How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric


Parents are often asked about how to make a bunny with their own hands, because when there are children in the house, you want to make each room as much as possible every room and even the garden. What just do not go skillful needlewomen to create a homemade comfort. Today we consider several options for making bunnies from various materials.

Garden bunny

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Make such a bunny will not be much difficulty.

To work, you need to find the sample by which we will work further. As a basis we take the usual plastic bottle, well, acrylic paints.

We establish a convenient bottle and reapply it from all sides, make your head more voluminous and proceed to the formation of a bunny.

After each layer, let's dry a little time.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

And so we do several layers, let me completely dry through the whole figure. If a little moved with foam in some parts of the figure, nothing terrible, then you can cut off with a knife. And on the contrary, if somewhere there is not enough material, moisten the place with water and add more foam.

Now it is necessary to act quickly until the foam is still soft, moisten your hands with water and form the main features. When the figure is formed, proceed to circumcision irregularities. After complete drying, you can handle emery paper.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

We make paws and tail, with the help of wire forming the shape and apply several layers. The ears can be made from wire and foil, then just to fit.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Well now, when the figure is already formed, you can proceed to priming. Also navigate the tiled cream and paint a bunny.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Here is such a garden bunny, which will delight you and your loved ones every day.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Plush toy

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Consider another option to make a bunny with your own hands, we will only make this toy from the socks. Sock is enough elastic and make such a toy is very simple, even having sewing skills.

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To work, we will need:

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

  • socks or golfiki 1 pair;
  • socks of another color;
  • eyes;
  • filler;
  • threads;
  • ribbon.

You can use socks of various sizes - experiment.

Gently cut the seams.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Soak sock and divide into two parts.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

From one sock you need to cut the heel part.

Draw the contour of the noodles on the socks.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

We begin to form our hare, with the help of a sewing machine or a simple needle and thread sew all the details.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

All items are sewn individually, after the filler has added, then only sew all the details together.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

From the tissue, cut out an oval piece and fill it with syntheps, then we collect on the edge of the thread and stitch. Send tail to the toy.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Now we flash the ears.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Nose Make the same as the tail.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Now we conceal the location of the eyes, relatively nose.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

This is such a face of a bunny.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

A ready-made toy decorate a bow and, at will, you can still sew a carrot of orange sock.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Good option for a gift.

You can also make interesting crafts with children, for example, here is such an applique of cotton disks. Such an occupation with great pleasure will be engaged in children with their parents. It takes a little time and fantasy to work, you can put such a crawl into the frame and decorate the children's room.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Products from yarn

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Consider another option for the manufacture of teddy bunnies from the thread.

For work, such materials will be required:

  • threads of wool;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • felt;
  • PVA;
  • threads;
  • beads;
  • Leske.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

On small patterns from cardboard we wake the thread, the torso should be a little more head. We cut along the edge of the thread, the more wound, the fluffy the bunny will get.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Cut the ears from the felt.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

We collect all the details, stretch where the nose, the fishing line and tighten two details. Add eyes and ears.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

And our rabbits are ready.

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How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

Of course, you can still link with crochet or spokes of such kids, but it will take a little more time and strength.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

There are a large number of knitting schemes and techniques.

How to make a bunny with your hands from threads and from the fabric

From such a number of ideas, you can choose something. Successes to you in further endeavors, try and experiment.

Video on the topic

Also look at the selection of video about the manufacture of bunnies in various ways.

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