Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions


Simple at first glance, the installation of double-glazed windows (plastic windows and others) in wooden houses may well be complicated by quite unpleasant moments - if you do not consider some features during the construction of a wooden house or when installing such products. How to correctly perform windows installation in a wooden house so that there are no problems?

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

Windows with double-glazed windows are very well preserved heat, but if you do not think about the ventilation of the house there may be unpleasant phenomena.

Some features and features

It is known that wooden houses for some time give shrinkage. This fact is the main one to take into account, performing the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house. So, how to install plastic windows in a wooden house correctly, so that in the future they do not bother and they did not stop closing?

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

Installation of the casing in a wooden house is necessary to eliminate the problems that appear from the shrinkage of the cut.

So that you do not touch the troubles described above, when installing double-glazed windows, it is necessary to use a soup, another name for this design - the placade. This design is necessary to ensure the independence of the window installation from the walls in wooden houses. In other words, the installation of plastic products should take into account the possibility of shrinkage of walls at home without pressure on the frames themselves. To understand what will have to face, it is necessary to consider the shrink shrink itself.

There is an erroneous opinion that the wooden house is completely sitting over a year after its installation was performed. Of course, throughout the year, the log house will sit at 3-5 cm for every 3 m of his height. However, in general, shrinkage is not only a surge, it is the whole process of drying the logs, of which the house was folded. Therefore, if the log house was made from a raw forest, the logs will be able to completely dry in approximately 5 years - in temperate climates.

At the same time, they will be soiled every year in diameter by 5-10 mm. Consequently, the installation of plastic systems in a wooden house should take into account that it will slowly sit at least 5 years. It is here for the help and comes a placade (obosyachka).

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Required when working tool:

  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • Lobzik;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb.

Installing windows in a wooden house: a sequence of actions

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

The main purpose of the placade is a durable fastening of windows in the openness with the preservation of the independence of the entire window design.

Technology installation of windows in a wooden house - and plastic, and wooden - not much different. Below, consider this process step by step: let's start with the preparation of the openings, as well as the manufacture of clusters (souls), and we will end the consideration of how the installation of plastic (wooden) structures in the opposite is performed.

For the correct installation of double-glazed windows (wooden elements), the openings need special preparation. To mount the lowest number of negative consequences, it is necessary to start with the correct cutting in the wooden house exactly holes.

Distance of openings from the floor in a wooden house

An optimal distance from the window sill to the floor in a wooden house is 80-90 cm, it is necessary to take into account human growth. This distance is due to several points:

  • It is necessary to be able to approach the window comfortably and lean to the windowsill;
  • The height of written, dining tables and kitchen countertops is 75-85 cm, so the windowsill must have a slightly large height.

Consequently, the openings need to be cut by centimeters 5 below, given the thickness of the mounting foam (1-2 cm), as well as the thickness of the future window sill (about 3-4 cm).

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

The joints between the box and the wall are filled with a double layer of insulation.

Cut the window opening

This operation will require a water level. With it, it is necessary to accurately place horizontal lines and a plumb, which will then help place vertical lines.

Lower line mark at the height specified in the previous section. After that, mark the upper border.

It should be borne in mind that the height of the openings for plastic windows should make a higher window height by 13-14 cm.

This is explained by the fact that from the window to the lower edge of the opening, it is necessary to leave about 4 cm for the windowsill and gate, from above - 1 cm for foam, for the top of the souls - 4 cm, as well as 4-5 cm for shrinkage at home.

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Now with the help of a plumb, you can place the vertical edges of the holes of the holes. At this stage, the width of the opening, as in the case of height, should be 12-14 cm more than the size of the ordered products.

Owner (placada) - element properties

The main purpose of this design is the durable fixation of wooden (plastic) windows in the openings of a wooden house while maintaining the independence of the design from the walls. If you neglect the championaging (cloth), after some time the logs will die, their diameter will decrease and they will begin to put pressure on the device. It is not excluded that under the pressure of the walls window simply breaks.

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

The crest location mark is made using a level.

There are two types of soups. The most common option is when in the end logs of openings make grooves 50x50 mm, inserting the bars of the same sizes. However, this window is suitable only for wooden structures, since they can be used between the bars.

By installing double-glazed windows, it follows in the end of the logs of openings to cut the comb, to put on the boys together with the groove. In this case, during a drying of a log with a comb, they will sit inside the sowing boys, like on the guides, without providing any pressure on the design.

Friends for Okosyachki

These flaps are vertical structures made from a bar of 150x100. It is with their help that the independence of wooden (plastic) windows from the log logs can be achieved.

The boat is a design, the length of which is larger than the window size by 5-6 cm. In the middle of a wider side of the faucet, the sizes of which are 50x50 mm. The installation of the faucet is quite simple - it must be put on the crest carved in the end of the logs of openings.

Preparation of window openings in a wooden house

Before starting the installation of plastic (wooden) windows in a wooden house, you need to correctly and accurately place a place to install. To do this, on the ends of the openings (necessarily with the help of the level), it should be noted where the crest for flaws will be cut.

Installation of obosyachki

After the opening is ready, we can start assembling the souls. First you need to cut the top of the souls, make the groove in the board, which will then need to wear on the ridge.

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Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands: Instructions

The fastening of the stacks occurs only due to the compound of the groove and the ridge.

The board is the top of the window opening, which will then be installed elements. Therefore, the board should not have the beggars, to be even - so that it does not have difficulty when the installation will be made.

In order to prevent squeaks, as well as improve the thermal insulation, the ridges can be chopped by a roll packle, and then put on them prepared wafes.

The board, which is the top of the souls, screws up to the yoke. It is important not to be mistaken here - if you suddenly screw the board to the ridge, the whole design will lose sense.

It is also desirable to check the parameters of the outlook itself. In order for the installation to go without complications, the opening should be wider than the window for 2-4 cm - this clearance is necessary for the fading.

The height of the opening is greater than 5-7 cm of the window height. The clearance is necessary to perform the mounting of the window sill and its further fading. There should be about 5 cm for shrinkage between a log and riding opening.

Installation of plastic (wooden) windows in the scene

When the openings are ready, the chain setting is made, you can start mounting windows. It is important to remember that performing the installation of plastic products, in no case cannot be drilled through the frame, since thermal insulation and tightness will be destroyed.

Therefore, during the acquisition of parts it is necessary to buy special fasteners. Installation of these mounts is performed, as a rule, in the end of the frame. So that the installation was less complicated, it is necessary to remove the frame from the frame - without sash to keep the frame will be much easier.

The next step is the correct installation of the frame in the opening. Here again will come to help the level, without it, the window will be set crookedly.

After the device is installed, it should be attached to the stitching. We should not forget that at the bottom need to leave a gap for the mounting foam - it is best to put the chips under the frame. After the frame is installed in the opposite, you can hang the sash, after which the mounting foam should be joined around the perimeter.

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