Your Garden in English style: Features of the section


The real English garden is usually located in the backyard on a small area near the traditional brick cottage for this country. Despite the modest dimensions, it includes rather thick thickets from trees, shrubs and colors that feel great in half. This brown vegetation and creates that cozy, green corner for recreation and enjoying nature, for which the English garden fell in love with the world.

Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

It is mistaken to believe that the traditional English style garden can only be small or, on the contrary, only large. One of his main advantages is universality - it is suitable for plots of any size, the main thing here is that green plantings are in full harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

The Garden in English style should look as if he was created by nature itself. Therefore, when choosing plants for him, be sure to explore the surroundings - find out which trees, shrubs and flowers are growing next to your garden. Thus, nature itself will tell you what exactly needs to be put in the garden. And since these plants will be in their natural environment, they will require you minimal care and experience, that is, you will not need to be an outstanding gardener to make the garden as much as possible and green.

Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

Trimming trees and shrubs in the English garden is carried out only for stimulating their growth, and in no way to create some decorative forms. Asymmetry in this case is most desirable, because our main goal is to make the landscape as natural as possible. Therefore, the English garden is often characterized by high trees and shrubs, as well as a buoy-growing ivy in the fences, small architectural forms and walls of buildings. Here, even the lawn does not need to cut too often, the main thing is that the grass does not overlap the free passage along the garden paths.

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Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

In the English gardens, trees and shrubs are often used as a living hedge (choosing evergreen plants at the same time), near which white, pink and red flowers are planted. Hydrangea, Azaleas and Hibiscus create a flickering riot of paints, scattered in different parts of the garden.

Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

Small architectural forms in English gardens should harmoniously fit into the overall landscape, so gazebos, benches, pergolas and read the elements are made exclusively made of natural materials - wood, metal or stone. As a result, they harmoniously complement the overall picture and create a romantic corner for recreation.

Your Garden in English style: Features of the section

In order for the English-style garden to be even more romantic and sentimental, you can build a small fountain or pond. Arrange ceramic pots around it with flowers or decorative grass, garden furniture (benches) and iron lights. Thus, you will get a green, natural and romantic garden, in which it will be possible to relax in nature after a difficult and long working day.

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