Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos


Horn of abundance is a source of abundance and wealth in ancient Greek mythology. Horn of abundance with your own hands can be made any - decorative (in the form of a picture or souvenir), edible (baking) - it will decorate any table, sweet (from sweets). How much, he will still be beautiful and original.

From salted dough

The modeling of the dough is also called testoplasty, biocheramics - a type of creativity, well-known. This fascinating occupation does not require large cash costs or special skills. The process of modeling will be equally interesting and children and adults. Of the incredibly soft, militant and absolutely safe material, adorable products are obtained.

How to knead the dough

There are many pick-up recipes. In any of them, the main ingredients are salt, water and flour.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Recipe 1:

  • 1 glass of fine grinding salts;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • water.

Carefully stir in deep containers dry ingredients, pour oil there and some water. In order for the dough to acquire a specific color, gently interfere with juice in it (for example, carrot or beet) or add the paint of the desired color.

Recipe 2:

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. salts;
  • 125 ml of water.

You also need to add 1 tablespoon of PVA liner or wallpaper glue (2 tbsp), divorced in water (100-150 g).

All ingredients need to mix and knead the dough. To knead it well to homogeneous mass. The dough must be soft and plastic. If you need to get the dough of any particular color, you need to roll it in the shape of a kolobka, make a hole in it, drop there to paint the selected color, very good to knead. You can make a dough of several colors. Then the ready mass is divided into several kolobkov. And each add your color.

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Tools and devices

You will need:

  • Little rolling pin or a bottle with water (without it nowhere!);
  • Plank for modeling;
  • stack from plasticine;
  • rod from ballpoint pen (for creating holes and patterns);
  • brush;
  • water container;
  • Figure molds for plasticine
  • buttonholes, beads, rings, lace, etc. To perform inspisces;
  • paints.

The craft is very important to dry properly. The most popular two ways of drying are most popular:

  1. Drying in a dutched oven. The oven preheat to 55-80 degrees. Dry the product for about an hour.
  2. Drying outdoors (without sunlight falling). It lasts longer (3-4 days depending on the size of the product).

It is important to pay attention: you can not dry the figure on the battery, it can crack.

Coloring the product can be gouache, watercolor, acrylic paints. For decor, beads, rhinestones, buttons, etc., can be covered with varnish. So beautiful appearance will continue longer.

How to make a horn of abundance from salt dough, tells the master class.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

In order for the product to retain a convex shape, a foil rolled in the form of horns is placed under the woven base.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Lepim fruit. In large fruits can also be inside to put balls from foil.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Then the resulting horn is dried and painted.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Flower option

You can make a horn of abundance from flowers, it will be excellent interior decoration or a refined gift. Ideas will tell a photo.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

The most delicious rood

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Such a horn of abundance can be filled with any goodies (biscuits, candy) and put on a festive table. You can give expensive people as a wish of happiness and abundance.

Ingredients: 2.5 cups of flour, 1 cup of kefir, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. yeast, 5 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. Cocoa powder, 1/3 tsp. Salt, 1 egg yolk.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Mix yeast, 2 ppm Sugar and warm kefir, leave for 15-20 minutes.

In a large container, pour flour, sugar, salt, pour vegetable oil, add a rising layer and knead the dough. Grease oil, put into the container and cover. It will climb 1 hour.

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A frame is made from foil, which will give the test form. The frame from the inside is also filled with foil.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

It came up the dough to divide into 2 parts. In one of them add cocoa, knead. Then the dough roll out on the table, cut the bands 3-4 cm. The second part is chopped as well.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Foil frame with vegetable oil and put on a baking sheet. The strips of the dough are superimposed on it, forming a horn. Strips under the horg from below are connected to each other. Lubricate the horn of the yolk and put in a hot oven (180 degrees). Bake 40-50 minutes to golden color. When will be ready, cool, remove the foil from it and fill the fill in your taste.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

You can try.

Sweet option

From sweets, real masterpieces are obtained. Examples of this handmade beauty can be seen in the photo.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

From newspaper tubes

The horns woven from the newspaper tubes will be easy, neat and no less beautiful.

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Horn of abundance do it yourself from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

The horn can be decorated with ribbons, beads. Filling can be any.

Video on the topic

Many ideas for creativity in video:

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