Proper storage of tires on the balcony


The condition of the wheels of your car is one of the components of a secure ride. After a seasonal change of rubber, many people do not think about the right storage, the question of storage is the most important. It is especially problematic in a standard urban apartment, with limited area. Nevertheless, the question of how to store tires - is sufficiently important, because This depends on the service life of tires and, as a result, the frequency acquisition of new, and sometimes the health and life of the owner. Therefore, in the conditions of an urban apartment, you need to know whether it is possible to store summer tires on the balcony in winter.

Preparation for storage

Proper storage of tires on the balcony

Covers for tires

After when you approach the cold, you changed rubber, you need to make sure that the kit is suitable for operation next season. First you need to inspect the tires and visually determine their suitability. Then it is necessary to determine the shelf life. The manufacturer shows the numbers applied to the side of the tire and the prisoners in the oval. These are usually four digits denoting a week and year of production. If more than five or six years have passed since the production, the tires can be considered unsuitable for use, except for manufacturers such as Michelin, Nokian and Houdier.

When preparing for storage, it is necessary to remove all foreign bodies from the tires, i.e. Extract small stones and wash off chemicals, otherwise they will negatively act for a long time. Wheel cleaning is made using a soap solution or special compositions. After cleaning, it is recommended to treat rubber with a special preservative composition, for example, ATL, HI-Gear, Xado, Sodax. The listed compositions well help keep rubber, but have a drawback - it is difficult to remove them after completing storage. Tires processed in this way are recommended to be placed in special covers and in the presence, put in a special box. Tires are recommended to march so that you can correctly install, and thereby ensure uniform wear.

After changing rubber on the wheel of the wheel, it is necessary to prepare for storage - clean from dust, oil or fat spots. After cleaning, it is recommended to treat special composition.

Storage tires

When choosing a storage location, it should be borne in mind that the frequent movement of the tires can lead to their deformation, so it is undesirable to place them in the aisles, etc. The optimal place of storage of tires - pantry or insulated brick garages.

The experience of the tires was allowed to determine the basic requirements for their storage conditions:

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Proper storage of tires on the balcony

Proper storage of tires

  • Air humidity must be within 50 - 60%;
  • air temperatures within + 10 ° C - + 25 ° C;
  • The room should be well ventilated;
  • Not allowed exposure to sun rays.

Summer tires are contraindicated cold and when they are stored on the street, in the new season you can stay without tires. Based on the recommended storage conditions, you can define places where summer tires are not recommended in the winter period. It:

  • Balconies or loggia. The temperature is even in a glazed, but not a warmed loggia or a balcony only at 3 - 5 ° C above street;
  • Street. There will also be a negative impact of cold and the effect of moisture fluctuations will be added;
  • Places where rubber can contact with oil, paint, greasy surfaces and various solvents. Such contact can damage rubber, cracks may appear on it.
  • Basements are not suitable for storing rubber due to high humidity, which can also affect the service life of the tires.

The optimal place of storage of tires - pantry or insulated brick garages, in the absence of such an opportunity, can be stored on the balcony, observing certain rules.

Storage tires on the balcony

Proper storage of tires on the balcony

Wheels suspended on chains

In cases where there is no garage or it is too small for the placement of the wheels, the only option remains storing them on the balcony. When there is no other choice, you can, but better when the balcony is insulated or glazed. The main advantage of this storage is personal and continuous supervision of the state of rubber. Before placing the tires on the balcony for storage, it is necessary to prepare a place for them - to cleanse from garbage and third-party items. When storing tires on the balcony, general tips should be followed: there should be no effect of direct sunlight and significant temperature and humidity fluctuations are not desirable.

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For storage of wheels on the balcony, it is advisable to purchase special covers or if there is no such possibility, carefully close them with a dense cloth. If storage on the balcony is planned for a long time, you can assemble a special uncomplicated cabinet, which will only complement the interior.

Another common wheel storage option on the balcony is to hang on the chain. In this case, they take less space, but they will need to make special hooks for suspension.

Look at the video, how to store tires on the balcony:

Features of vertical storage of wheels

Proper storage of tires on the balcony

Storage tires in the car service

With vertical storage of wheels, they can be installed on a flat surface or purchase a special stand taking into account the diameter of the tires. This delivery can be made independently. To prevent deformation, it is recommended to turn the wheels once in one month and a half months. According to experts, it does not matter, in what position the tires are stored. The main condition is the exclusion of deformation, so it is not recommended to move them often or put heavy items on them.

Tires without disks should not be stored in a suspended state if the choice is not possible. The best option is to hang a wooden or metal case in which the tire is placed. When storing tires on disks, they should be placed on each other in the form of a well. It is also recommended not to reduce tire pressure to avoid the deformation of the carries' stored. It should be remembered that such a well needs to be located on a flat surface, the height is no more than four wheels.

General Recommendation - If it is not possible to save tires to independently, it is necessary to contact a specialized bus service providing seasonal storage services.

For storage of wheels on the balcony, it is desirable to purchase special covers, with their absence, it is necessary to carefully close the tires with a dense cloth.

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