How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?



The chaise lounge can become not only part of the beach, but also a country site. And so that this element of the exterior looks harmoniously with nature, you can make it yourself. Before making a chaise lounge with your own hands, you should think about how the design will be possessing. As a rule, lounge chairs have the ability to change the position from the sitting in the lying.

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Sun loungers can be three types: lying, middle and seats.

Tools and materials

  • wood;
  • bars;
  • boards;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • corner;
  • screws;
  • grinding sheet;
  • varnish.

Making a lattice chaise lounge

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Chaise chaaming chamber frame.

The first version of the chaise lounge, which is based on a wooden grille, can be used instead of bed. The design will have a smooth base and adjustable back. As the main minus the described design, it is the fact that it is problematic to move on the site alone. However, you can use to solve the roller problem.

In order to make such a chaise lounge, you should be worst with a slab, the thickness of which is 18 mm, it should be glued with firing wood. Wooden bars with a cross section of 45x45 mm will be needed, they will be used to make a framework. In the process of covering the lateral parts of the design, boards will be needed, the thickness of which is 25 mm. Used drills for wood work should have a diameter of 40 mm. Technology involves the use of four bed mounting parts. Screws that have a secret head will be needed as fastener. You can move the chaise lounge using four rollers with a height of 100 mm. The wood surface will have to be treated with a grinding sheet of graininess in the range from 120 to 240. The coating can be a varnish or paint designed to work on wood.

When buying a plate, it is preferable to acquire the one, which is based on coniferous rocks, is due to the fact that they are characterized by resistance to precipitation. The dimensions of the design can be any, but, as a rule, chaise lounges have dimensions equal to 60x190 cm.

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Starting to make a deck chair with her own hands, you need to make 2 long and as many short sidewalls. They will form the basis of the framework frame, their mount should be made by means of corners. The outer side of the frame should be covered with boards. On long straps, retreating 8 cm from the angle, you need to fix the legs, at their basis - the bars with a length of 10 cm. The legs can be strengthened to boards with screws with a length of 60 mm.

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Sail chair seat board circuit.

Now you can proceed to the installation of the wheels. To do this, mounted rollers in the central part of short legs, their mount should be made with screws with a length of 30 mm.

In order to make the grille, through the electrolling to be chopped from the plates of the board with dimensions, equal to 60x8 cm. The bar must be strengthened to the sun bed, using for this self-tapping screw, while you need to make a gap of 2 cm. It is possible to correctly make clearances by special spacers.

If it is supposed to make such a chaise lounge with his own hands so that it has an adjustable back, the lattice needs to be divided into 2 parts, one of which will become a sun bed, the other - headboard. Both parts need to be installed on the connecting boards and strengthen them with a door loop. In order to equip the fastening bar, between the long bars of the design frame to strengthen the transverse rail. The reference rack must be fixed on the mounting plate, it must be fixed from both sides using screws.

At this stage, it can be assumed that the design is ready, but the surface of the sun bed has to be treated, for which it is possible to use a grinding machine, after which the wood needs to be lacquered.

Tissue Chaise Lounge Production Technology

Make a chaise lounge with your own hands is permissible and on another sketch, which can be seen in fig. one.

The basis of such a design is also a framework.

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Figure 1. The tissue chaise lounge is convenient to store, as it can be folded.

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This chaise lounge is extremely conveniently stored, as it gives up folding.

For the manufacture of a structure, a rectangular cross secting should be prepared, their dimensions should be equal to 25x60 mm, 2 rails must have a length of 120 cm, two more - 110 cm, and the same number of regions should have a length of 62 cm. For the frame assembly will be needed Rake with a circular cross section and a diameter of 2 cm, one rail must have a length of 65 cm, two others - 60 cm and two more - 50 cm. For the tissue component, there will be a robust matter with dimensions in 200x50 cm. Fixed elements are sold and furniture Bolts D8 mm.

Preferably, if the rails are made of durable and solid rocks, among them birch, oak or beech. The material can be a canas, jeans or tarpaulin.

After cutting, the rail should be handled by sandpaper.

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Figure 2. Dimensions of the elements of the deck chair: A, B - the main frames; V - stop regulator.

In fig. 2 You can see the dimensions of the elements. Under the letters A and B marked the main frames, in - the stop controller. In long racks of the main frames, retreating from the angles of 40 and 70 cm, it is necessary to form holes with a diameter of 8 mm, after, applying a round feet, they must be styled. In order for the design to change the position of the back, the frame B must be equipped with 3-4 cuts with a step of 7-10 cm. It is possible to equip the seats, drill a hole with a diameter of 2 cm, it is necessary to make them a retreat from 2 ends of the rail. In the resulting holes, it is necessary to establish crossings, which are round rakes, they need to smear their ends in advance.

Now you can start the installation of a sun lounger, for this you need to connect the elements A and in the screws to turn through the upper holes. The same technology should be used when connecting elements A and B, however, it is necessary to do it through the bottom holes. Then you can proceed to cutting and sewing seats. The length of the fabric must be determined by the possibility of folding. Prepared fabrics need to be treated in the region of the edges, only after the matter you need to nail to round raids, which are located on the elements A and B. The edge of the fabric needs to be wrapped around the crossbar, and then strengthen all the small carnations that have thick caps.

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Installation of folding chair

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

Figure 3. Table on which the number and length of bars should be determined.

The lounge chairs themselves are convenient, but they can be located or lying, or half a walk, and the kentuk's chair will allow resting in a sitting position. Based on bars. For work, it is necessary to prepare bars with dimensions in 45x30 mm, galvanized wire D 4 mm, and galvanized brackets. The chair can be made from bars, the dimensions of which are 50x33 mm, they can be obtained by cutting to 3 parts of the board with dimensions in 50x100 mm.

Instead of galvanized wire and brackets, it is permissible to use studs. In fig. 3 You can see the table at which the number and length of the bars should be determined. According to the drawing, it can be seen where it is worth performing through holes. Their diameter should be 2 mm more wire thickness. The surface of the bars need to be treated with a skirt. When assembling the carcass, you need to be guided by the pattern on which the dotted line of the place where the wire should be processed. Casting off the wires of the wire is to raise the chair. Now you can cut the surplus with plaques and get them down, strengthening the brackets.

Before making a lounge chairs, you can choose from the appropriate design described above.

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

How to make a chaise lounge right and quickly?

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