix more.

Properties and technologies for applying putty Coroede

Application technology is not complicated. You will need a chunk, with its help, the shplanke is distributed over the surface. It is necessary to arrange a grater at an angle of 600. The tank grain will determine the thickness of the layer applied to the wall. The drawing is formed only after the mixture will not pester the grater. Patterns can be horizontal, vertical or circular. It all depends on your ideas. It should be remembered that the job must be done at a time without breaks. Surging the surface will be from 1 to 3 days.

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Thus, you have familiarized yourself with the properties and technology of applying the shpialki koroed. After performing the instructions, you will be pleasantly surprised of the result. I hope my article helped you realize your ideas in life!

Video "Plaster Coroede - Learn to Apply yourself"

Video recordings showing the technique of self-applying "Coroed" plaster with a drawing "Vertical rain".

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