How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving


Many, imagining the gift, as a place for a seasonal stay, are brought there all the fact that there has not found seats in the urban apartment. So at the cottage there are old, soldered armchairs, plated kettles, crossbow stools. But when your friends and acquaintances come to the country, really the first thing they see is an old, shabby door?

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

Choose doors to the country

At the same time, it is necessary to warn and from another extreme - on a private ordinary country, luxurious metal doors will be funny and unnatural. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the optimal choice of the input dacha door.

What are we waiting for the door to the cottage

Leaving from the country area home, we actually leave it to the mercy of fate. Moreover, if the windows of the country house can be closed with metal shutters or lattices, then the situation is more complicated with the input design. In addition to the danger of unauthorized penetration, there is also a detrimental effect on the summer door of external temperatures and atmospheric moisture. Thus, the following requirements are presented to the country door:

  • reliability from hacking;
  • resistance to external atmospheric influences;
  • If possible, low price.

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

In many ways, wooden products correspond to these criteria. Plastic options, despite all its external beauty and attractiveness, will not be able to resist the score and screwdriver, metal doors are heavy in transportation and complex in care, because they are subject to corrosion processes, and options from MDF panels are also not distinguished by high moisture resistance. In addition, the last two types of their appearance more often attract the attention of intruders.

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

Advantages of wooden doors for giving:

  1. The tree is the most eco-friendly material and, being in nature, you will not feel alien. Since the tree is constantly "breathing", the microclimate inside the country's premises will always be healthy.
  2. Wooden options have a fairly affordable price and mechanical strength. Made of solid pine massif, they will become a fairly serious obstacle to the uninimited guests.
  3. The tree is easy to color (including waterproof colors), which significantly increases the life of the product.
  4. Wooden doors are extremely low thermal conductivity, so in the country house, the entrance to which is equipped with the help of models of this type, will always be warmer. Very time to remember both the beautiful frost-resistant wood.
  5. Wooden doors are characterized by good sound absorption.

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How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

Select type

For the entrance door to the country house, the best option will be the acquisition of a panel model of economy class, for example, as in the photo. Such options are simple, reliable, it is better to harmonize with a country atmosphere. Referring to the economy-class products, they, however, differ quite attractive appearance, and therefore may well be installed as street doors. If it is necessary to install interroom summer cottages, it is possible to purchase it from the pine array, but with Pilenks, as in the photo. The durability of pine articles covered with varnish or waterproof paints can reach 20 years.

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

Naturally, it is necessary to take care of accessories. Country wooden doors need reliable fittings and mandatory insulation. Decorating the street door with leather upholstery and other decorative excesses is unlikely to be appropriate - the protection of the country house they will not help, but the attention of the hooligans will attract accurately.

Entry protection in the country house

The door in the country can not be considered complete if it does not have a fairly reliable castle. The economy-class entrance door in the country needs more reliable protection than the usual street.

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

For a long time, those times have already passed when the input summer design "decorated" the ordinary attachment lock. In addition to its external unattractiveness, such a way to protect the street door cannot be considered as reliable because it is easily opened by the usual lomik. Therefore, you should take care of the installation in the country door of the mortise or overhead lock.

How to choose cheap wooden doors for giving

Considering the specifics, the design of such a lock should be simple and work at any temperature and humidity conditions. Superior design type of electronic locks here is unlikely to be relevant because they need constant control. Therefore, the optimal will be the installation of an ordinary, but high-quality lock with mechanical opening.

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