How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?


Many families do not have the opportunity to buy a big spacious apartment, so they have to live in one-room . This option is quite suitable for a family of two, but with the advent of the child, the question arises: how to allocate his personal space. Then parents have to fantasize, because the child should have a place to sleep and entertainment.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

Zoning space

The first thing to focus on is zoning space. Such actions will be marked by its significance and the child will feel necessary and important.

You can select the children's zone with color. The zone in which it is planned to make a nursery, shove with other wallpaper, or paint paint another color. On the floor you can put a colorful carpet. So it will turn out not only to highlight the baby space, but also to give comfort.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

You can use drywall to make a partition. The wall can be both deaf and have a niche. They, in turn, can be used as shelves for children's toys or books. Thus, it will be possible not only to extinguish the space, but also designate an additional place to store things.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

Important. Fir a child is small, then a part of the room that is assigned under his room must be clearly visible and visible. So it will be easier to keep track of the child.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

If the construction of the partition will occupy a lot of space, you can simply use the screen. However, this option is more suitable for schoolchildren.

Choice of furniture

Much attention should be paid to the choice of furniture. Many designers are categorically against cumbersome cabinets. It is better to use mounted shelves.

The most optimal option is the furniture transformer, for example, a bed bed. If in the family two children, it is appropriate to install a bunk bed. Now there are many corners of a schoolboy, where the bottom is located at the bottom, and the bed on top.

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How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

Having a children's zone must be considered the following points:

  • In the nursery there must be a window to be enough daylight, and the room could be easily ventilated;
  • It is necessary to eliminate furniture with sharp corners and hazardous areas with wires;
  • It is not necessary to strongly clutter the space, because the child needs a lot of space for the game. In this case, it is better to use minimalism.


Almost every apartment has a storage room. Each uses this room at its discretion: someone keeps things there, and someone makes a dressing room. At the time when it is required to allocate a place for the nursery, partitions can be demolished, and use the space that appears.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

As an additional space, you can use a balcony or loggia. If they are insulated, and remove the balcony door, then you can also get several free meters, which are further used to zoning the nursery.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

Best children

Psychologists of the whole world converge in the opinion that all the best should be suitable for children. In this regard, many designers are offered to give one available room for children, and parents move to the kitchen. There you can put the sofa, and at night use it to sleep. Of course, this option is suitable for apartments with large kitchens, because there it will be necessary to combine the living room area, kitchen and bedrooms.

How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

When a child in the house should be adhered to the following rules:

  • The child's corner is better to separate children's wallpaper, you can even different species. So more joy and light will be introduced into the life of the child;
  • When many people live in a one-room apartment, it is advisable to establish climatic control. It will not only clean the air, but also to maintain it always fresh;
  • If the baby is still breast, then the room must constantly maintain the desired temperature.
How to highlight a zone for a child in a one-room apartment?

"Room" for a child in a small apartment (1 video)

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