Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Geometric appliqués will help the child to develop the eye meter, creative thinking, to work out a small motor. Additionally, it will get acquainted with the main geometric figures, learn to relate them to each other. In this material you will learn how to do with the baby appliqués from geometric shapes.

Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten

Age peculiarities

Children 2-3 years old are applied in kindergarten, sticking ready-made details, pre-carved from colored paper as an educator. Most often it is an ordinary geometric ornament from geometric shapes on a narrow strip of paper. Guys 3-4 years old can prepare themselves for appliqués. In this case, the main complexity is working with scissors. The kids of this age are able to make a bookmark, a Christmas tree made of triangles, New Year's postcard as a gift.

Children 4-5 years old are able to make a small picture with a plot line. For example, an aquarium with fish or forest cleaner with animals. At this age, they secure the basic skills of working with scissors. The guys 5-6 years are improving their skills, show a greater fantasy.

Preschoolers (the most eldest group in DOU) are engaged in appliqué, turning the occupation in and an interesting game. Since for preschoolers, skills work with scissors are fixed, they pay most of the attention precisely on the construction of a storyline. For the older guys (grade 1, grade 2, grade 4), the teacher can choose quite complex schemes. For clarity, there is nothing better than the presentation, therefore the teacher can issue a master class exactly.

Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten

Templates for applications

There are quite a few templates that allow you to create various applications from geometric shapes. It may be not only animals, but also cars.

Work should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Cut the template (sample on which it is made to do for appliqués);
  2. On the prepared sheet of colored paper of the intended color to circle the template and cut it.

Article on the topic: Painting of the boxes do it yourself: master class with photos and video


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten

A fox:

Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten


Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers or in kindergarten

Video on the topic

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