Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation


Accessories are an important element of any furniture. It defines the quality and service life, especially if we talk about the cabinets. From how high-quality it is used, its ability to perform a number of actions depends: to open, close and so on.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

Loops for doors: what are there?

The most important element of the accessories for the cabinet is the loop. They not only help attach the facade to the case, but also responsible for the opening of the door. Moreover, the latter procedure can be performed at different angles, which is very convenient during the operation of this type of furniture.

The choice of loops, which are used when assembling furniture, large enough. They differ in both their constructive features and other indicators. This greatly complicates the process of their choice. To make it right, you need to know what kind of furniture loops come, their purpose, and how to fix these elements on the cabinet door. This information will help to fulfill all the work with your own hands and provide long-term service.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

After the door frame is assembled, you need to hang the doors. To do this, do not do without a special mechanism that will provide them with opening and closing. Loops protrude as it. When installing the doors of the cabinet mainly apply hinged or four-stroke fasteners. They are distinguished by their appearance and functional abilities. So, the first are represented in the form of two parts, which are connected by the axis.

This type of loops is known for a long time. It is used when assembling furniture for more than twenty years. It is easy to install and convenient to use. Over time, this type of loops have improved. Thus, they become universal, can be used when assembling different types of cabinets and they received the name - four-stroke.

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But for glass and mirror doors, such loops will not fit. When they are assembling, accessories are needed, equipped with a decorative lining and a special ring, which contributes to the construct seal. These loops are installed directly on the glass surface.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

Loops for doors: the method of overlay and scope

In addition to constructive features, the loops can be installed differently. So, distinguish invoice and semi-blank accessories, which is mainly used when assembling furniture with outer doors. Another loop option is deposit. They are well suited for partitions located inside the product. If the cabinet is angular, then when it is assembling, corner fasteners are needed. At the same time, they are of different configurations.

As you know, the hinge doors provide their ability to open and close. Mostly 90 degrees. But in some cases it must be increased. Traditional loops will not allow it to do. Therefore, to open the door of the furniture up to 180 degrees, it is necessary to install special accessories. Loops, providing this ability to do the doors of furniture, are called inverse.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

How to install a loop on the cabinet door?

Installation of loops on the cabinet door is an easy procedure. If you assemble the furniture with your own hands, then this procedure will be for you. The main thing is to know its features and properly prepare. All other work will be performed quickly and easily.

Before starting the installation of the loops, it is necessary to prepare tools without which it is not to solve this task. Their list is small and eat in almost every home. Therefore, the cost of their acquisition will not need. So, such tools such as a pencil, level, screwdriver or screwdriver, self-tapping screw, roulette, drill are needed. Well, and, of course, the fastener itself.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

Installation of loops on the cabinet door: stages of work

After the necessary tools are prepared, you can move to the main work. The first stage lies in the markup. It is carried out when registering the interval, which is 80-130 mm, between the holes. It is necessary to note their center on the facade of the product. As for the number of loops, this indicator fuses what the height of the door themselves. So, it can be used both two and more loops.

An important point in conducting these works is to extract the distance to the edge of the facade and shelves. Otherwise, the door will not cling and bad will do it. It is customary to be the right distance from the edge of the facade to the center of the opening of 20 mm.

In order to make the opening, a 34 mm drill will be required. It will drill the hole of the required depth. Usually this indicator is 13 mm. To do this, the drill is inserted into the drill. When carrying out work, keep the tool at an angle of ninety degrees. If you change this position, it is inevitably the appearance of slots, chips and other things that can spoil the appearance of the furniture.

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Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

After the loops are fixed, you can start installing doors. But it is worth paying attention to how the fasteners are located. They should be on the same axis. This will provide even placement of doors and uniform load distribution. If you do not observe, then the product will quickly fail, and it will be necessary to repair it.

Loop adjustment

The loop adjustment is the final procedure in this process. At the same time, it requires no less responsible approach, as it affects the quality of the work of the mechanism.

Adjustment is performed in different ways, depending on how furniture is operated. If the door must be pressed to the door or, on the contrary, removed from it, the fasteners are clamped or weakened. The process of adjustment is performed in depth and fixation of the fittings. To perform this work, you can use a screwdriver. This method of adjustment is mainly necessary in rooms with uneven floors. It will provide the opening and closure of the furniture door.

Varieties of hinges for the doors of the cabinet and their installation

As practice shows, doors on furniture over time they sav. Vertical adjustment will help correct the situation. She is responsible for the placement of doors at the height of the facade. It is possible to adjust it, make it higher or lower.

In the event of the appearance of the slits between the door and the housing will help horizontal adjustment. It will eliminate them and provide a dense adjacent to all furniture elements. It is used mainly for furniture, which is located on uneven floors.

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