Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)



By purchasing plastic windows, buyers do not always realize that if you save on the quality of the components of the components or the implementation of installation work, you can also get a number of completely unnecessary problems together with new double-glazed windows. It is precisely to such savings refer to the fulfillment of the finishing of external (outdoor) slopes. Many consumers, by virtue of not awareness, or greatly desire to save, think that the exterior can be separated and then.

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

Despite the way you did not choose, the windows should be well shred, that is, the seams between the window and the wall should be sealed, so that then do not break the head, why plastic windows sweat.

Their opinion - such slopes are only decorative. It is wrong. On similar structures, except for decorative function, such a task is entrusted as the protection of the mounting seam, and this is very important when operating the window design.

Recall once again that the external slopes are not inferior in the importance of internal slopes. To their choice and installation it is necessary to approach with great responsibility. Let's study this problem in more detail.


So, the main principle of arrangement of the assembly seam reads: the density from the inside is much larger than outside. What does this mean?

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

The structure of the slope.

This means that the installation seam inside the room should have such qualities as moisture impermeability and steam. But for the seam outside the first quality is characterized - moisture resistance. As for the pair, then, on the contrary, the outer assembly seam should easily skip steam.

But do not think that the couple in the literal sense of the word. Couples as very small suspended water molecules, which are contained in the air. It is this couple that in airspace that contributes to various processes characteristic of the window and the premises in general.

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These are the processes to increase and reduce humidity in the room, the formation of condensate on the glasses and walls, reproduction of mold and other fungi.

The seams made using the mounting foam will quickly lose their positive qualities, since foam is a material that is unstable to ultraviolet.

It means that under its impact, it quickly darkens and loses the positive properties of isolation. The period of time for which the failure of the mounting foam as an insulating material is different. It will depend on the conditions in which the window is located. But, sooner or later, trouble will occur.

These include, for example, the rash of foam. And, as a result, disruption of seamless seam. Or, absorbing moisture, mounting foam, the thermal insulation properties of the window structure will be reduced.

Some features

Simply put, external slopes for plastic windows, more precisely, their arrangement is strictly mandatory for durability and high-quality operation of the plastic window.

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

Osolation window.

It is possible to determine the availability of problems concerning the installation of the mounting seam outside, it is possible according to the following features: for example, the abundant formation of condensate over the surface (throughout the perimeter), in winter it may appear to appear in the location of window loops or whistle and howling during windane weather.

If at least one of the signs is present during the operation of your plastic window, then you need to either eliminate the shortcomings yourself or contact professionals.

Correct device option

If you install plastic windows, do not try to save on the decoration outside.

It will not lead to anything good.

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

1 is a plaster layer of outdoor slope (with a chamfer for a layer of sealant); 2 - construction screw;

3 - sealant; 4 - faster consuming from the corner; 5 - Isolation self-seeping vapor-permeable

tape (psyl); 6 - frame dowel; 7 - foam insulation; 8 - sealant; 9 - vapor insulation tape;

10 - element of the finish of the internal slope; 11 - the cavity between the displeasted single-layer wall

and element of the discovery finish (it is recommended to fill in thermal insulating material)

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It is best to order the fulfillment of the entire range of services: this is the finish of outdoor slopes, and the installation of double-glazed windows, and the finishing of the internal devices. Choosing one or another option to finish outdoor slopes, seek help from specialists.

There are several basic types of finishes, with which the outer slope is set. These include:

  • Finishing with the use of vapor-permeable tape (psul). The abbreviation is decrypted as follows - a pre-compressed sealing tape. Issued in accordance with GOS 30971-2002;
  • PVC profile or outdoor plastic slope;
  • Naschelik used for plastic windows;
  • Metal outer discovery with coated (polymeric).

The first version of the finishing material (cuts) looks like a self-adhesive tape impregnated with special composition. A tape that is in a compressed state is supplied, in the rollers.

The tape is produced by various types and sizes, so you choose the desired one for you the option will not be much difficulty. The cuts are placed in the junction, or in the seam, after which its expansion occurs, and it completely fills itself with all the available gaps and irregularities, thereby providing reliable protection of seams from all aggressive impacts of the atmospheric medium.

Most importantly, when choosing a tape correctly pick it up.

Its properties include the following:

  • resistant to ultraviolet;
  • neutral in chemical relation;
  • elastic;
  • moisture resistant, rather, water-powered;
  • does not contribute to the reproduction of fungi;
  • durable;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • Suitable for use in temperature modes from - 45 degrees to + 85.

Now a few words about PVC profile for outdoor slope

It uses the same type of plastic as for designs.

It is sufficiently resistant to the temperature differences and the effects of ultraviolet. With small financial costs on its device, he will serve for a long time without losing his positive qualities.

  • Another option for the finishes of the outer slopes of plastic structures - the nickname. It is designed to mask outdoor seams, is made from the profile. Its species may vary by various fastening, made in order to facilitate assembly work.

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Its positive qualities include resistance to various atmospheric phenomena, ultraviolet rays, and the use of a special silicone sealer helps smooth out the irregularities on the wall.

Typically uses two main species. It:

  • Nickname with adhesive layer;
  • Ordinary nickname without a layer of glue.

The first species implies the presence of self-adhesive tape on one side. Its installation is much easier, possible without the use of special tools. When using a qualitative option of the ostel, you will not be disappointed in its protective properties.

Metal slopes external (with the presence of a polymer coating) can be installed at any time of the year. It is quite well combined with the facade of the building, the finish of which is made using vinyl siding.

The positive properties include high insulating characteristics, long service life, atmospheric resistance, use for additional strengthening of the opening. As for the shortcomings, it can be called a fairly high cost as such.

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

Outdoor slopes for plastic windows with their own hands (photo)

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