Window Design: Classification and Features


The modern window is a rather complicated design of engineering type, the requirements for which is often very high. From this element of the interior depends on the design of housing or industrial structure, the level of its comfort. Architects every time eager to improve the windows, make not only the decoration of the apartment, but also the functional element, which would serve for a long time to the owner. Such characteristics as thermal insulation are very important to ensure an acceptable atmosphere in the apartment. An easy-to-wear design that would protect them from noise and ensured effective protection against hacking, the dream of many people.

Window Design: Classification and Features

Design scheme


According to the type of construction materials used, it is divided into wooden, wooden-aluminum, aluminum and plastic.

In addition, each of these types is applied in a particular area and includes certain advantages and disadvantages.

Plastics windows are remarkably suitable for glazing offices, showcases of various shops, industrial and other non-residential buildings. In addition, their cost is quite low and they almost do not need to care. Among the shortcomings it is worth identifying the inconsistency of the structures of the climate conditions of some regions and a low percentage of ecology.

Aluminum is mainly used for equipment of industrial structures, design of facades, social and other non-residential buildings. They are also equipped into shopping pavilions. Among the advantages of these building structures should be allocated for a long time of operation, the possibility of glazing large areas and so on. However, in residential premises are mainly not used.

Window Design: Classification and Features

An important quality of the window system is the appearance

The windows of wood are widespread in the construction of residential buildings. The advantages are to decent thermal insulation qualities, environmental friendliness, wonderful external design (there are in view of the windows of modern structures, created from high-quality building materials by the method of triple glazing). The disadvantages of such structures are greatly affected by the atmosphere. This is especially true in the urban setting, as a result of which it is often necessary to repair and paint windows. However, with the emergence of current paints and varnishes on the market, the problem is exhausted and the designs retain their original appearance and a fortress for a long time.

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The window is the part of the roofing or wall structure, created for the visual union of the internal space with the outside world, natural lighting of the premises, ventilation, protection against various stimuli (the effects of noise and atmosphere).

The design consists of the following items:

  • opening with slopes;
  • block;
  • Installation seal sealing systems;
  • plum details;
  • Facing.

The frame design is an assembly part of the block, which includes bars (profiles), combined with rigid angular links: on glue, welding, spikes, mechanical connections and others. The block is the design of the translucent type, which is designed for natural lighting in the room, its ventilation and ensuring protection against noise and weathering.

The block consists of certain assembly elements:

  • Folded parts and boxes;
  • Built-in ventilation complexes.

In addition, it may include some auxiliary components: blinds, shutters and others.

PVC structure

A window from plastic can be created from a variety of types of accessories and a profile discussed among themselves by brand, price and quality.

Window Design: Classification and Features

PVC design scheme.

Main details:

  1. The reinforcing type profile is represented as a reinforced metal pipe with a rectangular cross section (other profiles have a cheap and weakened P-shaped profile), which is located in the inside of the PVC profile. It is used to make the stiffness of the design and securely secure accessories.
  2. The impost is attached to the sides of the frame (in specific cases of the sash) the profile that separates the double-glazed windows or the sash.
  3. Singing is a wide and flat profile that is mounted in the outer part and is created in order to remove rainwater. Salves can have a variety of colors and various materials. For example, polyester, plastisol, galvanized, aluminum.
  4. Sunshine is a wide and flat profile used for careful finishes of the inner part of the side planes of the opening.
  5. The opening is the area in the wall intended for installing one or several blocks. His structure may require the work of the installation of slopes, sings, seals and the windows.
  6. Rama is a fixed piece of plastic, which is used for fasteners of sash.
  7. Sash - Motor part, which can be opened by some ways (swivel, fluff, swivel-folding).
  8. Glass pack - bonded with hermetic glass. In the case of plastic creation, glass is used in a thickness of 4 mm. Moreover, glass can be used in a thickness of 5 or 6 mm and a triplex, which is two sheets of glass, which are fastened with the help of a transparent film (due to the triple layer acquired its name); Triplex is able to withstand sufficiently strong blows. The glass can be both a single-chamber and two-chamber type.
  9. Accessories includes loops, knobs, locking mechanisms and auxiliary devices that provide opening and fixing the sash in a particular position or lock them. From the type of accessories, methods for opening the sash and ventilation modes are dependent. The most high-quality types of modern accessories are able to serve over 25 years.
  10. The profile width is the maximum distance between the inner and outer facial profile planes.
  11. The stroke is a narrow plastic profile with rubber seal, which holds the glass.

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Features of plastic

Window Design: Classification and Features

Plastic windows require a minimum of care, they have high strength and good insulating qualities.

Durability design. Prolonged tests on PVC profiles proved that the operation time of the interior elements is at least 40 years. Moreover, this period is not the limit. PVC profiles have great resistance to moisture, high and low temperatures.

Practicality. PVC designs are very simple in care, do not need frequent repair and painting.

Energy saving. The large percentage of plastic designs and the use of energy-saving glass glass makes it possible to significantly reduce spending on conditioning and heating rooms.

Aesthetics. PVC profiles can be decorated under the tree, color perfectly in any color. They may have a different form, depending on the wishes of the house owner.

Types of structures

Frame can be two main types:

  • The translucent structure with complicated binding is usually used for glazing a veranda;
  • The building is a multi-tier type that consists of rheel, crossbar, racks, in the block for the installation of double-glazed windows contains boxes, sash and blocks.

Opening methods

  1. Swing - sash (canvas) rotate along the vertical axis.
  2. Suspended - along the horizontal axis in the upper part of the design.
  3. Folded - along the horizontal axis at the bottom.
  4. Rotary-folding - along the horizontal and vertical axes in the lower area.
  5. Medium-turn - on the average vertical or medium horizontal axes.
  6. Sliding - the canvas move horizontally.
  7. Lifting - moving the sash vertically.
  8. Combination of a variety of discovery types in one design.

General separation

Window Design: Classification and Features

A good choice is a warm double-glazed and high sound insulation.

They can be classified depending on the following signs:

  • materials used in the frame structure;
  • ways to fill translucent regions;
  • methods of constructive execution of architecture pattern;
  • basic characteristics of use;
  • destination.

The first two features from the above list can be attributed to the characteristics of the type of product.

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Depending on the materials of the components of the frame, the design can be divided into:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • aluminum;
  • wooden;
  • fiberglass;
  • metal;
  • Combined (wood-solid chloride, wood, and other).

According to methods for filling the translucent area, the product can be divided into the following:

  • with leaf glass;
  • with double-glazed windows;
  • Combining two types (double glazing and leaf glass).

Window Design: Classification and Features

The form is diverse: square, triangular, rectangular and also round and in the form of a trapezium, arches.

By type of constructive creation of the product can be classified:

  • By type of construction (paired, separate, single and separate-paired);
  • in the number of glazed rows (double-four glazing);
  • The number of sashs that are available in one glazed row (one-, two- and multistate);
  • In the direction of the opening of the sash (inward, the outside of the room; left, bilateral and symmetric opening).

The design for airing and adjusting the humidity level and room temperature has the following classification:

  • with ventilation valves;
  • with vents;
  • with flaps of the folding (swivel-folding) opening;
  • with framugs;
  • with climatic valves;
  • with independent ventilation complexes;
  • According to the constructive types of targets of the sash (as an exemplary and insight).

The contours of the seal in the coarse may include one seal contour (for unheated buildings), external and internal seal, as well as internal and average seal.

In general, these products can be classified according to the most basic operational qualities and the percentage of heat transfer, water and air permeability, the level of light transmission, wind load resistance and climatic influences.

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