How to sew a skirt with a bath: Pattern and master class on sewing


Do you like to needle how? We offer step-by-step instructions for cutting and tailoring skirts with a bath

Make a pattern of skirts with a bath fairly easy, now you will be sure about it. So, we are determined from the desired length of the future upgrade, according to the narrow waist, we measure the girth and write the measure in half the size, then it is similar to the measurement along the highest part of the thighs. In the example above, they make up 60, 36 and 50 centimeters, respectively.

How to sew a skirt with a bath: Pattern and master class on sewing

Here is the final view of our skirt with the Basque, the pattern is lower.

How to sew a skirt with a bath: Pattern and master class on sewing

Draw a rectangle, conventionally indicating the corners with letters a, b, c and d. The side AB and DC are the skirt width, it is equal to 51 cm and consists of 1/2 girth of hips Plus 1 cm. AD ​​and BC side - this is the length of the skirt, she equal to 60 cm.

We divide the side of AB in half, we obtain the point T, from which we carry out a perpendicular line to DC. So we have a side skirt line.

We will find a point A, from it downstay 20 cm, we indicate the resulting point as L. The same you need to do with points B and T to get points L1 and L2. We combine points L, L1, L2 dotted line - this is the thigh line.

Now we need to calculate the depth of the wallary of the waist, this is the difference in the semi-coupling of the thighs and the half-coupling of the waist, it is equal to 14 cm.

Half depth (7 cm) it is better to remove into the side, 3 cm in the front, and 4 cm in the rear fold.

We understand with the side sweep: the right and left side of must be postponed by 35 mm, it is to postpone 10 mm from here and connect these points with t. L1 with strokes, which are then divided into equal parts, and to postpone the right and Left 5 mm. Conduct the resulting lines in t. 1, 0.5, L1, according to the pattern scheme. This stage requires accuracy, check each other with a pattern.

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Next, we are engaged in anterior extinction (9 cm long, 3 cm depth). Having postponing to the right from the side line of 5 cm, launch the line to the waist, deposit from the intersection of 15 mm to the right and to the left. The lower end of this folding is removed to the left (see Figure).

Back to the back of the back (depth of 4 cm and a length of 12-13 cm). Section AT split rovel, to the right and left post 2 cm.

We connect t. 1 and 2 cm is the 1st waist line (rear half of the skirt), t. 1 cm and 1.5 cm is the 2nd waist line.

Pay attention to the patterns.

How to sew a skirt with a bath: Pattern and master class on sewing

How to sew a skirt with a bath: Pattern and master class on sewing

Note. How to calculate the radius pattern for the Basque?

It will be equal to 1/6 of the waist girth minus 1 cm. We build a semicircle, postponing from it the required life length (here - 20 cm), we carry out another semicircle below. Length and shape of the Basic You choose any, to your taste.

Ready! Now and you answer the question "How to sew a skirt with a bath?" You can say with confidence "Easy!"

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