Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired


To brighten the cloudy transition from the failed winter to hopes about warm years, you can bring interesting trivia to the interior: they will "lure" the sun, will dilute the bored setting and at the same time will not hit the budget.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

Make a rack for magazines and books in soft bindings

Do not underestimate periodic: bright public covers are capable of becoming a style of style. A successful decision will serve as an open shelf, stretched vertically and resembling a stepladder. There are ready-made models for sale, for example, in IKEY, you can order a design in a carpentry workshop of pine or beech.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

On a note! The product does not need additional finishes, it is sufficient to emphasize the wood structure or lacquer, on the front side to provide narrow crossbars, thanks to which magazines and books will gain stability on the shelf.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

If there are no children in the house, the mini-rack can be not screwed, it will be interesting to look closer to the wall.

Refresh Babushkin Chest or decorate vintage

Expressive, decorated in bright colors. Furniture will take place key element design in the living room or bedroom. The carved dresser painted into an unusual gamut can be found in the catalogs of brands with world name for several thousand dollars. But it will be easier to renovate and transform the furniture used from the older generation, or a sample from a vintage store.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

In trend lemon, turquoise, pink pure tones, they apply not only to the chests, but also to lockers, consoles, coffee tables. If you want to achieve a dense color, designers recommend covering the fusion of the enamel surface.

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Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

Add kitchen with color carpet

If in the kitchen, aged in a modern concise style, dark floors are settled, it can be turned into a cozy room with a bright Persian carpet. In such a room, I want to spend more time, and it does not matter if it is close - you just need to choose a proportional decor.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

Tip! The carpet will beautifully complement the platform under the dining table, the room will find the finished appearance, it will be more pleasant to speak, touching the legs of a soft pile.

Woolen Persian carpets are not capricious in care, the stains are lost in the picture, you only need to regularly vacuum and follow the freshness of bright zones. If it is terrible that Persian Kilim or Dagestan Sumy will not withstand the rapid childhood of the younger generation, you can arm yourself with an unthizable imitation from the same IKEA.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

Decorate wall graphics without frames

Posters and photos will change the mood of the bored interior, harmoniously fit into a minimalist style. So that the paper posters are not collapsed, you need to fix the usual stationery clips from above and above. The simplest solution is black and white graphics, moreover, it is not necessary to withstand it in a single style and search for the same dimensions. A composition from color illustrations, posters with an abstract or geometric pattern, all kinds of minimalistic photos will be perfect on the wall.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

In search of inspiration it is worth visiting galleries with the works of modern photographers and artists. Special velcro and stationery carnations are suitable for fixing graphics.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

Hang a big mirror

The gigantic round model will turn the perception of even the most boring space, especially if you hang it opposite the window. The room will become bright, spacious, filled with light and air. Designers advise to put a bench or console under the mirror to emphasize the fragility of this decor element and expand the functionality of the wall . Frame can be colored, graphically black or imitating vintage metal.

Spring! 5 ideas: what to change in your apartment when everything is tired

You can see a high plant in an outdoor pot or on a laconic stand, so that the zone has a more residential look.

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