Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners


Hooked soft toys are invariably popular among children and adults. Such toys help children spend time, develop a small motorcy and image thinking. And parents are looking for advice, how to make knitted crochet toys, with schemes and descriptions. After all, everyone wants to please their toddlers with a new funny toy, spending at least forces and money.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

How to bind a hook elephant

The manufacture of such a charming elephant is suitable even for beginner needlewomen. It is very easy to perform it, you just need to follow the description below.

You can use any colors yarn for work, it all depends on your imagination.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knit a cute bear

Everyone who wants to learn how to tie a hook toy will help step-by-step guide. It describes in detail the basic principle of making toys on the example of a knitted bear.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the necessary materials:

  1. Residues of gray yarn, approximately 40 grams;
  2. A little white yarn for the design of the face;
  3. Blue and black threads, needle for embroidery;
  4. Beads for the eyes;
  5. Singry procession or other material for packing;
  6. Hook number 2.5.

All parts of the future bears are performed separately. Start better from the body. To do this, the main thread needs to be dialing 2 air loops, in the second torture 6 columns with Nakid. Next, continue knitting the spiral, without combining the ranks. In each loop, you need to check 2 columns with Nakida, all will be released 12 loops in work. In the second row 6 times, repeat the combination of 1 column without Nakid and 2 columns without a Nakid in the next loop (in a different way, this reception is called the addition of one loop). Now in the work of 18 kettles. In the third row, to lies 2 columns without a nakid, after that add one loop. It turns out 24 loops. In the next row, you must add one loop, while sticking every 3 column. The next 4 rows knit straight, after which to start the disbuild of the loops. To do this, it is necessary to lie 2 loops together and one column without Nakid. In the work of 20 loops. Further 4 more rows of smooth web. Now the loops should be reduced so that there are 15 loops. After that, the torso fill with syntheps and close the hole.

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Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Now you need to start knitting your head. Perform actions to describe below. Just do not need to immediately close the last loops . First, the bear should be placed, sew the eyes, embroider the spout and eyebrows. Then fill the foundation, and the remaining loops close and consolidate.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

The paws fit in a similar way. You need to start with a chain of 4 air loops, add to each second loop until it turns out 12 loops. 2 rows continue exactly, then gradually drop on one loop at the end of the row until 9 loops remain. Perform another 2 rows of columns without Nakid. Paws fill with syntheps and closing the loops.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

The legs are performed similarly, it is only necessary to make them longer. To do this, in the middle of work, additionally plug out several rows by columns without Nakud. When packing, the main thing is to try to fall flat. So a bear will be able to stand.

It remains to tie the ears. From the air loop, eliminate 6 columns, then tie the same number to another row. The thread is fixed. Ears are sewn to the head.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

At the final stage, scratches are embroidered on the body. All parts must be sehered among themselves, and cute bear is ready.

Toys on the finger

Hands on the puppet theater can be made independently. For this you do not need to look for special crochet toy schemes. Their execution is intuitive and accessible even to children. Funny animals will revive on their fingers and delight their owners.

Knitted crochet toys with schemes and descriptions, master class for knitting for beginners

All models are performed on one basis, its description will be given in the article. Using the bases of different colors, you can make all sorts of finger dolls. It will only be used to carry the necessary details: ears, tail, face. You can sew your eyes from beads, the draws of the face are embroidered either the finished appliqués are glued.

For the base, 4 air loops are knit and closed into the ring. Out of each loop, 2 columns without Nakida are knit. In the next row, additional columns are encouraged from each second loop, then from each third. Must get a small circle. Another 7 rows are printed without adding, in this place you can touch the muzzle, taking it with additional thread. Knitting continues to the desired size, which depends on the length of your fingers.

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Video on the topic

A detailed master class on knitting toys crochet is in a video selection presented below. These lessons will be useful not only by novice, but also experienced masters of knitting. They can find new ideas for the creation of unique masterpieces from ordinary threads.

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