Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)



The balcony is quite often becoming a place that serves to store a variety of unnecessary things. Everything that remains without a case is sent there. Even despite the fact that some of these items already use no one is going to use, they still protect them. Perhaps, after annal number of years, they are still determined on the garbage, but first they must lie on the balcony. What to do in order to prevent such the current and not allow your balcony to own a miserable existence. After all, the main vocation of the balcony is to expand the area of ​​the apartment, and instead, it becomes a repository for what has already been outlined. The main thing that needs to be taken in this case is to make it so that you and your households do not even have thought that instead of the garbage container in the house there is another room, which will also be able to cope with this task too. To do this, your balcony should look like your ordinary living rooms look like. This also applies to the setting concerning furniture, both to the wallpaper, and to the curtains, and to other all sorts of decorative elements that will create a special atmosphere on the balcony.

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

Use the balcony to expand the apartment area.

How to decorate a balcony with your own hands?

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

If the curtains are in a fold, then the assembly is better to sew in advance.

In the event that funds for capital re-equipment and, accordingly, the repair of the balcony is not enough, it is necessary to carry out at least minimal events. Which will still be able to affect the transformation of these square meters. So, first it will be necessary to make everything from the balcony, which is located there, and disassemble these things to the right and unnecessary. Follow the rule that states that it should not be unnecessary. Therefore, the bunch, which is signed as "necessary" things must be several times less than the opposite. Next, hold the general fault. After that, it is necessary to pay attention to how the curtains are hung. This part of the interior is always and in any room will play the main role. Curtain can transform almost every room. The balcony is a very narrow room in which it is almost impossible to pick up the curtains. The ratio of length and width sometimes does not look at all on the part. However, there is a fairly reliable option - to sew the curtains with your own hands.

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What curtains can be sewed to a balcony with your own hands?

The main condition for the design of the balcony is, of course, following your taste and style. So, if all rooms are made in a classic style, then in the future you should not retreat from this tone. The color of the curtains should be similar to the color of the main curtains in the house, it is possible to tone with darker or vice versa lighter. The easiest way is the acquisition of your favorite fabric, cutting it and then tailoring exactly how you want.

For the balcony, you should not pick up dense curtains, as they miss little light.

This advice will not only help you spectacular to reflect the balcony, but also save money, as lightweight materials usually cost the cheaper of those that go with the lining. So, the curtains on the balcony should be sewn from light translucent tissue.

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

Curtains for the balcony are better to do from fine tissue so that they miss the light.

First you need to measure the size of the window and the wall adjacent to it. The resulting magnitude should be measured on the curtains and cut off the excess material with your own hands. In order to cut off the curtain, it is necessary to release one thread. For this, a small incision is made on the fabric, a thread is removed from it. It should be pulled out for it, and you will immediately see where you need to cut. The side sides of the curtain must be seduced. For this, a double edge is made, which is stitched by the usual direct line of medium stitches. The lower and top of the curtains can be watched with your own hands, and then perform the trim. From above, it will be enough to retreat 2 - 2.5 cm. The size of the lower border depends on the size of the curtains, it can also vary from 2.5 to 5 cm.

Accessories for curtains do it yourself

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

So that the curtains look beautiful, decorate them.

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Attaching the tape with your own hands will depend on how you sewed the curtains. If you intend to use them only on the balcony, it is quite realistic to cut so many tips as the window is in width. So, if the curtains are in a fold, then the assembly themselves can also be sewn in advance so that it is not to mess with them. If you admit the fact that these curtains will be used in other rooms (for example, in the country), the braid should be selected in the sizes of the curtain. In order for the fabric on the windows to look most effectively, a variety of techniques are used. The easiest and old - this is not to the end of the dried curtains, which under the weight of their own weight are leveled. Also one of the similar methods is the attachment of drapering weights. They can be both temporary and constant. The second represents the greatest interest, as they can also be made it with their own hands. To do this, it is quite necessary to acquire something in the store, it will be quite enough that it will be in the house, and your fantasy does not prevent.

Most often, fragments from tissue residues for curtains are used as drapery weights. Of these, you can hide all sorts of ornaments, tie a tissue with a bustard or tie them with laces with a hook. Another option is to make a fringe froth.

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

Curtains on a balcony with their own hands (photo)

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