What is acrylic primer: species and application


Acrylic primer is necessary in order to securely and for a long time to cut the surface of the material, while putting it with durability and smoothness. The use of such a mixture will eliminate the roughness and porosity of any surface, to which the plaster, paint, wallpaper and other materials will be perfectly lying perfectly. What are the features of this type of primer, what kind of species are known for today, as you need to use - all of this read in our article.


Acrylic primer has acquired its useful qualities thanks to the bonding elements included in its composition. When it dries, then the liquid turns into a film connecting with the material. Acrylic primer has a property to penetrate the pores of wood, plaster, putty, surfaces from metal and concrete, and reliably fill the cavities.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

Pluses this type of primer a lot. The primer strengthens the base, can penetrate to a depth of 10 cm - everything depends on the material. Used to process poorly absorbing or at all having no such properties of surfaces. Experts recommend using such mixtures of deep penetration under thick-layer dispersion coatings.

Such mixtures, the composition of which correspond to GOST, are often produced by composure. Therefore, they are permissible to apply as an intermediate painting layer.

Inhabitable penetration primers have the ability to combine particles, also to envelop the pores in a special way, increase the degree of moisture resistance of the surface, falling into its structure. Then it acquires strength, and the coating is then obtained very uniform.

Some of such specific mixtures, the specifications of which correspond to GOST, have more protective functions. For example, there are anti-corrosion primers for metal processing or those that show resistance to ultraviolet rays. This is important if acrylic primer is required for outdoor work.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

In the market of paintwork products, universal primer for an American is popular. It is applied on any type of surfaces. Such a mixture has good weather resistance, shelterness, elasticity. The thin layer of the coating stains the contrasting surfaces, which becomes the result between different colors is practically erased.

Types of acrylic primer

Depending on the tasks you have set, you can choose one of the two main types of acrylic primer:

  • Strengthening - in the composition has 10 times large binding elements, rather than deep. This allows the strengthening mixture, which is produced today in accordance with Goste, glue the surface well. It is not a soil of deep penetration.
  • The deep - has excellent specifications, high penetrating properties, as well as the ability to impregnate and strengthen the basis for a depth of about 10 cm. This may be necessary in the case when the walls in the dwelling are created using poor quality cement, which contains too much sand. This type of surface is usually starting to crumble and requires strengthening. The price of deep penetration primer may be higher than strengthening, so it is worth considering the need to use it.

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What is acrylic primer: species and application

When choosing a soil, pay attention to the part of the solid. Its in the deep penetration facility should not be less than 10%, which is indicated in the product passport and meets the requirements of the GOST. This will imply that the composition is a little acrylic dispersion.

Even before buying, you should make sure of the transparency of the material - the color of the primer must be somewhat clouded and white, similar to milk. Test for the type of primer is easy. If you apply it to a brush to the surface, it will become a film that strengthens during drying, and the acrylic deep penetration soil almost leaves traces.

In addition to two main species, there is both subspecies, depending on the destination.

The deep soil for drywall is suitable for massive surfaces (gypsum plates, foam concrete, brick, ansis). Used before laying tiles in the bathroom, applying paint on the wall or bleaching wallpaper. Suitable for internal and outdoor work. Capable to dry from 40 minutes to 6 hours. Solvents are not included in such a mixture in accordance with GOST, it guarantees a good adhesive connection with the surface of any type. Diluted with warm water, is environmentally friendly, does not have a specific smell. Consumption - 1 liter means for 10 square meters of area. This is relevant when applying one layer.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

The adhesive primer mixture is produced for surfaces that do not tend to absorb moisture (monolithic plates, blocks, ceiling). Used before coating plaster, plaster, limestone-gypsum compositions. The surface after such a soil becomes rough, which contributes to an excellent dusting with a finishing material. Such a product is manufactured in German recipe and is environmentally friendly. Consumption - 1 liter for 5 square meters.

The soil for wood is a white homogeneous consistency of the liquid, which includes one component. Designed to perform internal work, perfectly suitable for the finish painting of furniture and doors. Creates a durable layer having high adhesive characteristics. After drying such a mixture, which meets the requirements of the GOST, the surface is really polished and neutralized flaws. When using water soil on a tree, it is realistic to save on the finish paint. When wood, which so well absorbs moisture, is impregnated with soil, then the main paint remains on the surface. Consumption - 1 liter by 10 square meters. But here a lot depends on the type of surface.

