Repair and operational features of calorifers


Repair and operational features of calorifers

The calorifer is called the air heater.

Repair and operational features of calorifers

Connection diagram of an electric carrier.

This device passes through itself and on the ventilation system Street air and heats it to the desired temperature, and then sends heat to the heating room for the latter. Based on the principles of heat transfer of air, the calorificates are divided into electrical and water, the latter are connected to central heating or other hot water source or steam. Externally, this device is often just a portion of the air duct on which the air mass is heated. In this article we will look at the issue of operation and repair of calorificates.

To the air passing through the canorosphere, certain requirements associated with its purity are imposed. In particular, it should be the content of aggressive substances not higher than specified in GOST 12.1.005-88. It should not have a lot of dust, resinous substances, fibers and other garbage. Otherwise, the calorifer will quickly fail and will require a qualified repair. And the repair of the radiator, like the repair of fan heaters and other elements of the carrier, will require not only the proper level of the wizard, but also a decent financial cost. Some cases, scored channels can cause you that you have to simply throw out the device failed.

Varieties of calorificates and the features of their repair

Repair and operational features of calorifers

Scheme of nodes of the strapping of calorificate systems.

As already mentioned, the calorificates are divided into 2 varieties: electrical and water. The first heats the air with the help of the Tannes, and the second are tubular heaters and according to their principle of operation resemble a radiator in the car. Electric calorificates are easier to install, operation and repair, but at the same time they are expensive in terms of payment for electricity, so most homeowners prefer to use water calorificates.

As for the price, on the one hand, the electric calorifer is cheaper than water, but the latter requires the installation of a special node of the strapping, the price of which is about 10-20 thousand rubles. The strapping assembly is a hot water supply system to the heat exchanger unit of the COOD. It includes a three-way valve (with an electric drive), a circulation pump, a separate unit for controlling the process with a set of sensors corresponding to the fastening system and fittings. This system is used to regulate heat supply, means, and the performance of the device, and is also designed to prevent freezing water in the system.

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Ideally, the installed system should prevent the occurrence of a number of emergencies, in particular, freezing in the Calrifer cold and its failure. But often the automation does not cope with some situations and functions, and the calorifer fails.

Repair or purchase of new equipment?

Repair and operational features of calorifers

Diagram of the water carrier device.

The reason for the breakdown is most often the notorious human factor, when not experienced users accidentally overlap the supply of hot water into the system and as a result it freezes. Another reason for the damage entailing the repair may become the wrong installation of automation and the node as a whole, which can also lead to the incorrect work of the entire system as a whole and its failure.

After such an accident, the main question arises, what to do with the calorior? Many advise just buy new, but it is wrong, since the repair will cost you much cheaper than buying and installing a new system. Troubleshooting is most often expressed either in the solder of the calorie itself, or repair fan heaters is required, and sometimes it is just a replacement of automation sensors.

In a good service center, any work on the repair of the Calrifer will spend in a couple of hours, and at the same time the price for the service will be significantly lower than the replacement of the equipment to the new one. Most often, the repair is associated with the soldering place of the flow, in addition, the master will hold the crimping of a renovated carrier, washing the entire system of tubes and cavities from accumulated pollution. After all, often the output of the entire system is the consequence of fans contamination. This procedure is carried out using special chemical compositions and based on modern technologies that will make your device almost new in its technical indicators and heat output. If the calorifer itself fails to dismantle it to the service center, the master can come to your home and not only to repair, but also to establish a system and give a number of tips, how to avoid problems in the future.

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For clarity, we give examples of 2 types of calorificates: ceiling calorifers and water calorifers Remko PWD. The first system is convenient because it is a flat and convenient design for low rooms that are fitted under the ceiling. It sucks cold air above the floor and distributes on four sides already warm under the ceiling. This type of calorfer is convenient for its ease when installing and quiet work.

The second type of the carrier is intended for large premises, most often production. One of the reasons why it is worth choosing this system to the detriment of ordinary water heating, it is that the calorifer has an extremely low inertia when heating the room and very quickly warms it up to the necessary temperatures.

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