Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video


The beeswax of ancient times was considered valuable material, it was not easy to get it. It was used initially for the manufacture of candles that cost quite expensive. With a wide development of beekeeping, everything became much more accessible. However, the real wax is also distributed only in narrow pauses. But if you yourself or your relatives are engaged in beekeeping, it will not be difficult for you to get the material to create candles from wax with your own hands, who will serve as interesting elements of the decor or excellent gifts to loved ones.

Natural beeswax has many advantages over paraffin or, for example, gel. Candles from wax do not form soot during burning, do not excrete carcinogens. They also contain propolis and natural essential oils that have a beneficial effect on our body when burning.

In addition to other advantages, it is worth noting that with the spread of the industry and industry, urban life, people began to lose touch with nature and therefore even more to appreciate the small news from the green world. A candles made of natural bees wax have the full right to be considered a link between urbanization and handicraft sources.

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Warm work rules

To avoid force majeure that can be overtaken when working with wax, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Always use apron. It is desirable that it be a dense canvas.

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

  1. When working with wax, do not wear outdoor clothes. It is better if you have a sweater or a shirt with long sleeves, so as not to get a burn in the event of hot wax on the body.
  2. The wax begins to melt at a temperature of 65O, you need to follow so that the wax does not overheat, otherwise it can ignite. It is easy to prevent, warming up the material on a water bath when you can constantly monitor the wax state.
  3. When heated wax, you need to constantly be near, it is impossible to be left.
  4. When fireing wax, it is impossible to extinguish with it with water, otherwise an explosion may occur. For this case, the food soda should always be at hand.

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Observing all the rules of work with wax, this occupation will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Materials and preparation for work

To make original candles, you need to choose their design and color in advance, to determine whether they will be flavored or ordinary.

To work, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • saucepan for water bath;
  • Capacity for waxing;
  • Forms for candles. Before working, it is better to lubricate with liquid soap, the means to wash the dishes or vegetable oil;
  • baking soda;
  • wick. For wax candles, the use of natural cotton threads is recommended;
  • Dyes for wax. Natural wax crayons are suitable, food dyes (not on water-based), you can also use gel pigments;
  • Wand or pencil. It will be needed to fix the wick;
  • Georgic for phytel;
  • Natural wax. It can be purchased in specialized stores in the form of a combination or granules.

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Production course

The process of manufacturing candles from wax is quite simple. If everything is done correctly and comply with all the uncomplicated conditions, you will enjoy not only from the work itself, but also from the excellent result. This master class will help you to navigate in the selection of the product and perform it at best.

First you need to melt wax in the water bath.

On a note! If you purchased large pieces of material, it is better to cut it into smaller parts.

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Next, proceed to the fastening of the wick. To the lower end of the thread attach the weight so that the future wick does not hang out when pouring the shape of wax. If there is an opportunity to make a hole in the bottom of the tank, then the threads are made there and tie up at its end of the nodule, the ship in this case is not required. It is desirable to start the thread. The top end of the wick to bind to a pencil or a stick, as demonstrated in the photo:

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Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Now you can proceed to the fill with wax form. We leave the wax to stick. You do not need to hurry to pull out the finished candle from the form, let it be better in her longer.

When the product harder well, you can pull it out of the container, pulling out the end of the wick. It will work in the event that the Georgian is tied to the phytil. If the thread is fixed on the form using the nodule, you just need to trim it.

Interesting Tips for Molding

Optionally, you can easily and simply give a candle any color and shape. Color is created using dyes, the form can be initially picking figure. The easiest option is the use of silicone baking forms. They are easy to handle, of which it is easy to get a ready-made candle, they can be found in any economic store in a large assortment:

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Also an unusual type of candle can be given using paper gluing:

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

It is possible to use the detachable form:

The ice use option to create an openwork candle is very simple and interesting. When pouring the shape of wax in it, pieces of ice are added, which then flows through the holes, leaving an unusual ornament:

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

From wax it is possible to make a magnificent rose with your own hands. This requires special skills. Make the petals themselves is not difficult. It is necessary to pour molten wax on the saucer with a thin layer, then start wrapping not frozen to the end of the plates around the wick.

Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video

Video on the topic

The following video will help perform the work on the manufacture of candles from wax correctly and without problems:

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