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Latex primer for internal works is suitable for absorbing or uneven absorbing surfaces. It will strengthen the mineral grounds, it is necessary to align plasterboard sheets, plasters.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

The facade is a mixture of acrylic and latex, can be used for external work in the presence of low temperatures and before the subsequent staining. Suitable for a new or previously painted wood, trimming of fiberboard, aluminum, galvanized metal, brickwork, plaster, concrete. Dries after 2 hours, the layer can be applied after 3 hours. It has a rich color palette, which accommodates 14,000 shades.

And this is still not all kinds of soil that manufacturers are produced on the basis of acrylic.


This type of building materials of deep penetration, which in our country is produced according to GOST, the regulatory composition, specifications and other parameters, as we have already written above, increases the adhesion of the layers of various materials. If you save on the purchase of soil, the flow of other building materials will be significant.

Acrylic primer is considered a multifunctional means as widely used to process various types of surfaces. It is often applied to process wood and materials derived from it.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

The strengthening mixture is used for sweeping and plastered surfaces before applying paint or shook wallpaper. Perfectly suitable for surfaces with loose structure.

The soil of deep penetration with optimal and meets the requirements of the GOST is widely used to strengthen the old plaster, brick and concrete walls, ceilings.

If there is a possibility of the appearance of fungus or mold, it is required to use the antiseptic soil. Information on which surface is permissible to use the tool, can be found in the instructions.

Summing up, let's call the main characteristics that the acrylate primer should have a primer. This is water resistance, antisepticity, improvement of adhesion, resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, strengthening surfaces, saving other building materials, preservation of vapor permeability.

In recent years, the popularity has acquired a decoupage technique. It is a decorative treatment of fabric, dishes, furniture, in which the elements are cut from leather, fabric, paper, wood elements are glued to the selected surface.

What is acrylic primer: species and application

PVA glue is traditionally used for decoupage, but it is better to use the acrylic soil, the composition of which is clearly controlled by GOST. The laminating decoupage is performed in order for the following layers when applying normally lay onto the surface. The use of primer during decoupage reduces paint consumption. The one who is engaged in this kind of creativity advises to take either divorced primer, or a colorless acrylic varnish.

If during the application of decoupage, the surface has acquired some roughness, it should be treated with sandpaper.

Printing during decorating the decoupage technique cannot be neglected - it will definitely improve the quality of the work and the appearance of the finished product. For decoupage, many craftsmen prefer to use non-toxic acrylic primer on a water basis. This mixture is really to buy in any construction store or in a special store for creativity, where materials for decoupage are sold.

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Keep in mind that for the decorating surface after the priming during decoupage, painting with acrylic materials should be selected.

General advice

What is acrylic primer: species and application

Even unprofessional can be applied to the main surface. For work, you will need a brush, roller or sprayer. The process somewhat resembles painting. However, when working with an acrylic primer, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • It is recommended to acquire only a means corresponding to the norms of the GOST.
  • Working with one surface, it is best to abandon the use of different types of mixes on it.
  • On such smooth surfaces as plywood and plasterboard, the roller will use rationally. This will not only help save material, but also guarantees a uniform layer distributed over the entire surface.
  • In those places where the surface sections have relief, it is recommended to work using a brush. The same is relevant for corners and joints.
  • If you are going to grind the surface with a sprayer, do not forget to wear special construction mask and glasses. This will be a guarantee of the safety of your eyes and respiratory organs.
  • No need to rush with surface coating by the main material. It should be waited until the first layer is working normally. It is possible that after complete drying of the surface it will have to cover the surface with an additional layer.

Before going to the construction store, think about what mixture and for which surface you will need. And its use after reading this article will not be difficult.

Video "How to prepare a deep acrylic soil yourself"

According to the author of the video, after viewing this video, you will learn to make a deep-penetrating primer based on acrylic completely independently. In this case, the result will surprise you and its quality, and cost.

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