Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo


The main activity in children is a game. Children are trying to repeat over adults, and they really like it when they have a car, like dad, or washing machine, like mom. Now they sell everything that the soul, but also the materials for the manufacture is abuse. Let's see how you can make toy furniture with your own hands - open the furniture factory.

Wooden bed for doll

The most difficult "production" of furniture is plywood, certain skills are needed here. But it will be the strongest and reliable products that will serve your child for many years, and may remain your grandchildren. You can not always find a thing suitable for the desired size, color, taste, quality of material, and if it concerns the child, it should still be safe.

What materials and tools are needed:

  1. Plywood (4 and 6 mm);
  2. PVA glue "moment";
  3. Manual junk;
  4. Sandpaper of different stiffness (soft and rigid);
  5. Awl;
  6. Screwdriver;
  7. Ans for a screwdriver;
  8. Acrylic paint;
  9. Acrylic lacquer;
  10. Brush;
  11. Vice.

We start work on the manufacture of beds from the drawing.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

  1. Gently cut the details from plywood. The bottom of the bed is made of a tree in 6 mm, and the backs of a 4 mm thick board.
  2. We process the details of the emery paper so that the surface becomes smooth and safe for the child. To do this, you can use a screwdriver with sandpaper, it turns out work faster. If there is no screwdriver, we take a sheet of emery paper of different stiffness and remove all sowing hands.
  3. We collect a frame and glue for strength.
  4. Now you can draw patterns on the back of the bed and paint it with waterproof acrylic paint. When the paint is driving, cover the bed with varnish.

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Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

It remains to sew a mattress, a pillow and blanket so that toys can sleep fully.

Selection photo of plywood furniture:

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Puppet dresser

One of the easiest ways to create furniture for toys is to make it from match boxes.

We take the number of boxes needed for the product and glue them with PVA glue. And then at its discretion, glue with colored paper, wallpaper or even a cloth.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

If there is fittings for such furniture, it will look very appropriate and natural.

From boxes of matches it is convenient to make tables and chairs.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Easy to make a crib. Two boxes glue together and supply their contour on cardboard twice. Cut and glue the backrests of the bed.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Next glue cardboard rectangles on top and bottom of the product. It turns out the base of the bed.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Mark the crib in any color and glue the handles to the linen boxes.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Such furniture for dolls with toys older children is older than 4 years old, can make themselves already. And it will be much more interesting to play.

Toy dining area

The most accessible way to produce doll furniture at home is to make it from cardboard. Make a dining area for toys.

The first option of the table is rectangular. We make a drawing on cardboard or box, which is at home. Cut the rectangle 100 * 120 mm and 16 strips 70 * 10 mm for the table legs. The legs glue together four pieces for each leg, and then glue them to the tabletop.

For a round table, cut the circle with a diameter of 80 mm, and for the legs, we cut two strips 170 * 20 mm. Strips bend and glue the cross-closer to the tabletop. More details, you can consider the schemes in Figure:

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Now you need a chair. The chair will consist of two parts: the backs with the rear legs and the seats with the front legs. Then glue these parts.

Article on the topic: Detailed instructions for the manufacture of hangers

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

So that the products look more natural, it is better to paint them or enclose wallpaper remnants, for example.

The braided table from mosaic will look more sophisticated. To do this, prepare: cardboard, toothpicks or spanks, seer, ruler, thick threads or yarn, scissors, color cardboard for mosaic, glue.

Cut the rectangular countertop from cardboard. A selection of holes for the legs and the perimeter for the thread holders.

Color cardboard cut into small squares, and glue to the table.

Toy furniture with your own hands from plywood and from a tree with a photo

Insert spanks or toothpicks, fixing them with glue. Threading the feet of the table, and then the racks and legs alternately until we need it.

To make the shelf under the table, we bind, we glue the threads crosswise, it can be hits. Blacks on cardboard or paper shelf, cut out and glue on top of thread.

Welcome to the table!

Paper atmosphere

If you need to quickly take the baby and there is no time to prepare all the necessary tools for making interior items, or you are generally on the road, and you need to feed the bunny, make a sofa from paper.

We take the paper, if there is a color, the desired color and cut the square. In size, it can be 10 * 10 cm or 20 * 20 cm.

  1. Bend the square in half, deploy.
  1. Next, we sum up to the middle of the fold of the lower edge of the paper and bend, and then this chance again to the middle of the square. Total four fold lines.

  1. The lower strip is wrapped on the first fold and from her middleweight triangles from two sides.
  1. We fold the paper harmonic to the end, and the upper part of the workpiece bend to the middle. Moving the sheet.

  1. Bottom corners sweep up turns, and then the upper bend down.
  2. Again we turn over the workpiece, bend one corner inside, forming a back.
  1. We form legs from the sofa.
  2. The sofa is ready!

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