How to make wooden bricks do it yourself?


Brick is a traditional building material that is known for more than one century. Technical progress does not stand still, new items occasionally appear in the construction market. Russian inventors proposed making bricks from environmentally friendly and safe wood. Such a brick from the tree is appealed to the smooth, beautiful surface and all the advantages of a natural log. But there are numerous "but" who make this material controversial.

How to make wooden bricks do it yourself?

Wood bricks are suitable for the construction of small structures - veranda, arbors, etc.

The problem is that its strength is questioned. Experts do not advise building wooden houses from such blocks of large square and storey . There is another big minus - wooden brick cannot be used in the conditions of a harsh climate, the house of this building material is extremely unstable to the cold. For a small cottage in the middle lane, wooden brick can become a real find, as it is lightweight, the construction of it is quite simple, although it is required by a scheme developed by a specialist. This material is great for the construction of attachments, arbors, small veranda. In this area, its use is quite justified.

How to make wooden bricks do it yourself?

Wooden bricks require a number of requirements in the manufacture, so it is not recommended to make them with your own hands.

This brick is made from the tree only in the factory conditions, as it is necessary to comply with numerous requirements. They relate to the selection of wood for work, its processing. It is important that the blocks are maximally durable, because during installation it is impossible to use traditional fasteners. There are no seals, plaster, reinforcement, as a result, the cost of the house is far less. But on the other hand, it is necessary to clearly follow all the conditions of installation and technology, no millimeter to retreat from the project compiled by a specialist. Therefore, it has not yet found a large propagation of a brick from a tree today. Although, perhaps, in the future, he will acquire due popularity.

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What are the features of wood bricks?

Wooden brick is a bar, which looks like a ceramic brick. The unit has almost the same dimensions and proportions, but on the four sides there are lock connections, due to them and fasteners are carried out. Blocks are well polished, the surface is smooth and brilliant. All this makes it possible to abandon the facade facing. The wall turns out unusually beautiful, it literally overflows into the light, like lacquered. The wood color may be different, it all depends on which material was chosen for manufacture. It is possible to combine blocks, but it is necessary to pay attention to the strength of such a compound.

How to make wooden bricks do it yourself?

Wooden brick is resistant to deformation, but has a high thermal conductivity.

For mounting bricks with a tree there is no need to use special means. This is one of the main benefits of the material.

The lack of gaskets and the solution makes the cost of the structure lower, but also the strength is not from the best. Therefore, experts do not advise the use of blocks for the construction of massive and large buildings. But a small country house or a gazebo will turn out beautiful and reliable.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden bricks

The tree in itself is a high-quality and durable material with excellent characteristics, but its use for making brick still remains controversial. From the indisputable advantages of this material it should be noted:

  1. Brick is resistant to deformation, which has become possible due to strict control of drying and further processing.
  2. The cost of brick is low, such a house will be inexpensive.
  3. Wooden brick is made only from natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, possesses numerous useful properties, creates an optimal microclimate in the house.
  4. During operation, absolutely does not allocate harmful and toxic substances.
  5. The thermal insulation characteristics of the house are not bad, although it should not be applied to the harsh climate, it simply does not withstand such operation.
  6. The assembly is performed quickly, the solution, connectors, gaskets and other mount are not used during installation.
  7. The choice of sizes and forms of bricks is diverse, you can buy a sleek ordinary material, but there are beautiful bricks with decorative edges.
  8. It is possible to build a variety of designs, which is a clear advantage over frame houses.

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How to make wooden bricks do it yourself?

Wooden brick is distinguished by low cost and ecology.

Not everything is so rosy, as it may seem: the brick with a tree has disadvantages that are not allowed to apply the blocks so wide today. Among such minuses can be noted:

  1. The house from such a material is suitable only for a warm and moderate climate, for cold regions, it is not at all suitable. This is especially true of the harsh climate of the North, where ordinary log houses showed themselves from the best side.
  2. For construction, a carefully compiled project is required - otherwise the house will simply fall apart, its walls will not stand all loads. Makes his professional designer, and this requires certain costs.

Cons are not so numerous, but even the low cost of the structure and the lack of the need for facade finish rarely outweighs them. Experts advise for a large estate to search a completely different option, for example, an ordinary bar.

How made wooden bricks?

Wooden brick is a rectangular bar, which external really resembles a small ceramic unit, the proportion of it is almost the same, but the dimensions can be very different. According to four sides of the block, special locking grooves and spikes are cut on machines, with which the mount is made. Typically, the width is about 7 cm, but the length can be different, starting from 31 cm and up to several meters.

Is it possible to make wooden bricks with your own hands? They are produced only in the workshop conditions, since with their own hands to provide the necessary quality difficult.

For this, only the highest quality wood is taken, most often this pre-treated pine boards, spruce, cedar, applied larch. Before starting work, all wooden blanks are placed in special packages, then stacked in large drying units.

It is important to control over the level of humidity of the material, which should reach the value strictly 12%. At home, such accuracy is almost impossible to achieve.

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After that, processing, milling grooves and spikes is carried out on special machines. If necessary, decorative patterns or edges are applied immediately on the front surface. Next, bricks are grinding. It provides a beautiful and smooth surface that is inherent only by natural wood.

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