Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos


If you want to hit your guests the originality of the interior, first of all you need to think about the design of the premises, which makes the first impression when visiting any dwelling - namely, the hallway. The taste made by the "Lobby" always pleases, but besides decorative properties, the hallway must be practical. Standard finishing coverage very quickly loses a decent view under the influence of dust and dirt, which we bring to the house from the street. You can be stylish and relatively inexpensively with the walls using an artificial stone - this simple and noble material always looks appropriate. So if you decide to finish the walls in the hallway with artificial stone, we are pleased to offer you some interesting ideas.

Selection of stone

Although this material is called artificial, it includes natural stone crumb. In addition, the composition is characterized by the presence of polyester resins, clay and mineral additives. Also in different types of cement, sand, gravel, and all kinds of pigments, which perfectly mask such a finishing under a natural one. There are three main varieties of artificial stone, and each of them is distinguished by its unique properties and purpose:

  • Ceramographic

For the production of this material, a special method under the name "Vibratingressing" is used. The manufacturing process is under considerable pressure, and at the end the result is fixed by the root. The base of the porcelain stoneware consists of a field spat, a variety of clay, as well as mineral additives and pigments for staining.

It seems that this finish is very easy to confuse with tiles or glass - it can be so smooth. The list of its advantages includes high strength, resistance to temperature differences, durability. If you probably like porcelain stoneware, then you can find a variety of variations: glossy, matte, embossed, glazed.

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  • Agglomerates

This material is characterized by adding polyester resin, which bonds such components as granite, marble crumb as well as limestone. The agglomerates are popular thanks to their incredible variety of colors, as well as the opportunity to imitate any natural stone. They also boast of good strength and insensitivity to low temperatures.

Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos

The disadvantages of the agglomerates also have - such an artificial stone will rather quickly burn out, it is noticeably erased over time, does not tolerate the effects of certain chemicals, and is also categorically not suitable for the arrangement of the "warm floor" systems. The same applies to radiators built into the wall - if the finish is subject to frequent and long heating, it can be deformed and lose its initial attractiveness.

The characteristics of the strength of the agglomerate depends on the presence of quartzitis - if any, it means that the finish is not inferior by the strength of the porcelain.

  • Stone of colored concrete

It has a rather diverse composition: sand, cement, crumb, ceramzit, pumice, plasticizers and other elements. It is this material most often used to finish the walls - both inside and outside. Artificial stone from colored concrete has an interesting and unique texture, it looks rather harmonious in any room, and this is its main advantage.

All these types of finishes are characterized by environmental friendliness, since in most importantly the natural ingredients are mostly used. But it is recommended to choose a stone from colored concrete to finish the walls - since it is used just in such a sphere and has the most appropriate structure.

Now that we have decided on the type of decorative cladding, you can proceed to the study of the practical part of the repair, which is a fundamental factor in a qualitative and beautiful result.

Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos

Technique finish

Before you begin to work, you need to pickily explore the condition of the walls: Are they so smooth for applying trim? This is especially important if the artificial stone is not relief, but smooth - even the smallest deviations can affect the final appearance. In addition to the aligned surface, the walls must have strength and thoroughness - to withstand the upcoming load. So before applying it is necessary to rush all the bumps, close irregularities, cracks and strengthen the surface well.

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Next, we attach the walls, without forgetting to use the reinforcing grid. When this layer is driving, the surface must be processed by the primer and then prepare the composition you have chosen to fasten the stone. Here you need to strictly follow the instructions on the glue packaging and do not overdo it with the proportions of one or another ingredient. In addition to glue, liquid nails can be used to mount an artificial stone - it is even easier, because you will not need to prepare the adhesive composition itself.

Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos

Also for laying we will need the following list of tools:

  1. Spatula for surface processing
  2. Gypsum and beacons in the form of crosses
  3. Building level
  4. Stood for joints or putty
  5. Sponge
  6. Waterproofing layer and special roller to apply it.
  7. Capacity for glue

Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos

The process of laying is quite simple:

  • The adhesive composition is applied to the wall with a spatula for each row alternately. Then the finishing elements are glued there. Stones need to press well to the surface to improve the clutch. Excess glue is better to remove immediately until they have time to frozen.
  • As a rule, any similar work begins with the corners of the room. Each row is communicated to the end and only then the next one begins.
  • The styling manner depends only on the type of stone - after all, some facing options are better to glue asymmetrically, with a slight displacement.
  • The grout is performed very carefully, it is desirable at the same time not to use any tools, but to act with a cloth wound on your hand.
  • Despite the fact that it is impossible to call the hallway with high humidity with a premises, a protective layer of waterproofing is better to be called a finished decorative trim. You will need a special composition that is applied using a pulverizer.

Now you need to give the trim time to dry, and the work is over. But besides the installation instructions, it is equally important to think about the design of the walls, because the ideas of the design there are many, and each of them is distinguished by its unusual character.

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Stone use

Finishing with artificial stone gives unlimited expanse for self-expression - with her it is possible to skillfully emphasize any zone, expand or lengthen the room, make it more voluminous and having.

Stone in the hallway: Ways to finish with photos

The traditional method of using such a decorative coating is to create a two-level finish, when the bottom of the wall is covered with a stone, and the upper is painted. This method will help to visually push the boundaries of too long corridor, as well as protect the walls from pollution.

Another way to decorate the hallway lies in the asymmetric trim of corners from above DONAZU, or the installation of stone on the doorways. With it, it is possible to highlight certain interior items - a large mirror, or a furniture corner, a staircase, if there is such a hallway.

It is very stylish and minimally a certain section of the wall, treated with an artificial stone whole. You can arrange a whole exhibition of family photos, or hang a large decoration.

Artificial stone is used for the interior decoration niches, places for lamps, windows and other elements - it all depends on the "filling" of your hallway.

Summing up, it can be said that this type of finish coating is a rare combination of elegance and nobility with practicality and durability. The most important thing is to finish carefully and competently.

Video "Decoration of walls with decorative stone"

In this video, it is described how to properly sneak the walls of the hallway with a decorative stone.

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